
The Forgotten Plague

In this hour long special by American Experience we a glimpse of the fight against tuberculosis in the early 19th century. This documentary specifically aims its focus on American life in the 1800s and how tuberculosis (better known as TB) ravaged homes, families, children, and communities.

Tuberculosis is a disease that strikes the respiratory system by breaking it down to infantile organs. It can start out as a normal flu virus, with coughing being the number one symptom. After a few days it attacks the lungs at an even more alarming rate, causing internal bleeding, visible when you cough. Silently, the victim will eventually suffer a fatal end if this disease is left untreated, literally coughing himself to death.

An outbreak in the 19th century forced experts in the medical and social field to expand their knowledge in order to combat further outbreak. It even went as far as affecting government policy. This film serves to highlight how medical professionals in the 1800s dealt with the disease having only primitive technology and how exactly they found out how tuberculosis was spread, carried, and how it caused the carriers to become silent victims of the disease themselves.

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  1. Relax! – The Deadliest Killer in Human History can be killed long before it kills us – Tuberculosis, any other infections, cancers, diabetes, polio, cardiovascular, cerebrovascular and any other diseases, known on Earth, will be erased from the face of the planet in just a few days, if everybody (kids and adults) start doing my discovery (just an exercise for a minute a day – the greatest discovery of all time on Earth and maybe in the Universe) – My WVCD – The Weapon of Virus and Cancer Destruction – By far more powerful than the human immune system, keeping it intact all the time, for any pathogens are killed the moment they touch us – We humans will possess the Infinite Health and we will become Immortal – Just like the Extraterrestrials, like our Creators from the planet of Nibiru – The Anunnaki, if I am paid 5 billion bucks to disclose my discovery – Just 25 million bucks per country in the world – As a proof of the power of my discovery, for more than 5 years now, I never got sick even of the common cold, my blood sugar level is 300 mg/dl, but I am not sick of diabetes, for I cannot get sick of it, or of any other diseases – I am the healthiest person on the planet, I am absolutely free to eat any food I like, no restrictions whatsoever, doing my discovery for just a minute a day – The only way on Earth for everybody to stay absolutely healthy all the time and of course being Immortal, for Infinite Health = Immortality.

  2. 6 glasses of milk, and 6 raw eggs…..? Are you Fing kidding me? No wonder so many died in their care, because they were inducing a quicker death! Talk about exacerbating the disease by introducing so many more bacteria! Why the hell did he not feed them vegetable/vegetable juice or/and fruit? Historically man has been absolutely retarded when it comes to diet, but more specifically, Americans. The Indians had much better tribal diets than we could of comprehended.