
The Invisible Machine: Electromagnetic Warfare

Imagine the future – a strange new weapon is detonated high over a large city. There is no explosion, no visible destruction, but everything electronic within the range of this weapon will go out … permanently. Every electronic gadget in every home and office – disabled. No computers, no T.V., no life support systems in hospitals, no water supply, no heat, no lights – truly, a return to the dark

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The Lost Book of Nostradamus

Could it be that Nostradamus, the “go to” prophet of all time, is reaching forward into the 21st century to give us a last warning? Is it already too late? In 1994, Italian journalist Enza Massa was at the Italian National Library in Rome conducting research on old texts, when she stumbled upon an unusual find in its stacks; a mysterious manuscript dating to 1629. The name of the book was surprisi

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The Lost Pyramids of Caral

This is a pyramid that ranks as one of the largest in the world, period. It’s one that covers on the surface of the mound it covers like 15 football fields. The volume of it is some, we calculate something like two million cubic meters of material. The magnificent ancient city of pyramids at Caral in Peru hit the headlines in 2001. The site is a thousand years older than the earliest known civiliz

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The Man in the Iron Mask

In life he was sentenced to a horrible fate; in death his identity and the reason for his punishment remains a mystery.For 34 years, he was shut away in the French prison of Pignerol, doubly locked behind the prison walls and a heavy iron mask that kept his face hidden. Some 300 years after his death, the identity of this tragic figure remains a mystery, even as the world’s leading historians

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The Man With No Alibi

The Man With No Alibi is part of BBC Three's online mini series known as Unsolved, which explores unsolved murder/missing person cases, very similar in style to Netflix's Making a Murder. In this six-part season we delve into the incredibly dark and bizarre case of Jong Ok Shin.Jong Ok Shin was murdered in the early hours of 12 July 2002, she was a 26 year old student from Korea, the way in wh

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The Mystery of Van Gogh’s Ear

In 1888, in Provence, France, an event occurred that was so bizarre it would enter modern legend. In the red light district on the edge of town a foreigner arrived at the door of a brothel, he was baring a package which he handed to one of the girls, the package contained a bloody piece of his own flesh. The man's name was Vincent van Gogh and at the time of the incident in question he was an unkn

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The Other Nostradamus

He predicted WWII, the deaths of U.S. presidents, and the turmoil of the 1960s. He prophesied that Israel would become a state 15 years before the event and foretold the Great Depression. Many of his visions seemed to pass unfulfilled, but are now being proven accurate.His name is Edgar Cayce, and he is sometimes called the other Nostradamus. Throughout the 1930s and ’40s, Cayce was a well-known

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