Louis meets a Las Vegas hypnotist who claims he can make dreams come true and meets a California man who teaches chat-up techniques.

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Louis meets a Las Vegas hypnotist who claims he can make dreams come true and meets a California man who teaches chat-up techniques.
LT did a good job exposing Marshall’s fraud.
Marshal is a conman. Correct.
This “hypnotist” reminds me of of Ted Haggard; he has that same stupid sing-song inflection.
I am hypnotist AS WELL and for what I can see is that all three of you are full of shit! And you probably couldn’t read a digital clock! I once hypnotized a goldfish to think he was a mouse, AND HE DROWNED.
If anyone wants to be hypnotized, please visit my website here: http://www.meatspin.com
I can’t begin to describe how much these dudes creeped me out. The dating “blissnotherapist” is a guy I would definitely mace. Anyway, I’ve got to go work on my dream board!!
I can’t get past the bad toupee.
just wasted 48 minutes of my life haha
I am a hypnotist and PLEASE don’t use this guy as your bias for hypnosis this guy is a hack and should not be allowed to practice ON ANYONE
I am ALSO a hypnotist, and please don’t trust OP as he/she is a fraud. As a (genuine) hypnotist take my advice; Never trust anyone who claims to be a hypnotist and/or is in contact with something “on a deeper level than most”
Oh, and btw…. OP will become gay if you use the word “ham-clam” in his/hers proximity. If this becomes too much or becomes threatening to yours or anyone else’s life the break word is “pearl”
I am hypnotist AS WELL and for what I can see is that all three of you are full of shit! And you probably couldn’t read a digital clock! I once hypnotized a goldfish to think he was a mouse, AND HE DROWNED.
If anyone wants to be hypnotized, please visit my website here: http://www.meatspin.com
Thank you.
bbc took down some of the parts on youtube. here’s an alternative link to putlocker. http://www.putlocker.com/file/5698FA2131C3B06A#
thank you!
you fag holes.
americans are individuals with unique characteristics and talents that are only being limited by all the negative all people like you.Im native american and this place is a shit hole but were working on it J.hardin
Predictable, but ‘well crafted’ BBC demoralization psy op at the service of
the Globalist EUGENICS agenda (TOO many people/ men STUPID/ traditional coupling
REDICULOUS/ the human condition —DEPRESSING).
FACT IS nomatter how amazing the Theroux access, we always come away having
seen or felt or realized NOTHING NEW.
IF Theroux wants to get to the next level, he’ll drop the Harry Potter pose, leave
the comfy, elite state porpaganda arm BBC.
Time to turn those cameras on the ‘hidden masters’ ‘the Big Boys’ of Globalism
(Evelyn de Rothchild, David Rockefeller,Ted Turner, Bill gates, Soros et al)
and their belief system —–EUGENICS.
CHECK OUT: ALAN WATT ‘The NEO Eugenics War Against Humanity’ sometime.
You’ll never see Louis inthe same light again. EVER
You are fucking crazy.
I would not trust this guy at a bar. lol CORRECT
I would not trust this guy at a bar. lol CORRECT
the threats that these preachers make are unethical, bordering on criminal. Shame on them…”the faith of a mustard seed”. It all boiled down to Faith…”do you want to be a sheep or a wolf?” LOL!
Barbara Ehrenreich’s book “Bright Sided” is one of the best explanations of this New Age Cult Phenome of “just think and it is so”. I actually appreciate Theroux’s odd journalistic tactics under these circumstances.
Barbara Ehrenreich’s book “Bright Sided” is one of the best explanations of this New Age Cult Phenome of “just think and it is so”. I actually appreciate Theroux’s odd journalistic tactics under these circumstances.
I hate the way Louis Therouxs documentaries manipulate you into
having his opinion. He should go there, be open minded and listen instead of
having his opinion all cut out for him in advance..
He displays no opinion. He simply asks questions that are borderline insulting to these ass-monkeys.
He displays no opinion. He simply asks questions that are borderline insulting to these ass-monkeys.
I strongly believe that these CON-ARTIST have mental issues.
Hilarious! And really painful to watch at times.
What a load of bullshit, only americans would believe this crap
If you truly believe all Americans are as naive as the few shown in this video then you’re just as gullible as the rest of them. Sweeping generalizations are fun!
I am an American and have never believed in this sort of thing.
Another fine example of European snobbery! You really want us to believe your special don’t you?
I do not believe that in the whole of European society you could not find anyone to accuse of being gullible. Maybe your not looking hard enough.
I have seen other documentaries produced in the UK which show the tendency toward abuse of the disabled in your society, should i concluded that this is the norm over there and insult you accordingly?
americans believe all the crap of the world because we killed our god with our cars and computers and have no connection to our stolen land. thats why all the serial killers are american and all of the “alien abductions” are in america and why louis theroux makes all of his documentaries here.
Americans believe this crap because theybelieve in things like skyfairies and magical gods. If they were atheists, like louis theriot, they would make documentaries like this for the rest of the world to laugh at too.
Why do you think it is noble to insult people? Why is it even thought of as great thing that someone would make a documentary in an attempt to make himself a better man by laughing at his weaker fellow man?
You do not make a very good case for atheism. If this is what most atheist are like, i only know one, and i like him, so there is hope you are not all like this. By the way you spelled Mr.Theroux name wrong.
‘Correct’…. father i feel like you came down hard on me when you caught me smoking joints . hahaha so good
If he had a dollar for every time he said “correct” he’d be a millionaire. lol
The guy actualy mentioned to be close to being a millionaire, so you might be “correct” 😛