
America’s 2nd Revolutionary War

Traveling from tea parties in Texas to “Oath Keeper” rallies in Massachusetts, VICE investigates whether the country is actually on the verge of the 2nd Revolutionary War.

The Department of Homeland Security classifies them as potential “domestic terrorists”; they prefer to be called patriots. As the economic crisis deepens, a growing movement of Americans is rejecting the two-party system and the mainstream media. They believe a violent revolution is imminent, and they’re getting ready for it now. VICE correspondent Ryan Duffy crosses the country to meet the people on the front lines of the struggle. They include Alex Jones, a radio talk show host in Austin, Texas who is waking people up to the dangers of the corporate globalists — and has seen traffic on his websites increase dramatically in recent months. We also meet Sgt. Charles Dyer, a U.S. Marine stationed at Camp Pendleton who has taken an oath to disobey unconstitutional orders and take up arms against the government if it becomes tyrannical — and is training a citizen militia to do the same.

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  1. These people are not the problem nor the solution. They are the result.

  2. The truth about the Democratic party starts back in the American Civil War , Lincoln calls for freeing all slave’s, the Southern States succeed the union and votes in a new president and Congress and house, Becoming the confederate Democratic states of America and the war kicks off. The Republican North union Army. Jackson was the first Democratic party member and founder. As matter of fact all Democrats had slaves and refused to free them . After the war the Republican party dominated the white house and Congress and house of Representatives and supreme Court . So there was a treaty to combine the two parties into Government to create a bipartisan Government that would be able to represent the people of the Confederate states and the Union States equally. Ending the war. Today the Democrats use plantation politics. For example someone’s getting off a ship from Ireland and imagration from Italy and Englad,Germany,Scotland, Russia ,Norway, Mexico,France. The first person to greet these imagration floods of the poor weak and sick are the Democratic party representatives who offer these people slum housing, soup kitchens, and jobs, all they had to do was vote Democrat every election. Well the rest of History shows back in the Civil rights movement Republican party Black African American people wanted to abolish segregation and wanted equal rights, who answered the call? The democratic party and it wasn’t because they loved Black Americans it’s because they saw potential voters for democratic party. They support Dr King and Malcom x financing the movement . All of a sudden turned 50 million African Americans into Democrats. The Slave owners of the south finally have their plantation back all they have to do is make sure none of the imagration or African Americans are Educated or able to make fair wages and have access to guns,drug,alcohol and crime, which creates a need for welfare for 47% of American’s all they have to do is vote democrat. This is plantation politics. Then the KKK officials who are all democratic party realized hanging ,burning,raping African Americans was not going to be tolerated by the law. So one the the Grand Dragon Wizards wife’s came up with planned Parenthood they could legally murder and control African American population eugenics is born. Unfortunately today the disregard for African Americans and even white Americans is very high in the rich Elite of the democratic party constantly shaving away protected Constitutional civil rights eventually the Democrats realize that they will never fully Dominate America or shave away rights any further unless they can legally find a way to disarm american’s and prevent them from rebeling when they start seeing the corruption the plantation politics has created and all the people it has enslaved. So now they create and educate our children’s books and articles ,education,movies,music and now even the news Americans get to see and media, and they delete anything that could enlighten American’s. And now the are creating false flags to disarm the people, using propaganda, fake news,movies, and attacks. The only way this country will ever be free again is if American’s get confident enough and realize that the second amendment rights is the key the founders gave them to change a corrupt government and give it back to them people. Only 3% of American’s is needed to win. 35% would make it happen quick. Love you all my fellow Americans. United we stand, devided we fall. Defend the constitution everyone and the 2nd amendment infringement means to limit or break or encroach on. The second amendment is permanent and cannot be changed or broken or limited it’s already knowingly being infringed since 1930,s . Get loud folk’s you can make a difference elect new officials all 3rd party.

  3. idiot French revolution gave them a republic
    Bolshevik revolution game the communism and a Republic
    the turk revolution gave them genocide and a Republic
    The national socialist , killed the socialist, communist, all left wing ideologies and jews to support a dictator headed fascist
    North korea is the Republic of Korea
    Khmer Rouge fought communism in favor of a dictatorship
    Kenesian economic FDR’s New Deal created the middleclass and made us the richest most powerful nation of the world , took us to the moon and was from 1930’s to 1980’s
    people on the left do not know who saul alinski is he wrote a book a faviorite of the right
    Hippy movement wasn’t anti government it was a personal decision to live in peace no war and healthy in a natural bound to the earth lifestyle, no revolution just a choice
    weather underground was a couple of extremist nuts
    remember Russia is a republic, Iraq is a republic, Iran is a Republic, China and North Korea are republic as Vietnam, Mexico

  4. It’s funny so many of you think the “right wing” is revolutionary when the “left wing” has spoken of NOTHING but revolt and revolution from their very beginning.

    Historic Examples:

    French Revolution,
    Bolshevik Revolution,
    Young Turk Revolution,
    National Socialist Revolution
    North Korean Revolution
    Khmer Rouge
    China’s “Great Leap Forward”
    John Maynard Keynes’ Bloomsbury Group
    Fabian Socialism
    Saul Alinski
    The Hippy Anti-Government Revolutionary Movement
    The Weather Underground
    The Black Panthers
    The Manson Family Race War Scheme
    Jim Jones’ “People’s Temple”
    The Rajneeshi Bioterror Attack which deliberately poisoned 751 people in Oregon
    Code Pink
    The “Arab / Al Queda Spring”
    Blac Block
    Occupy Wall Street

    Etc. Etc. Etc.

    (Yes – ALL – Nazis and Fascists are LEFT-Wing in that they demand Government / Group – i.e. Socialism – domination and result in the sacrifice of life, liberty, and property of the individual for “the greater good” – Explanation here if necessary: )

    Right Wing means restraining the MAJORITY to protect the rights of INDIVIDUALS.

    Left Wing means MAJORITY RULE (i.e. – the 99%) has the right to do whatever they want to the MINORITY (i.e. – “the 1%”)

    All the “right wing” ever wants is to be LEFT ALONE by ne’er do well predatory socialist scumbags and looters.

    • such nonsense, yes the original founding fathers were leftwing progressives who believed in self governing a radical idea in the conservative world of aristocracy and it is true the tories were the conservatives. You really do not understand the words and meanings you just make claims that are nonsense. Nazi are well accepted rightwing extremist along with other Fascist all rightwing.

      • Whats funny the ones who run the media,movies,Internet are the left,and the ones who infringe the 2nd amendment. are Libtarded Demoncrats anti god anti liberty. Democrats are American people’s enemies always have been. They never can see past the free welfare.

      • Not true at all Jackson was the first Democrat and slave owner all slave owners was democrats. The Confederate Democratic states of America vs the Republican North union Army to free slave’s was Lincoln a Republican. Stop spreading crap that Democrats have ever done anything good in history .

    • Well said!!!!

  5. Love Texas logic, they want to secede from USA while saying “YOU’RE UNAMERICAN”… Nothing more un-American than wanting to secede from America LOL

  6. Love Texas logic, they want to secede from USA while saying “YOU’RE UNAMERICAN”… Nothing more un-American than wanting to secede from America LOL

  7. Dear god. Talk about barking up the wrong trail. “Right-wing revolutionaries”…. you realise the inherent contradiction in that, right? Its truly amazing how the easily elites can trick less intelligent segments of the population into fighting against their own interests.

  8. funny to me that all the people in this video have a redneck accent. ALL of them are rednecks…. if rednecks want to overthrow the government, i’ll fight them too.

  9. These people are fucking nuts, and convincing themselves they’ve got momentum. Reality is they’re an insignificant number of extreme right wing, white, and most are older than 50. Globalization is inevitable as our communities open up and realize there are people in all walks of life who want the same basic things. They’re going nowhere fast. I would love to see a task force eradicate everyone of these nut jobs. Why is the majority of the “patriot movement” old, white, and fucking fat? I wonder.. Losers.

    • Your pretty far off. The numbers show around 114 Million people in the United States are resisting disarmament and preparing for war. At that mass there is no stopping the pro gun fanatics here in the U.S. I think we need to be more willing to cooperate with them. Can you imagine what will happen if 100 MILLION people attack the u.s.??? They would have control in DAYS. I’ve done a lot of research lately and most of them are Police , Swat , Military or ex Military. They are well armed , trained and ready to strike. I think my president needs to tread carefully before we are all in deep deep shit!!

  10. isn’t it funny how often people most violently despise those who remind them the most of themselves?

  11. they are very good portraying stuff and all! but i also get the feeling that they are back’d by political interests (and of course Democratic money) other channels such as Alex Jones are properly back’d by tea party money so Vice and them have that in common! they are also “The Big Mans Bitch” sort of speak!!!

  12. they are very good portraying stuff and all! but i also get the feeling that they are back’d by political interests (and of course Democratic money) other channels such as Alex Jones are properly back’d by tea party money so Vice and them have that in common! they are also “The Big Mans Bitch” sort of speak!!!

  13. they are very good portraying stuff and all! but i also get the feeling that they are back’d by political interests (and of course Democratic money) other channels such as Alex Jones are properly back’d by tea party money so Vice and them have that in common! they are also “The Big Mans Bitch” sort of speak!!!

  14. I really like Vice documentaries for their coverage of reality around the world. I’m not sure why they went such a different way with this documentary. This documentary was clearly made with an agenda in mind. An agenda to portray the tea party as a bunch of wackos and they couldn’t have hand picked a better wacko. The star of this documentary is doesn’t have anything to do with the tea party. He’s a crazy militia member (and not a very smart one). Blending the tea party with militias and Alex Jones just doesn’t make sense. They are 3 obviously very different things.

  15. I really like Vice documentaries for their coverage of reality around the world. I’m not sure why they went such a different way with this documentary. This documentary was clearly made with an agenda in mind. An agenda to portray the tea party as a bunch of wackos and they couldn’t have hand picked a better wacko. The star of this documentary is doesn’t have anything to do with the tea party. He’s a crazy militia member (and not a very smart one). Blending the tea party with militias and Alex Jones just doesn’t make sense. They are 3 obviously very different things.

  16. yes!! i welcome the new world order….all hail new world president. 🙂

  17. All they need to do is start shouting “Allahu akbar!”, stop shaving and the transformation is complete.