In San Salvador , El Salvador 3220 km of Los Angeles ‘ Eighteen street ‘ , there is a gang known as “18 “and reign over their territory as an armed militia. In the mid 90’s , thousands of Salvadoran who lived illegally in the U.S. were deported to their homeland . Some brought LA gang culture with their back to a country ravaged by poverty and awash with weapons was . Organizing support for gang members in need, conducting an endless vendetta against its enemies, ” 18 ” going to help El Salvador one of the most violent and crime -ridden countries in the world. 18 With a Bullet , follows the life of this notorious Central American gang for six months . By the end of the film are the majority who were followed as Slappy , Sochi , and the 18- year old Travieso – in prison , with long sentences for their crimes .

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