In the award-winning documentary THE WITNESS, Eddie Lama explains how he feared and avoided animals for most of his life, until the love of a kitten opened his heart, inspiring him to rescue abandoned animals and bring his message of compassion to the streets of New York. With humor and sincerity, Eddie tells the story of his remarkable change in consciousness.

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Wow, excellent, thought-provoking documentary. It’s so easy to go vegan–or in the very least, to reduce your consumption of animal products, which makes a difference too.
Were ANY of those trapped cats and birds rescued??????
Eddie serendipitously saw himself in that precious little kitten. Seeing, experiencing oneself in another living creation of God is empathy which is love. From a numerological perspective God is Zero and One is the highest number. I think the following quotation from the great Czech poet and novelist Milan Kundera puts this magnificent film into an extraordinarily clear focus:
“True human goodness, in all its purity and freedom, can come to the fore only when its recipient has no power. Mankind’s true moral test, its fundamental test (which is deeply buried from view), consists of its attitude towards those who are at its mercy: animals.”
― Milan Kundera, The Unbearable Lightness of Being
I too rescued a little kitten from almost certain death. After viewing “The Witness” I kissed and hugged Stella with tears rolling down my face for she is my life, my love.
God bless Eddie and thank you Documentary Heaven for making this life-changing and important film available.
but animals are made of meat…why shouldnt we eat them?
Your made of meat too!
It’s called compassion. Clearly something a few viewers are lacking.
Exclamation mark,
Quote: “You see those things happening around the world, well the thing is… what can you do about it?”
It all begins with one. I am a meat eater. I gave up milk products about a year ago and I do not wear fur. I have been opening my awareness of late to every aspect of harm being done to man and woman, animals and our planet via research, sites such as this one.
I will help this movement by being another ONE person to add to the many.
I applaud Eddie Lama and many others like him because they believed it only takes one to make a difference which began their journey toward change and public awareness.
I, as of today, will no longer eat meat!
Dear exclamation mark
Speak for yourself, me and all the members of my household eat no meat.
While watching this i was eating a handful of brazil nuts and almonds.
Yes, lets pretend that plants are not life forms.
obviously you are a family of homos
and obviously you are hugely obese
You see those things happening around the world, well the thing is… what can you do about it? Mankind is the top of the food chain and I bet while you’re watching this documentary, you feel awfully sad and everything but you’re sitting there in your couch eating away a pizza/fried chicken/steak. You see where I’m going here?
I learned a long time ago that a thief calls everyone else… a thief. So… what does this mean for you? Perhaps no more than the fact that you hang with people that eat crap… I will tell you what… Tell them about how you feel so you can get past this fantasy. Go out and get some more wisdom by finding wider perspectives.
Until then you are cynical and an embarrassment to yourself and others.
Not only do I admire his compassion, I think it is fantastic that he is going out and doing something to make a difference. Animals undergo so much suffering at the hands of humans- I hope that enlightenment and compassion are the new trends that begins to spread throughout mankind.
How can people get so excited about animals when we have such a high levels of human suffering in the world. I am not saying this man is a fool but maybe he should look at his priorities genocide in Sudan even within America social poverty.
Human suffering is a problem and animal suffering is an other problem! We do not need to stop helping humans to help animals… We can certainly try to fix the two level of problems at the same time!
Human suffering is a problem and animal suffering is an other problem! We do not need to stop helping humans to help animals… We can certainly try to fix the two level of problems at the same time!
i can see your point, however those problems are monumental in their scale of problem, socially and economically. these are things that will take along time to fix, if ever. I think people who make comments like yours are quite blind sighted by it as a good reply, and are to quick bring it in light without thinking.
these animal rights problems can be solved relatively easily if people or governments act. all it takes to to chose not to buy into, alot easier giving the poor money monthly or protesting about human rights violations around the world.
I am not saying things like everyone has to be a veggie, but things like the fur trade and a lot of animal testing is unneeded. however soon meat will cost to much as the value of water/oil goes up, so it is only a matter of time before being a veggies is just a day to day even. we as a race cause enough damage to our selves that we dont need to bring other species into it.
Hell maybe it is these small steps to living at one with nature and the planet, will cause us to tackle our own mound of shit we have created for ourselves.