“The Soviet Story” is a unique first time documentary film by director Edvins Snore. The film tells the story of the Soviet regime and how the Soviet Union helped Nazi Germany instigate the Holocaust. The film shows recently uncovered archive documents revealing this. Interviews with former Soviet Military intelligence officials reveal shocking details. “The Soviet Story” was filmed over 2 years in Russia, Ukraine, Latvia, Germany, France, UK and Belgium. Material for the documentary was collected by the author, Edvins Snore, for more than 10 years. As a result, “The Soviet Story” presents a truly unique insight into recent Soviet history, told by people, once Soviet citizens, who have first-hand knowledge of it.

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All you need to know is that it was the jews who were the worlds greatest mass murderers!!!!
Ironic that a nazi showed up to comment here. Talking about missing the point.
The idea of state corporatism came from the Revolutionary syndicalists, including Georges Sorel, who influenced Mussolini of Italian Fascism fame. In fact, Mussolini called Sorel his mentor. So, state corporatism came out of the labor union movement and the revolutionary socialists like self-avowed Marxist, Benito Mussolini.
As leftists such as Noam Chomsky have shown, the Fascist and Leninist “communism” evolved from the same Hegelian corporate entities. Indeed, so has the modern capitalist corporation. It is time for a hard hitting movie (more so than Oliver Stone’s “Untold History”) to tell the collaboration between Western powers such as the UK and USA with ruthless totalitarians – including the Nazis before the war. Since the war, as James A. Luca wrote in “Deaths In Other Nations Since WW2 Due To US Interventions” “the United States most likely has been responsible since WWII for the deaths of between 20 and 30 million people in wars and conflicts scattered over the world.” Preceding the war the figures are much greater when founding fathers were as dismisal of Native Americans as Marx was of Scots, and blood was spilled in the name of freedom in the Philippines and other client states.
So you’re trying to implicate capitalism with WWII genocide just because some typical shaking of hands over deals occurred during the course of business with totalitarians? FDR exchanged niceties with both Hitler and Mussolini relative to the promise of fascism, what do you think of that? I bet you’re not aware of it as you regurgitate cloak and dagger conspiratorial narratives. What’s more interesting is that the hard Left believes that if the state runs the corporation that this somehow makes it benevolent, by default. Why? It’s been demonstrated many times the corruption that manifests itself in state run enterprises once competition is eliminated and checks and balances, due diligence towards production efficiencies and processes become non existent. Corrupt elites flourish in such closed centralized systems as they insulate themselves with layers of sycophantical heads. It’s hard to imagine the leaps of logic that invites such imaginative silliness of the hard Lefts obsession for centralization, it’s bewildering. All evidence points to such an environment as an open invitation for corruption, the best outcome can only be complacency, at best. But it’s still the stuff behind the Leftist elites dreamy visions. Profoundly illogical.
Hitler himself was a Marxist, as was Mussolini. Hitler’s beef with Soviet Communism was that it was horribly implemented, the pencil pushing and civil war it invited among other things. The late Cambridge Scholar George Watson describes Hitler’s socialism in this engaging essay stemming from years of research in translating newfound manuscripts in the late 1980’s:
Also interesting, the US Lefts love of fascism, until they became painfully aware war was looming, they then did cartwheels to distance socialism from fascism. Leftist elites tried to rebrand fascism as being of the right; sadly most people aren’t interested in history, making its rewrite an easy sell when directed towards bobbleheadism.
It’s very interesting… but I haven’t understood what some interviewed people were saying, ’cause I don’t speak Russian. What a pity!
Amongst German historians, the idea that the Sovietunion was somehow the “forethinker” of the holocaust is thoroughly discredited and anyone who puts these ideas forward may win some popularity with the public – which is eager for anyone telling them that Nazism and Holocaust wasn’t really a “German thing” – but he’ll discredit himself amongst any serious scientists.
The persecution of intellectuels, during which a lot of antisemitic stereotypes were used, despicable as it was, was no holocaust. It wasn’t an organized extermination campaign, it was a wave of paranoia within the communist leadership.
The gulag system was no organized extermination campaign either. It was harsh, the conditions were brutal and the death of inmates was accepted – but it was by no means mandatory. The Soviet Union pursued a rapid modernization campaign and sacrificed millions to catch up wth the industrial developement of the west. Sad is this is, but that actually enabled it to win the war against Germany.
Germany, which fought the war on the east – and that is undisputable fact if you take a look at the strategic discussions within Wehrmacht and Nazi leadership – with the intent of exterminating the largest part of the people living there and enslaving the remaining people under the yoke of Germans to be settled there.
in what way this is propaganda? I know dozens of people whose parents or grandparents had been sent to Siberia and stayed there just because they weren’t allowed to come back.. My grandmothers father was one of them,, They only came back in 1991 or so.. You dont even know half of the monstrosities they done to the people over ”The Iron curtain”.. killings of the intelligent people all over Baltics after the war.. They killed everyone who might endanger the Communism
ow sh!t, wont let me watch the documentary, but i bet its all true what they’re saying based on what everyone here is replying about.
after all, communism was much worse then fascism, it is like a disease that spreads and starts wars (Vietnam, Korea). don’t tell me that what im saying is bull shit, my mom and dad (and everyone before them) experienced this and has a much stronger opinion then any amateur historian here.
This is propaganda
… and THIS IS a propaganda …
Looks great. I wish the Russian audio came with subs or interpreters, but I think you can still get the overall gist.
u r very right vince. But he has actually employed one basic concept for his propaganda documentary. If the fundamental rules of systems are similar then they will lead to similar results.
Neither the Irish famine, the wiping out of the Tasmanians, the genocide against the Armenians and the, completely sidelined by history and hollywood, genocide of the Californian Indians were the results of socialism. Strict non-interference in market freedom was the ethos which allowed the first and without going into the reasons for the others the fact is they happened. When any system allows inhumaneness then the benefits of the system have been sacrificed to the theory.
one should not be so stupid when he is making propaganda.
Terrible documentary. It does not take a vast amount of knowledge about the deaths caused by Stalin to know that 7 million dead in Ukraine is a vastly inflated and false number. I am not pro-socialist, but I have read much of the communist manifesto and am pretty sure you would have to twist and manipulate some quotes to think Marx promoted genocide. This is one-sided propaganda, not an investigative documentary.
And what about the witness?
socialism is a great thing, this film makes it look as if socialism = to totalitarian or authoritarian regime, which it doesn’t have to.
What stalin did was disturbing and i hope there is hell for someone like him.
But this doesn’t mean that we have to reject everything that is socialized like they do in america
Is Socialismo a great thing?
Pedro Menezes
Professor of Philosophy, Master in Science of Education
What is socialism:
Socialism is a political, economic, and philosophical doctrine that emerged in the late 18th century. It is characterized by the idea of transformation of society through the seizure of the means of production and control of economic resources by the working class, as well as public management guided by the principle of social equality.
Socialism emerged during the Industrial Revolution as a political program of the working classes. It was born as a reaction to the living conditions of workers in the large industrial centers of Europe, opposing liberalism and individualism and advocating a total reformulation of society.
The new society projected by the socialists should be built on community bases and centered on the value of labor.
As an economic doctrine, socialism is the opposite of liberalism, which is based on private ownership of the means of production and on market economics. For socialism, by and large, the economy is based on collective need, not profit.
Origin of socialism
The French journalist and agitator Noël Babeuf (1760 – 1797) is considered one of the precursors of socialism. Already at the end of the 18th century, he advocated socialist proposals, such as agrarian and tax reforms.
Karl Marx (1818 – 1883) and Friedrich Engels (1820 – 1895) are two of the main names of socialism in the 19th century. They founded the so-called “scientific socialism,” which, based on a scientific method, critiques the capitalist regime and provides a political program for the liberation of the working class.
The ultimate goal of this program is the overcoming of social classes – communism, a form of social organization where the state and private ownership of the means of production would be abolished.
In Marxist theory, socialism would represent the intermediate phase between the end of capitalism and the implementation of communism.
In socialism, the people would take over the State’s business and manage it based on their own interests, with rational organization of the productive forces.
For Marx and Engels, this stage would be historically necessary for the construction of a new way of life, free from capitalist ideology, giving rise to communism.
From this perspective, no state has yet managed to overcome this stage, not providing objectively a communist experience in the world. However, throughout the 20th and 21st century, some socialist experiences have occurred.
Types of Socialism
Socialism admits a number of currents of thought, schools and tendencies. All of them have in common the fundamental characteristics that configure socialism.
However, each one comprises different ways of achieving social change, even though the final objective may be common: the realization of the principle of equality.
Utopian Socialism
Utopian socialism was a current of thought created by Robert Owen (1771 – 1858), Saint-Simon (1760 – 1825), and Charles Fourier (1772 – 1837). Born in the early 19th century, utopian socialism arose from criticism of capitalism and tried to find solutions to the problems of industrial society.
The name utopian socialism came about thanks to Thomas More’s Utopia, where utopia, used pejoratively, refers to something that does not exist or cannot be achieved.
These early socialists had in mind the construction of a more harmonious, just, and abundant society based on communitarianism and equal distribution of resources.
Marx and Engels, although they recognized the importance of these thinkers, distanced themselves from them, accusing them of “fantasizing” about the future of society.
Marx and Engels criticized the utopian socialists for ignoring the contradictions in society and the importance of class struggle, and for not presenting a viable path to socialism in concrete terms.
Read more about utopian socialism.
Scientific socialism
Scientific socialism, created by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, proposes the scientific analysis of capitalism, aiming to overcome it.
Scientific socialism, also known as Marxism, departs from utopian socialism by proposing a “science” of revolution. Its purpose is to determine the laws that govern the social organizations of capital, its emergence and maintenance and, from there, seek ways to overcome it.
Scientific socialism was crucial for the development of sociology and other social sciences throughout the 20th century.
Based on this theory, communism appears as a scientifically predictable phase in history. In the same way that socialism would be established from the overcoming of the capitalist phase.
Marxist socialism has historical materialism as its theoretical foundation, which proposes a rational knowledge of the world and the unveiling of the antagonisms existing in society.
Through the analysis of the economic formations of the Through the analysis of past economic formations (such as feudalism), historical materialism pursues the law of social phenomena.
Its goal is to understand how historical processes occur, the laws that govern death and the emergence of new social organizations. Socialism and communism arise as a necessary consequence of the dialectical (contradictory) movement of history.
According to scientific socialism, knowledge of history, in order to result in the desired social transformations, must be linked to political action. It is up to the majority social class, the proletariat (working class), to assume its protagonism and determine the social order from its own interest.
According to Marx, only the working class, through revolutionary action, could solve the conflict of capitalist society, promoting its overcoming.
Real socialism
Real socialism is an expression that designates the countries that have tried to put socialist ideals into practice. It is important to point out that socialism, as it was thought by 19th century theoreticians, was never fully implemented, much less communism.
In the 20th century, socialist ideas served as a basis for the construction of political, economic, and social systems in several countries.
Some states that went through a revolutionary process of socialist orientation, where some figures stood out:
Soviet Union (Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin)
China (Mao Tse-Tung)
Cuba (Fidel Castro and Ernesto “Che” Guevara)
North Korea (Kim Il-sung, Kim Jong-il, Kim Jong-un)
East Germany (Walter Ulbricht)
Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh)
Yugoslavia (Marshal Tito)
Burkina Faso (Thomas Sankara)
One of the more honest docs I’ve seen for a long time.
THIS IS STUPID PROPAGANDA. Of course there where people killed during the revolution. It was a civil war!!! People die during civil war so all this crap about them killing innocent people is just wrong!
The argument the guy was making was that the policy was eradicating intellectuals and anybody who might be opposition, not just the obvious enemy.
Please stop reposting this bullshitomentary…Most people have already seen it, thought it was crap, forgot about it… Don’t have to keep reminding us of its existence.
fuck soviets, worse than nazis
Twisted facts, single point of view and wonderful way to paint the history into black and white, good and evil. It got to be better documenteries out there.
this got to be the fucking dumbest documentary. The Soviet Union suffered a loss of over 3 million soldiers while fighting the Nazies a loss sever times higher than any other nation in the word which were in the few hundred thousands. ” how the Soviet Union helped Nazi Germany instigate the Holocaust.” haaaaaaa hilarious thats why the Russians took in so many Jews.
Agree, that Soviet Union suffered great losses. But does it proof anything? Both Stalin and Hitler were evil. But only Hitler is the bad guy in popular history. Maybe just becouse Stalin won in the end… I still can’t belive that so many people in Rossia admires Stalin. He killed so many of inoccient Russian citizens.
Who hasnt killed innocent people? The Americans? who since the 1920s have started conflicts all over the world killing millions Not to mention Hiroshima and Nagasaki whipping out hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians in a day. The British? who at one point controlled 75% of the world. The French? or the German Nazis? Stalin was no Lenin who loved his people and tried to help them but he was better than fucking Kurshov and the rest who came after him.
We Americans are certainly not ones to jump for joy over Hiroshima and Nagasakki, but less people died as a result of those bombings than as a result of Lenin’s starving genocide. Remember, the film points out that in a single year, Lenin’s genocide exterminated 7 million Ukranians, as opposed to 300,000 who died in said U.S. bombings in Japan. Now I won’t say that we Americans are innocent of genocide because we are guilty; the American Indians come to mind.
I’m really sorry to read your reply. I will give you a little hint, which maybe help you to understand my point of view. Stalin was the mass murder for his own citizens. Don’t you see the difference?
No one in Russia admires Stalin, you can be sure of that.
Although I am not Putin’s greatest fan right now he did say one smart thing “Whoever doesn’t miss the Soviet Union has no heart, whoever wants it back has no brains”… Russians that grew up in Soviet Union times had the opportunity to experience something that was much greater than themselves. It’s not possible to tell over a hundred million people that they were all wrong because ultimately theyre not. Their truth remains with them and your remains with you.Let’s hope that your truth is not solely based on this blatant propaganda that doesn’t come close to try to give an unbiased view on the topic. Read books and once you have read enough to formulate your own opinion, read some more.
Can you pleas support your point of view whit links or at least the names of the books, how can you be shore your not mislead..
This would be awesome If I spoke russian…