
Africa Addio (Farewell Africa)

Africa Addio is an Italian documentary film made in 1966 about the end of the colonial era in Africa. The film was released under the names “Africa Blood and Guts” in the USA (which was only half of the entire film) and “Farewell Africa” in the UK. The movie documents some of the disruptions caused by decolonization, such as poaching in former animal preserves and bloody revolutions, including the

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The Untold Story of Emmett Louis Till

Simple yet riveting, The Untold Story of Emmett Louis Till articulates the madness of racism in the South of the 1950s. Combining archival photos and footage with deeply felt interviews, this documentary tells the harrowing story of what happened when a mischievous 14 year old black boy from Chicago, visiting his relatives in Mississippi, whistled at a white woman in the street. The lynching that

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The Lost Pyramids of Caral

This is a pyramid that ranks as one of the largest in the world, period. It’s one that covers on the surface of the mound it covers like 15 football fields. The volume of it is some, we calculate something like two million cubic meters of material. The magnificent ancient city of pyramids at Caral in Peru hit the headlines in 2001. The site is a thousand years older than the earliest known civiliz

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USS Liberty Dead in the Water

On June 8, 1967, US Navy intelligence ship USS Liberty was suddenly and brutally attacked on the high seas in international waters by the air and naval forces of Israel. The Israeli forces attacked with full knowledge that this was an American ship and lied about it. Survivors have been forbidden for 40 years to tell their story under oath to the American public. This USS Liberty Memorial web site

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Secrets of the First Emperor

In the early years of anno domini, China experienced one of its most formidable and brilliant rulers in the personage of Qin Shi Huang, or 'The First Emperor of Qin.' By all accounts a visionary, Huang is now credited with laying the groundwork for the Chinese empire, setting forth the plans for the Great Wall (the first ruler to do so) and establishing the largest burial site on Earth - a site gu

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My Pet Dinosaur

It's a palaeontologist's dream: the chance to live in a world where dinosaurs are not something to be dug out of the ground but are living among us. It may sound far-fetched but dinosaurs were actually rather unlucky. The meteorite impact that doomed them to extinction was an event with a probability of millions to one. What if the meteorite had missed?Had dinosaurs survived, the world today wou

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The Templar Code

For nearly two centuries, the Knights Templar were the most powerful order in the Medieval world, a fearsome and unstoppable Crusader militia. Then came accusations of unspeakable crimes. Who were the Templars, really?How did they become so powerful, so fast, and why did they fall just as quickly? Evidence hints that the Templars excavated under Jerusalem's Temple of Solomon. What did they find

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Copenhagen Fall Out

During World War II, there were mounting fears that Hitler was building an atomic bomb. Such a prospect depended on two of the world’s top nuclear scientists: brilliant German physicist Werner Heisenberg, and his Danish mentor, Niels Bohr. In 1941, Heisenberg traveled 200 miles in secret to Copenhagen to meet Bohr. The meeting put both men in immense risk, and had a cataclysmic effect on their re

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Who Really Killed Aung San?

In August 1988, the people of Burma defied decades of military oppression with one of the most remarkable popular uprisings of recent times. The demonstrators carried pictures of…General Aung San, the country’s greatest hero, led Burma to independence from Britain and founded the army that rules today. The demonstrators believed that if they carried pictures of Aung San that no soldier would har

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