
Jane Fonda in Five Acts

Oscar-winning actress Jane Fonda is many things besides just being an actor, some of which being an activist and fitness tycoon but she has lived a life shrouded in controversy, tragedy and transformation whilst all of this occurring in the public eye.Jane Fonda in Five Acts reveals how Fonda has been hated as Hanoi Jane, lusted after as Barbarella and heralded as a beacon of the women’s mo

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It’s Time We Talked

A wry and intense road trip across direct democracy's history and potential in America, warmly probing the historical record, stories of ballot activists of all stripes, our political assumptions, and everyday people's ideas for laws, to build the case for true citizenship.A film by Olaf Bertram-Nothnagel

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How The Kids Took Over

In the last 10 years, corporations have doubled what they spend marketing to your children. It's no wonder. Children influence 62% of family purchases - everything from snack food to cameras to cars. Kids under twelve are at the epicentre of consumer culture.There is gold in the hills, and marketers know your children will lead the way. So, they spend billions of dollars every year, on the pre

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Grizzly Man

Originally released in 2005 by German documentary filmmaker Werner Herzog, Grizzly Man is a film that chronicles the life and death of grizzly bear activist Timothy Treadwell. In 2003 Treadwell and his girlfriend Amie Huguenard, went camping in Katmai National Park, typically Treadwell would leave the park towards the end of the summer but this year he decided to stay into early October. It is dur

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Generation OS13: The new culture of resistance

Generation OS13 is an explosive insight into the attack on civil liberties occurring in western democracies and how artists, musicians, journalists and authors encourage the peoples right to resist against Banker occupation.Examining economic dictatorships, puppet regimes, tax havens, tax dodgers, and the debt based money system the film explains why 'you can not count on the law makers to se

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Fahrenheit 9/11

Directed by Michael Moore, whose aura of controversy only grew after his Oscar acceptance speech at the 2003 Academy Awards, Fahrenheit 9/11, like Moore’s Bowling For Columbine and Roger & Me, promises to expose the corporate wrongdoings and big-money scandals perpetrated by America’s financial elite. This movie, however, looks beyond the inner echelons of General Motors and Lockheed Martin in

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Ethos, a powerful new documentary hosted by Woody Harrelson, is an investigation into the flaws in our systems, and the mechanisms that work against democracy, our environment and the the common good.With a stunning depth of research and breadth of analysis, this film delves deep into the inter-connected worlds of Politics, Multi-National Corporations and the Media.Most of us have wondered

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Dispatches: Young, Nazi and proud

Dispatches reporter David Modell films a remarkable six months spent in the questionable company of Mark Collett, leader of the youth wing of the British National Party, and reveals the true nature of a party trying to reinvent itself and broaden its appeal. A rising star of the party, Collet reveals to Modell his deeply held Nazi sympathies. This despite the party’s claim it no longer has any ass

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Conspiracy of Silence

(Banned Discovery Channel Documentary)"Conspiracy of Silence" is a powerful, disturbing documentary revealing a nationwide child abuse and pedophilia ring that leads to the highest levels of government. Featuring intrepid investigator John DeCamp, a highly decorated Vietnam war veteran and 16-year Nebraska state senator, "Conspiracy of Silence" reveals how rogue elements at all levels of

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