The mainstream media is whitewashing and lying about what really happened on Sept 11th. 911: The Road to Tyranny is shaking the foundations of Washington, DC as the definitive film on what really happened on Sept. 11th and who stands to gain. The dark forces of Global Government are funding, training and protecting terrorist groups worldwide. In this blockbuster which has gained worldwide prestige you will learn the origins and the true story behind 9/11.

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Not many comments, afraid to finger themselves.Fear not who can kill the body, were all going to die anyway.I am only concerned with dying a free man in spirit and with genuine bravery. Bonhoffer did this, and plenty of others. Where were it not for the sake of the Elect no life would be spared is a lot more than 80% of the population. I am Christian and I believe what this scripture says.The end of the world start when the mark of the beast is enacted. A very sad thing to have to tell your children, but I am glad abortion will be ended forever. Abortion was intolerable to live with,
Great footage in this movie, we will never forget.
If the F.B.I were investigating an apparently motiveless murder, and they discovered the victim had just recently been insured for a milion dollars, such a policyholder would immediately become the F.B.I’s number one suspect.
Larry Silverstein is suspect number one, a starting point in a much darker tale. He was the man with the experience and know how to take control of these buildings, and demolish them, probably because to repair and update them would cost 2 billion, but clearly there were many other political and financial incentives at the time.
The truth of 9/11 will never see the light of day. Like all crimes, the more time which elapses, the less chance there is of it ever being resolved.
You can protest until your blue in the face, you can recruit millions of protestors and campaign for months and years, but hell will freeze over before anyone admits 9/11 is not quite as it seems, because to do so would bring down every belief anericans have in there constitution and democracy, the country would turn into anarchy overnight, from which it would never recover.
We are all but passengers on this massive ship, we have no say in what is for dinner, and no say in the direction of this mighty liner. Only the captain and those at his table know where we are going, and if sacrifices have to be made, in a belief it is for the good of all the rest, then so be it.
As you place little significance on the thousands of people in the third world who die needlessly each day, so those few percent in control of America place little significance on sacrificing a few thousand of you, be it for financial gain, war, commodities, you become ‘fair game’
Lots of people are in prison, because they wanted money, power, or posessions, it is human nature. Should those we trust be in prison also ? Hell Yes, but it will never happen, WHY ? Because those at the top use a tried and tested approach, very similar to the approach drug dealers use, its called never be connected. You can be a suspect, you can even be blatant, arrogant and open, but never be connected, all roads lead to a dead end.
George W Bush was perhaps the apprentice, his real master and teacher being his affectionately called Rummy. The Bush era will surely go down in history as the most corrupt administration to ever foul the air of the white house. It would seem ‘W’ was too stupid to be the evil genius of anything, but there was an axis of evil in that administration.
solving 911 should not be the main focus. druglords and criminals like the bushgang will always exist, but letting them gain power over the most powerfull country in the world is what we should prevent. Next time you hear the word terorist, assume that the person saying the word is lying or misinformed, and tell them.
If the F.B.I were investigating an apparently motiveless murder, and they discovered the victim had just recently been insured for a milion dollars, such a policyholder would immediately become the F.B.I’s number one suspect.
Larry Silverstein is suspect number one, a starting point in a much darker tale. He was the man with the experience and know how to take control of these buildings, and demolish them, probably because to repair and update them would cost 2 billion, but clearly there were many other political and financial incentives at the time.
The truth of 9/11 will never see the light of day. Like all crimes, the more time which elapses, the less chance there is of it ever being resolved.
You can protest until your blue in the face, you can recruit millions of protestors and campaign for months and years, but hell will freeze over before anyone admits 9/11 is not quite as it seems, because to do so would bring down every belief anericans have in there constitution and democracy, the country would turn into anarchy overnight, from which it would never recover.
We are all but passengers on this massive ship, we have no say in what is for dinner, and no say in the direction of this mighty liner. Only the captain and those at his table know where we are going, and if sacrifices have to be made, in a belief it is for the good of all the rest, then so be it.
As you place little significance on the thousands of people in the third world who die needlessly each day, so those few percent in control of America place little significance on sacrificing a few thousand of you, be it for financial gain, war, commodities, you become ‘fair game’
Lots of people are in prison, because they wanted money, power, or posessions, it is human nature. Should those we trust be in prison also ? Hell Yes, but it will never happen, WHY ? Because those at the top use a tried and tested approach, very similar to the approach drug dealers use, its called never be connected. You can be a suspect, you can even be blatant, arrogant and open, but never be connected, all roads lead to a dead end.
George W Bush was perhaps the apprentice, his real master and teacher being his affectionately called Rummy. The Bush era will surely go down in history as the most corrupt administration to ever foul the air of the white house. It would seem ‘W’ was too stupid to be the evil genius of anything, but there was an axis of evil in that administration.