The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has released the shocking statistic that every 11 minutes someone dies in the United States from an opioid overdose. This is being considered to be the number one public health challenge of our time. Overdosing from drugs is now the main cause of death for Americans under the age of 50, making it more likely than dying via car accident or gun.
2017 was the worst year recorded on record, with more than 70,000 Americans dying from drug overdose, the majority of these were opioid related.
Two years ago, BBC News reported on this ever increasing problem and now they have returned to find out what happened to the people they met along the notorious I-95 which stretches from Florida to Maine.
If people are able to purchase good drugs of their choice the social problems associated with drugs largely disappear. The war on drugs and the incrimination of our generation is the achievement of legislators and law enforcement. Anyone who disagrees with me should fuck off.