
The Billionaires’ Tea Party

The Tea Party movement has taken American politics by storm. But is this truly a populist uprising or one of the greatest feats of propaganda ever seen? Australian filmmaker Taki Oldham sets out answer this question, finding that behind the movement’s rhetoric of ‘freedom’ versus ‘socialism’ lies a highly co-ordinated network of shadow groups, funded by the likes of billionaire ideologues Charles and David Koch. Are the Tea Party protestors really just pawns in a plan to replace government with a privatized America?

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  1. Almost a decade later and Obamacare has a 53% favorability rating in a Fox News poll.

  2. Bla Bla Bla . . . . . Just common sense tells us that ALL politicians are corrupt, that corporations and banks are controlling the world. People are constantly brainwashed by sophisticated media and most people are to blind to the reality, and they simply do not care. The fact is, that democracy is the biggest lie, and illusion in the world. It is a scam.

  3. “Obama is a communist.” Jeez, I wasn’t aware we were still going through the Red Scare. People are going crazy over Bernie Sanders being a socialist when in fact the socialism they are thinking of is communism, which is a perversion of Marx’s socialism. Socialism was made by the people to help the people. That’s why I’m voting for Bernie. Because the US is somehow the only first world country that can’t admit that it is more socialist than it thinks and every other successful first world country has accepted socialist ideas and NOTHING BAD HAPPENED. I bet if Texas actually seceded like it keeps promising to do, we would lose almost all of the crazy fascist Tea Party members in Congress. Please leave, Texas.

  4. Removed due to copyright. Fuck you copyright. Fuck you!

  5. To Malcolm McLean

    Firstly the “Glass Steagall Act” was repealed by the “Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act”
    The “Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act” Formally Called “The Financial Modernization Bill” (July 1999) Written by three Republicans in the Congress – names are “Phil Gramm”
    – Republican, “Jim Leach” – Republican, and “Thomas J. Bliley, Jr.” – Republican and co-sponsored by 12 Republicans. The vote was overwhelmingly Yea by 343 all republicans except 10 voted for it and Nay by 86 overwhelming democrats voted against it but they were not the majorityin the Congress.

    Now you might ask why didn’t President Clinton veto the bill – because our president is not a king – if he had vetoed it – it would have gone back to the congress and by a two/thirds vote the bill would have passed even if the President had vetoed it. Or not signed it at all!

    The same goes for the “Free Trade Act with China”, “Nafta” (Reagan tried and worked with both Canada and Mexico but it was George H.W. Bush that signed it first, and so it goes
    – These were Republican legislation and written by Republicans and passed by a hugh majority of Republicans. That’s why we democrats are trying to tell you the Republican Party is no longer on our (the people) side – since Nixon and the rest since him. You need to demand cleaning up the Republican party!

    You can look these up easily in Wikipedia but you have to read the whole article. But I recommend – research at: and These are web sites where you can look up bills and see who writes them and who votes for them. You can even see and read the bill such as the “Affordable Health Care Act” It’s long but very easy to read and understand.
    Most of what the voting Republicans complain about are bills that are actually written and enacted by The Republican legislature. Don’t relay on the media – go straight to the source to get your information. BTW the Republican legislature is trying to shut down these sites, stating that the public isn’t educated enough to understand them.
    Also about the “Glass Steagall Act” – The Democrates are trying to bring it back into law and it failed to passed due to the Republican legislature. But they are trying again, they have said Nay to all Job bills except a Jobs bill for our veterans returning home. So when the media says Obama hasn’t accomplished anything it’s because of the dominate Republican Congress – they want him to fail. When any President fails he fails all the people!
    Educate yourself and then vote.

    • If you bothered to take your own advice and visit those sites, you would know that Glass-Steagall was never repealed, only certain parts. Further, it would not have prevented the Great Depression as loan-financed securities speculation weren’t the problem. It would not have prevented the recent crisis either.That came from credit losses on real estate loans.

  6. I find it amazing the hipocracy that the only thing that these free market advocates oppose all socialized agendas except primary and secondary education and have 18 year olds that cannot read. Thats it keep em dumb.
    Socialized medicine? it was the end of the world for…….ER…….. Finland, Britain, Australia, France, Germany, Holland, Denmark, Canada…………well just about every other first world country.

    Thank God I am not in American, the land of the gullible, told what to think by the greedy!

    • “I have never understood why it is ‘greed’ to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else’s money.” – Thomas Sowell

  7. A bunch of sheep in a herd following a corporate shepherd dressed up as a peasant.
    I don’t really blame some of them though, I wouldn’t want my “freedoms” taken away either if it meant giving up my two vacation homes, my hummer, my cheap food and my low taxes. The idea behind the american dream is fantastic, I am sure every human on earth would want that. The problem with it is that if everyone got the chance to live the “american dream”, we would have destroyed this planet years ago. America should give the REALISTIC american dream a shot…..yeah thats right, trade the hummer in, forget about the dollar menu and for the planets sake, take the oil filled needle out of your arm

  8. OMG! get the koolaid ready

  9. I pretty much figured this out already, but it was nice to have it all compiled into one video. Thankfully OWS pretty much destroyed the illusion of the Tea Party and the Koch Brothers have been exposed and have become a target of the American Public.

  10. I think having a two party system is a large part of our problem. As well as a ‘them versus us’ mentality that make it hard to work together. People vote with their party even if it is not something they particularly agree with. 

  11. americans are so dam stupid, whats it like watching tv to find out what your opinion is  instead of making up your own mind? 
    by the way, why is it you dumb bastards need a license to drive a car but not to own a gun?

  12. Wow how gullible our people are.  If its backed by corporate media, I smell a rat.  I think they are good people, they just got conned.  Ron Paul for President

  13. There is something rotten in the states, and i have real big problems seeing any hope of it getting fixed. And it clearly shows most of them dont know what comunism is.

  14. do they not realize that deregulation in the banking induistry led to the latest Wall Street collaps.  Lehman Brothers could not have happenned in most western countries.  They would have been stopped by rules.  What do they exactly want.  No goverment?

  15. Truly the land of the sheep and home of the slave (intellectual slaves)

  16. Truly the land of the sheep and home of the slave (intellectual slaves)

  17. ‘Plans to replace govt with a privatized America?’ Ha! That happened a long time ago. USA already is a corporatocracy. Democracy is an illusion, it has been run by private corporations for years. Shame the public has been too distracted by celebrity gossip to notice that they’ve already given up their rights to change it. 

  18. ‘Plans to replace govt with a privatized America?’ Ha! That happened a long time ago. USA already is a corporatocracy. Democracy is an illusion, it has been run by private corporations for years. Shame the public has been too distracted by celebrity gossip to notice that they’ve already given up their rights to change it. 

    • I live here in America Sarah..I’m not sure if you do. I have been saying this since I was a teenager! People are too ignorant to understand the rights they have until they are taken away. The dumbing down of the USA is a damn shame. The most disgusting part is watching it and knowing that I live here, alongside these people caring more about whichever celebrity or ridiculous reality show is “in” and not giving a damn whether our freedoms are being denied, restricted, or just plain TAKEN AWAY! Honestly watching this made me saddened, but mostly just sick to my stomach, because I know everything in this documentary is true. If it were not for my family I would have moved from this country long ago.

    • I live here in America Sarah..I’m not sure if you do. I have been saying this since I was a teenager! People are too ignorant to understand the rights they have until they are taken away. The dumbing down of the USA is a damn shame. The most disgusting part is watching it and knowing that I live here, alongside these people caring more about whichever celebrity or ridiculous reality show is “in” and not giving a damn whether our freedoms are being denied, restricted, or just plain TAKEN AWAY! Honestly watching this made me saddened, but mostly just sick to my stomach, because I know everything in this documentary is true. If it were not for my family I would have moved from this country long ago.

  19. I can see a fifty percent chance of the USA having a second civil war.  That should keep them busy for a while.  They seem to be very hateful.

  20. So glad I live in Canada, with my “communist” Health Care and “government rules” that kept the Wall Street pigs away from my investments….. 

  21. Yu have to be very careful wen human emotionalism, propaganda and lack of education is mixed. I think when fear tactics are used  the public falls into this mode of destroying things that they have not ideal of how to fix. I will alway ecourage , ccrtique, research and critical thinking, great documnetary thanx

  22. When I first ran across this site, I had high hopes that it would present an alternative to the “propagandumentaries” the liberal mainstream media uses to try to convince the weak-minded that its outlets aren’t in fact irrelevant and should still be taken seriously.  Sadly, tripe like this dashes those hopes.

  23. please take the time to read this in full. i would really like to know what yYOU think about it all.

    in my oppinions to the documentary.. yeah thats exactly what the world needs.. a completely unregulated world with no rules or boundries.. THE WORLD IS JUST 1 STEP AWAY FROM BEING OWNED BY CORPORATIONS LIKE COCA COLA, VIOLIA, GENERAL ELECTRONICS, EXXON, SHELL, BP, ETC.

    serious AMERICA, its not our GOVERNMENT that is destroying us. its DEREGULATION to the point where corporations can ABUSE whoever and whatever they want in the sake of higher PROFITS. the coroporations DO NOT use these profits to give the WORKERS a better lifestyle or higher wages/a better work environment. all these profits and wealth go to the INVESTORS. these investors do nothing to the benefit of the company.

    all in all it really has to make one wonder how much anti-government/government conspiracy information was implicated and funded by corporations that want the general public to distrust the goverment so they can deregulate and therefore control.

    the government isn’t so bad people!!! after all ANYONE can run to become a mayor and anyone can get involved in politics, but it is very unlikely that anyone will be the CEO or own a percentage (even 1%) of the top 50 corporations in the world. these faceless corporations have no body, no soul, people work their one little part for their petty raises, promotions, and bonuses without even realising the overall negative effects it has on society or environment. the only REAL and TRUE beneficiaries to this system are the INVESTORS and SHAREHOLDERS of these corporations. they do nothing for their money and reap the most rewards. WE are the tiny parts that make it all work FOR THEM. WE are the blood in this body we call society. MY question is… WHY ARE WE ALL WAITING FOR SOME MARICLE TO CLEAN OUT THE PARACITES!?!? PROTESTING in some CITY is not working. THEY view countries as battle fields, the world as their chess board, people their pawns, corporations their kings, and money their queens. the only way to stop a machine is to make it malfunction. either enough small parts stop working which can not be replaced, cheaply, readily, easily, or better yet, major expensive parts are deemed unuseable or too costly to fix. TERRORISM is fear-mongering for control, a destructive act on a corporation is NOT classified as terrorism. either WE stop sipping cokes, and fueling OUR cars or take out the resources or institutions that make it all work. i know i am part of the problem too but i can also be a small part in the solution. WE can do it people!!! i have faith!!! i just hope there are more that think like me than think against me or my faith is pointless..

  24. …and the koch brothers laugh all the way to the bank.

  25. Clawing for a scrap
    From the carcass of the American dream
    Ignorance is bliss
    When you’re part of the Tea Party team…..

  26. This party’s bogus. America’s already on the verge of economic collapse due to ‘low taxes’ and ‘low regulations’ and now they want to lower it more? 

  27. I can’t help but laugh at this. To sum this up it’s a fight between patriots and selfish, stupid old thinkers

  28. When someone makes an argument against issues, or someone; and their own logic can be used against themselves, run don’t walk from the morons. 

    Vote Ron Paul

    • mmm RP rollin back civil rights and gettin that government small enough to fit into my uterus!  XD  

      RP needs a fruit cup and a trip to the old folks home, not the presidency!  

    • mmm RP rollin back civil rights and gettin that government small enough to fit into my uterus!  XD  

      RP needs a fruit cup and a trip to the old folks home, not the presidency!  

  29. american are so supid

  30. Obama 2012? You have just proven two posts here are correct sir. And yes, they mention ignorance.

  31. It amazes me again and again how ignorant and uninformed a large portion of the American population is, given that 80% of the population has access to the internet where they can access uncensored information…so sad:(

    • his reply is rooted in the same mindset than that of the teapartiers. Information censored in Magazines and all kind of traditional media – uncensored on the internet. What stupid bullshit! America has exquisite print media, the problem is that most people don’t use it and stick to weird stuff they got from Fox news and similar internet and radio chats.

  32. If there is a real New World Order, it is the Tea Party. This is the real takeover of the world. Shut down government, give power to the corporate elite.

    America is in a sad state. Thank God I’m not American.

    •  actually, did you know tea party members are included on fusion center watch lists alongside libertarians, ron paul supporters, and extreme leftists?

    • i agree – but it’s fascinating to look at it backwards and see the little things, like reducing education, theology instead of science, pumping the airwaves with propaganda, fear mongering… anything to make people vote against their best interests.  

      it doesn’t matter which country you’re in – if this doesn’t stop here in america, it will spread out like a disease.

      • Sounds like you are talking about Obama and the Democrat Prty….

        After all it was Clinton the repealed the Glass Tiegal act that had been in place for 70 years – and allowed the escalation of the Mark to Market rules – over-leveraging the banks to their downfall.

        It was Clinton that introduced the sub prime mortgages in 1994.

        It was Clinton who allowed Greenspan to basically take all the powers from the office that oversees the derivative mrket – that led to the downfall of Long Term Capital Management overleveraging themselves – and will be responsible for the downfall of the derivative markets in the next years.

        If we add Obama’s socialist policies of take from the rich and give to the poor – we will be like Canada or Europe – with high taxes, and a ‘socialized’ lifestyle.

        America wasn’t built on the European model of high taxes – currently most EU countries have a 21 – 25% sales tax on everything.

        So any new political party that can muscle it’s way to control overspending by Bernanke and Obama gets my vote.

        But of course the pre programmed neo liberal element will start to attack anyone that has a radically different ideology than they do – and this mockumentary is a sample of the failure to understand that America is underwater financially and will remain so unless a congress is willing to make the harsh changes required.


      • Sounds like you are talking about Obama and the Democrat Prty….

        After all it was Clinton the repealed the Glass Tiegal act that had been in place for 70 years – and allowed the escalation of the Mark to Market rules – over-leveraging the banks to their downfall.

        It was Clinton that introduced the sub prime mortgages in 1994.

        It was Clinton who allowed Greenspan to basically take all the powers from the office that oversees the derivative mrket – that led to the downfall of Long Term Capital Management overleveraging themselves – and will be responsible for the downfall of the derivative markets in the next years.

        If we add Obama’s socialist policies of take from the rich and give to the poor – we will be like Canada or Europe – with high taxes, and a ‘socialized’ lifestyle.

        America wasn’t built on the European model of high taxes – currently most EU countries have a 21 – 25% sales tax on everything.

        So any new political party that can muscle it’s way to control overspending by Bernanke and Obama gets my vote.

        But of course the pre programmed neo liberal element will start to attack anyone that has a radically different ideology than they do – and this mockumentary is a sample of the failure to understand that America is underwater financially and will remain so unless a congress is willing to make the harsh changes required.


        • I live in Canada and I have to tell you that nothing in the world would make me want to live in America with the kind of health care you guys had before Obama.  The healthcare here might not be perfect but I was always thankful that I didn’t live in America.  I was actually quite proud of America when Obama changed your healthcare system for the better. 

        • …And it was reagan / tinkle down that killed the middle class.  And bush’s deregulation and lack of oversight lead those sub prime mortgages to blow up.  Don’t pretend republicans didn’t have anything to do with it.

          cutting spending during a recession is the wrong thing to do – look up ‘hooverville’.  
          france’s socialized lifestyle sounds good to me, considering where the Corporatpcracy is taking us!  High taxes are ok, as long as i have clean air, health care, education, and a high standard of living for everyone in america.  Don’t piss the money away on wars and tax breaks.”any new political party that can muscle…”  my oh my, are you a faux news tea partier??  and you have the nerve to talk about pre programmed liberals!  Where were you during Bushie’s tax cuts for millionaires and the unpaid neo-con wars!  I have an inkling that you’re the brainwashed one.  I didn’t get my opinion from watching one ‘news’ channel.  I can’t take what you say seriously anymore…

        • …And it was reagan / tinkle down that killed the middle class.  And bush’s deregulation and lack of oversight lead those sub prime mortgages to blow up.  Don’t pretend republicans didn’t have anything to do with it.

          cutting spending during a recession is the wrong thing to do – look up ‘hooverville’.  
          france’s socialized lifestyle sounds good to me, considering where the Corporatpcracy is taking us!  High taxes are ok, as long as i have clean air, health care, education, and a high standard of living for everyone in america.  Don’t piss the money away on wars and tax breaks.”any new political party that can muscle…”  my oh my, are you a faux news tea partier??  and you have the nerve to talk about pre programmed liberals!  Where were you during Bushie’s tax cuts for millionaires and the unpaid neo-con wars!  I have an inkling that you’re the brainwashed one.  I didn’t get my opinion from watching one ‘news’ channel.  I can’t take what you say seriously anymore…

  33. Who gives a fuck about the founding fathers?! Why does that even matter? …fucking stupid.

  34. OBAMA 2012 !

  35. It still surprises me how ignorant people can be.

  36. the best change  will coming  in  USA……………………