
9/11 False Flag

The world has changed after September 11th. It’s changed because we’re no longer safe. These words were used by the George W. Bush, elected President of the United States in 2000, to dictate the political direction for the 21st century. Whereas Americans launched attacks relatively quickly, first on Afghanistan and later on Iraq, based on falsified evidence, doubts about the official explanation of the events of 9/11 are steadily increasing.
The speculations that surfaced on the Internet directly after the attacks were considered to be just wild conspiracy theories until recently.
However, circumstantial and substantial evidence paints a clear picture. The responsibility for the terrible attacks seems to lie not with Islamic terrorists but with several high-ranking members of the US government and military.
This documentary focuses on the inconsistencies in the official version of the events and on the evidence which has been suppressed regarding September 11th. It also answers why we still know nothing about it and why we are being deceived – including in Europe.

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  1. How did all the people who left comments watch the video? I tried and it says “this video is private” 🤔 Any help on where to watch this video? Anyone….anyone….anyone…..anyone….Bueller????

  2. Joe, WAKE UP Buddy!! no steel framed building EVER collapsed on itself from fire, and now 3 together!!!???? no thermite/super flammable fuel on planes, buildings closer to 1&2 did not collapse, i do not need to go on, please…don’t be suckered.

  3. fuck off with all the annoying pop-ups!!!

    there are so many at the beginning of this video that it DISTRACTS from the viewing. i gave up three minutes in and stopped watching what might be a very good documentary. way to go…

  4. I wonder the people who don’t doubt the 911 have to say when they read about ” north wood operation ” in wikipedia or something.

  5. 9/11 is just the beginning , next is Iran 

  6. There are some events that occured on that day that need to be explained until I will drop my doubts about what really happened.
    One  thing is the plane that hit the pentagon, no debris , small hole in the wall, and the confiscation of the security cameras fotage.
    The other thing is the plane that crashed in pensylvania , little burnt skidmark in the field. no or very little debris, no bodys.
    The third thing is the building 7 collapse. ( feels fishy )

    We need to focus on all things together to get the big picture , not on the individual happenings.

    • Just watch some debunk movies, the topics you describe have been thoroughly explained. As usual these movies are quite good at asking questions in a certain way. What they don’t give you is give a reasonable explanations of “what really happened”
      A controlled demolition? How could they possibly have pulled that off? And why do it that way in the first place? That would be an idiotic plan! I’ll give you a better conspiracy-explanation: The airplanes where full of thermite or whatever else causes an hugely exothermic reaction that could MELT (*wink wink*) steel, causing the towers to collapse for sure. Is there a shred of evidence for that? No! But it’s still more plausible than rigging the fucking building with explosives.
      A rocket hitting the pentagon? Have you ever heard of a large rocket that flies flat along the ground like an airplane so it can hit the target from the side? No? Well because it doesn’t exist! No one designs such a nonsensical device! And to think how much more complicated it would be to make sure no footage or witnesses of this rocket attack would appear. Here’s a better plan: Use a remote-controlled airplane. Looks like an airplane, steers like an airplane, blows up like an airplane. Is there evidence for that? No! But it damn well makes more sense than a goddamn rocket hitting the pentagon.
      Now what happened in Pennsylvania? Did they blow up a fake plane? Their whole ingenous plot went well expect for that fake plane not reaching its target, blowing up for some reason? Or was it to make it look like that plane was going somewhere, but failed? How does that make sense in this insane plan? Here’s a better plan: Leave the whole thing out, it’s a stupid idea to include it.
      You think building 7 “feels fishy”? Oh, but did you bother to read the report that does its best to explain it? Well, of course not, because that could all be part of the conspiracy! Why the fuck would you destroy building 7 in a controlled fashion? That is idiotic! The huge risk involved in pulling it off, when you could’ve just demolished the building in the aftermath like  some of the other WTC buildings where. What’s the fucking point?
      These movies are made by idiots from the comfort of their homes, watching footage and trying hard to find things they don’t understand so they can show them to other people who don’t understand them. None of this is evidence for a conspiracy. The greatest, most insane conspiracy to have ever happened. Which is not to say that there is no conspiracy! Maybe there is…

    • Just watch some debunk movies, the topics you describe have been thoroughly explained. As usual these movies are quite good at asking questions in a certain way. What they don’t give you is give a reasonable explanations of “what really happened”
      A controlled demolition? How could they possibly have pulled that off? And why do it that way in the first place? That would be an idiotic plan! I’ll give you a better conspiracy-explanation: The airplanes where full of thermite or whatever else causes an hugely exothermic reaction that could MELT (*wink wink*) steel, causing the towers to collapse for sure. Is there a shred of evidence for that? No! But it’s still more plausible than rigging the fucking building with explosives.
      A rocket hitting the pentagon? Have you ever heard of a large rocket that flies flat along the ground like an airplane so it can hit the target from the side? No? Well because it doesn’t exist! No one designs such a nonsensical device! And to think how much more complicated it would be to make sure no footage or witnesses of this rocket attack would appear. Here’s a better plan: Use a remote-controlled airplane. Looks like an airplane, steers like an airplane, blows up like an airplane. Is there evidence for that? No! But it damn well makes more sense than a goddamn rocket hitting the pentagon.
      Now what happened in Pennsylvania? Did they blow up a fake plane? Their whole ingenous plot went well expect for that fake plane not reaching its target, blowing up for some reason? Or was it to make it look like that plane was going somewhere, but failed? How does that make sense in this insane plan? Here’s a better plan: Leave the whole thing out, it’s a stupid idea to include it.
      You think building 7 “feels fishy”? Oh, but did you bother to read the report that does its best to explain it? Well, of course not, because that could all be part of the conspiracy! Why the fuck would you destroy building 7 in a controlled fashion? That is idiotic! The huge risk involved in pulling it off, when you could’ve just demolished the building in the aftermath like  some of the other WTC buildings where. What’s the fucking point?
      These movies are made by idiots from the comfort of their homes, watching footage and trying hard to find things they don’t understand so they can show them to other people who don’t understand them. None of this is evidence for a conspiracy. The greatest, most insane conspiracy to have ever happened. Which is not to say that there is no conspiracy! Maybe there is…

    • This is the kind of measured response that normal people should have. Don’t believe either side of the story, simply look at the facts and come to the only logical conclusion. More people need tho think this way!! 🙂

    • This is the kind of measured response that normal people should have. Don’t believe either side of the story, simply look at the facts and come to the only logical conclusion. More people need tho think this way!! 🙂

  7. Clinton couldn’t even get his dick sucked by a chubby chick without the world finding out. Yet you people think the Bush administration is responsible for the most elaborate cover up in the history of the world!
    Do you have any idea how easy it is to make anything, any fucking situation, sound like a conspiracy! Anything! It’s the easiest thing to do!

    The windows blowing out, that’s called air! It gets pushed through everything and finds the weakest areas to escape. This is simple science people! When you see a demo of a building on TV they remove all windows before hand.

    And you building 7 people. Pull the building means, literally, to pull the building with cranes so that is does not randomly fall onto another building!  The building was so badly damaged that it was going to fall like many others around the site did. They gave the call to pull the building because it became a lost cause.
    They pulled other buildings too.

    What’s sad is that weak minded people are easy prey. It’s like religion, it preys on the weak. And many people have road this conspiracy theory crowd hard and made a good buck from it. Ad dollars from videos with large hit counts, radio hosts who found a niche, wrote books, money was made. And wait till you hear the funny thing about it, some of the people who put together these videos don’t believe a word of it. It’s just so fucking easy to make anything sound like a conspiracy! They’re playing you fools out, just trying to make a buck.

    • I consider myself a rational,intelligent skeptic until i have seen ALL the facts in any case/situation. That said, it is blatently obvious there is much much more to 9/11 than the “official” story. Being a closed-minded sheep is very dangerous in this matter. this IS the very definition of conspiracy in my eyes…..wake-up!

    • Bullshit.  You are the one that is weak, ‘joe’. 
      We were under attack for 1 hour and 47 minutes.  Tell me why, for that entire time, Rumsfeld and Bush did not contact one another.  Think about this.  The only two people who jointly held the power to issue a shootdown order in this situation, and for one hour and forty-seven minutes, they deliberately DID NOT CONTACT ONE ANOTHER.
      If you don’t believe it – look it up.  Anywhere.

    • Um, Joe, I would like to see ANYONE ‘pull’ a building with a crane and make it drop like that. Free fall speed indicates a controlled demolition. Don’t just listen to the doco… do some research

      • i didn’t watch this. i don’t need to. i have seen enough of these. it would be like watching people talk about god.
        no shit you can’t go up to most buildings with a crane and pull them over. but you can pull buildings with cranes when half of their side is missing.

        • Hey Joe, fires in building 7 did not affect ‘half of the building’ as you say. They affected a small portion of one side. And, even if one whole side of the building was affected by fire, there is just no way a crane could make the demo happen in this kind of way.

          I agree with you about two things. I think the same about God, and I actually watched this doco and it really didnt say anything mind shatteringly new (plus it wasn’t the most well produced doco, hence why I rated it poorly). However, it saddens me that you will blindly buy into your/the government’s story on this. Why was building 7 never mentioned in the official 9/11 report if you don’t believe any of the other evidence? And if you are an atheist (who obviously believes there should be PROOF of existence rather than a divine existence) then how can you believe the official story when there is absolutely NO PROOF that any of these things happened in the way they did? You said yourself you have seen enough of these… why were no eyewitness accounts taken into consideration in the commission? Why was all of the evidence of the collapsed buildings shipped overseas ASAP after the incident and recycled before ANY evidence could be examined? This is the greatest crime scene in the world, yet there is no chemical/metallurgical evidence to support the official story, yet to support the opposite there is LOADS of evidence (findings of thermite byproducts in the pieces of the building smuggled out by brave people)? Why did EVERYONE vaporize in the planes which hit the buildings, but the passports of one of the ‘terrorists’ was found, completely in tact, on top of the pile? Vaporizing metal but paper remains in tact?

          I’m no conspiracy theorist either my friend. I simply believe that when there are pieces missing from the official ‘puzzle’, and these pieces are the reason we’ve again gone and killed over a million citizens in multiple foreign countries, that this should be explained. No further investigation into 9/11 has ever occurred.

          It’s scary but its time to get real. You don’t have to believe what this doco says, all you have to do is to be critical of the evidence presented that does not make any sense at all. It’s not that difficult to open your mind (however, if you are American, you may expect your phone to be bugged and possibly detained without charge for an indeterminate amount of time). I guess I can understand your hesitation in finding out the truth.

          • ok, i didn’t mean that they actually pulled this building with cranes.  ‘pull the building’ means pull it with cranes in demos. yes, that is demo talk. but i worded that wrong. they pulled other parts of buildings. but no they did not pull a fucking 50 story building, you could never pull a building of that size with cranes. but ‘pull the building’ means pull crews out as well.

            all it takes is one domino, one lower floor to weaken and everything above will stack fall. yep free fall speed is how things fall. what do you think would happen if you weakened the bottom beams on a building and one floor gave loose, you think it would just fall one floor!? example: 4th floor gives loose and 40 floors above just fall the distance of one floor?   the 3 floors and base are going to support the weight of 40 floors falling abut 10 – 12ft ? 
            and why do we have nothing to compare this too? because there has never been any situation like this! EVER! pieces of two fucking 100 story buildings fell onto other buildings! fires all over the place, gas lines ruptured, and people buried in rubble to worry about.
            you can jerk off to building 7 falling all day! fuck yeah, it looks JUST like a demo! and the car that just passed on the street below backfired and that sounded just like a gun! but people who have a brain, reasoning, problem solving skills, can see the big picture. and can CLEARLY see that like any god of any form, there is no evidence or reason to believe one exists.
            i’m an atheist, and there is nobody is more skeptical than us. atheists don’t follow any code or favor any group of people etc. we are few. but a very large percentage of atheists are of the most  highly intelligent people on the planet. i know it can only make me sound like an asshole to say that. but the most intelligent people on the planet can see that 911 is just what it is. do you really think we’re that gullible?
            bush was the dumbest pres to ever hold office! i was embarrassed to be a citizen of the US while he held office. the guy fucked the whole country up in his 8 years. but not in the ways you guys wanna believe it.
            the facts are clear. i’m sorry that you guys are on the street below searching for bullets.

          • ok, i didn’t mean that they actually pulled this building with cranes.  ‘pull the building’ means pull it with cranes in demos. yes, that is demo talk. but i worded that wrong. they pulled other parts of buildings. but no they did not pull a fucking 50 story building, you could never pull a building of that size with cranes. but ‘pull the building’ means pull crews out as well.

            all it takes is one domino, one lower floor to weaken and everything above will stack fall. yep free fall speed is how things fall. what do you think would happen if you weakened the bottom beams on a building and one floor gave loose, you think it would just fall one floor!? example: 4th floor gives loose and 40 floors above just fall the distance of one floor?   the 3 floors and base are going to support the weight of 40 floors falling abut 10 – 12ft ? 
            and why do we have nothing to compare this too? because there has never been any situation like this! EVER! pieces of two fucking 100 story buildings fell onto other buildings! fires all over the place, gas lines ruptured, and people buried in rubble to worry about.
            you can jerk off to building 7 falling all day! fuck yeah, it looks JUST like a demo! and the car that just passed on the street below backfired and that sounded just like a gun! but people who have a brain, reasoning, problem solving skills, can see the big picture. and can CLEARLY see that like any god of any form, there is no evidence or reason to believe one exists.
            i’m an atheist, and there is nobody is more skeptical than us. atheists don’t follow any code or favor any group of people etc. we are few. but a very large percentage of atheists are of the most  highly intelligent people on the planet. i know it can only make me sound like an asshole to say that. but the most intelligent people on the planet can see that 911 is just what it is. do you really think we’re that gullible?
            bush was the dumbest pres to ever hold office! i was embarrassed to be a citizen of the US while he held office. the guy fucked the whole country up in his 8 years. but not in the ways you guys wanna believe it.
            the facts are clear. i’m sorry that you guys are on the street below searching for bullets.

        • So..This tech is used when say a skyscraper or very huge 50 store building is so ravaged by fire only half of its left,the cranes are called in with,and now im only guessing,specially trained firemen at the controls?

          Hooks and wires are used I suppose which are rapidly 
          1.Shot like harpoons round the half fallen building?
          3.A combo of the two?

          And no you dont need to watch this,you dont need to question what the government tells you even how obvious it is that they are lying to you.
          And even though spoting such a crisp conspiracy in 911″business” no one counts on your intellect to make a difference to anyone.

    • Your name isn’t Charlie Veitch by any chance….

  8. @steel19 – Can’t you read? Better stick to sesame street.

  9. really good, alot of new stuff, gets ya thinking again 

  10. really good, alot of new stuff, gets ya thinking again 

  11. This documentary is splendid, because it shows who defines what truth is.
    People having power are constructing a “pseudo reality” in our mind with the help of media.
    (Silvio Berlusconi is a fine example for my hypothesis.)

    Media are dependent on politicians, if they are too critical, they are out of business.
    Thus we have a blind spot concerning news coverage.
    Politicians are very good at talking without mentioning concrete facts.

    If one analyse a speech (actually created by ghost writers)  rhetorical devices will be revealed.
    This is a “background music” switching off our critical mind.

    [for example:  

    “Yes, Prime Minister” is a wonderful TV comedy series (from the BBC) revealing some tricks]

    I do not know what happend on 9/11. But I know there are too many questions and
    no answers, giving a satisfactory and coherent picture of all the events.

    Why is a nation on the one hand able to send people on the moon, but on the other hand UNABLE to prevent THREE airplanes from flying into buildings?

    Why is there no scientifical and fully independet investigation, which shares all the facts with the puplic and listens to everyone (including Victims, Scientists and conspiracy theorists)?   

    If one has nothing to hide, there is every reason to do that.

  12. This documentary is splendid, because it shows who defines what truth is.
    People having power are constructing a “pseudo reality” in our mind with the help of media.
    (Silvio Berlusconi is a fine example for my hypothesis.)

    Media are dependent on politicians, if they are too critical, they are out of business.
    Thus we have a blind spot concerning news coverage.
    Politicians are very good at talking without mentioning concrete facts.

    If one analyse a speech (actually created by ghost writers)  rhetorical devices will be revealed.
    This is a “background music” switching off our critical mind.

    [for example:  

    “Yes, Prime Minister” is a wonderful TV comedy series (from the BBC) revealing some tricks]

    I do not know what happend on 9/11. But I know there are too many questions and
    no answers, giving a satisfactory and coherent picture of all the events.

    Why is a nation on the one hand able to send people on the moon, but on the other hand UNABLE to prevent THREE airplanes from flying into buildings?

    Why is there no scientifical and fully independet investigation, which shares all the facts with the puplic and listens to everyone (including Victims, Scientists and conspiracy theorists)?   

    If one has nothing to hide, there is every reason to do that.

  13. First!

    The movie is in german, I didn’t feel like watching it. I assume it is the same as Loose Change.

    • so if this documentary was an american production you will trust it?
      your country feeds you shit non stop and still trust it
      i’m sorry for you