
The Deep Earth

Broadcast (1998) A curious feature of our planet’s surface is that it has two distinct levels: the dry land on the continents, on average a few hundred metres above sea level, and the ocean floor, making up two thirds of the Earth’s surface, several kilometres below sea level. Only in the past fifty years have scientists begun to explore in detail this vast region, revealing beneath the waves a la

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Autopsy: Emergency Room Massive Blood Loss

Broadcast (2007) In this new three part series, von Hagens explores the impact that accidents and assaults have on the human body, while also demonstrating what first-aiders, paramedics and physicians can do to try to preserve life. First, he dissected human bodies to show how they work; then he did it to show how humans die. Now, Dr Gunther von Hagens, together with the British Red Cross, demonst

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Coelacanth: The Fish That Time Forgot

Broadcast (2001) It was thriving long before the dinosaurs ruled the Earth, and scientists thought it had died out more than 65 million years ago. But in 1938, fishermen on a South African trawler netted a massive, scaly, blue-gray fish, and suddenly the long-extinct creature from the depths was back, stunning scientists and capturing headlines across the world. In “Ancient Creature of the Deep,”

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Light Darkness and Colours

Using Goethe's Theory of Colours (Zur Farbenlehre) as point of departure, Light Darkness and Colours takes us on a fascinating journey through the universe of colours. In 1704, Sir Isaac Newton published *Light and Refraction*, his study of the interactions between sunlight and prisms. Newton was, as a good scientist, intent on achieving objectivity, which meant studying sunlight in isolation. He

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Monumental Myths

Monumental Myths is a 47-minute documentary, which unveils the perpetuated myths told at several American monuments and historic sites.Carved in rock or cast in bronze, America's monuments are intended—by those who commission them—to impart a sense of authority and an unquestionable truth about the people and events they commemorate. Director Tom Trinley traveled across the country in a

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I Want The Earth (plus 5%)

The sole purpose of this story is to explain the simple maths of reality and the current Banking System – that is – 100 plus NOTHING does NOT equal 105 – and that charging interest on something that is created out of nothing, makes it impossible to repay, giving great power to those who do create money out of nothing – ie the Banks. This story was written by Larry Hannigan in 1971 and uses a ficti

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Autopsy: Emergency Room | Minutes From Death

Broadcast (2007) In this new three part series, von Hagens explores the impact that accidents and assaults have on the human body, while also demonstrating what first-aiders, paramedics and physicians can do to try to preserve life. First, he dissected human bodies to show how they work; then he did it to show how humans die. Now, Dr Gunther von Hagens, together with the British Red Cross, demonst

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