
Can I Get High Legally?

Documentary in which George Lamb dives into the world of legal party pills and herbal highs.

Legal highs are sold openly and legally in shops across the UK and on the internet. There are thousands of different pills, powders and herbs that promise the same effects as illegal drugs, but for much less hassle – no arrests for possession and no backstreet dealers to visit.

Lamb sets out to discover why they are legal and whether this means they can also be called safe. He meets people who take them, a man who sells them and a doctor who says they are potentially more dangerous than class A drugs. He travels to Guernsey, where most of the young people he meets have tried them, and finally decides to try one for himself.
They might be legal and easily accessible, but should they be used? This film presents all the information needed to make a decision.

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  1. they guy in the cap in the car beat me up once in the bus stop bathrooms … good times good times

  2. Any drug that alters mood of an individual should be banned. This term “legal high” is ver misleading because all foreign drugs in your body are harmful, especially when not monitored by a doctor

    • “Any drug that alters mood of an individual should be banned”

      Wow, you are a fucking retard!!! You are seriously claiming alcohol, along with anti-depressant, anti-anxiety, and anti-psychotic medications should be “banned”!? Really??? According to you, medications that treat schizophenia should be banned because they “alter the mood of an individual”!? You would ban ALL pain medications because they “alter the mood of an individual”!? You are seriously one of the stupidest human beings on the face of the Earth. Fucking idiot…

    • “…especially when not monitored by a doctor” – Precisely why drugs should be legalised. If people are going to take them anyway, they should at least have some guarantee as to what they’re getting, better able to survey their intake and choose what works best for them instead of leaving such important decisions down to the whims of the black market. Art and music also alter the mood of individuals. Maybe we should ban them too. So do open comments pages on the internet…

  3. Legal highs can be dangerous to the wrong person. My brother tragically died following his actions under the influence of m-cat. He was an experienced clubber who had taken ecstasy from the 90’s. He did suffer from schitzophrenia which didn’t help the mood swings that the m-cat creates. This led to tragic events I wont disclose. M-cat is far more dangerous than MDMA in the respect that it is more moreish and users complain of serious mood swings which can cause people to act seriously out of character. RIP DTJ

  4. ha ha ha try a teaspoon or two of nutmeg -gag lol

  5. Lamb acts so concerned about identifying the ingredients in the synthetic legal drugs. He even takes a few to a doctor who has a laboratory where exactly ALL ingredients could be quickly and easily identified just as easily as ONE ingredient could be. Yet, George Lamb wimps out with an ultra-brief identification of ONE ingredient with the only additional info being: it concerns the doc. Wow! Really? No reason as to WHY it might concern the doc??? No identification of other constituents?  If George can draw the molecular structure of MDMA, why on Earth can he not delve deeper into the molecules in the fake drugs? This is especially disheartening since it’s a BBC documentary – I expect more from BBC. Well, George Lamb, since you left the ball wide open…I might just take your idea and dunk it for the real dollars. 

  6. I smoke weed every weekend and it rly feels good. A few joints on Friday and some on Saturday rly makes me calm down during the weekend. In Holland it’s no big deal to get weed when 18 years old, I just have to pass the corner and walk into the coffeeshop where I have plenty of choice between weed and hasj species.

    A problem in Holland, well, you can consider it as a problem is that much ppl go to school when being high, in my school there are a few high ppl every day. The funny thing is that adults don’t remark it. Weed should be legalized everywhere, the effect is so timid/calm that it’s nothing compared to the effect of strong booze..

  7. when i tried salvia the high was like 5 minutes long, and nothing more than an intense weed high with tons of laughing. Yes I didnt hold the hit in as long as i should have but that coudn’t have affected the high itself right? just the length of it? but the 24 hours after were amazing, it was like I was more focused, refreshed, energized, happy, as if i got my shit together overnight. thats what amazes me.

    • Yes, the amount of time you hold it in WILL affect the intensity of the high. And many people react to salvia differently. There is not one standard experience everyone can say they have. I have seen very intense effects and very mild effects will every intensity of salvia. All I can say for certain, is that you probably shouldn’t be driving a car while under the influence and I’m surprised it’s legal at all.

  8. he’s hot 😉

  9. he’s hot 😉

  10. I thought this was a good doc.  Unlike most BBC evil propaganda garbage docs about drugs.
    Legalize all drugs , regulate them for adult use. 

  11. I thought this was a good doc.  Unlike most BBC evil propaganda garbage docs about drugs.
    Legalize all drugs , regulate them for adult use. 

  12. yo clear that bong

  13. yo clear that bong

  14. Oh Salvia, I’ve used 10x and 20x with good results. Its a very introspective and “shamanic” kind of trip. 5x really doesn’t give you a proper experience with it. I wouldn’t clump Salvia in with these other legal highs though. These other legals are various known and unknown substances while Salvia can’t really be tampered with all that much. I’d definitely distance Salvia from these other substances to avoid confusing people.

    • Saliva is the most fucked up high i’ve ever done, pretty much fucking blacked out and later friends told me i tried to climb a jungle gym and drive into the sand. I’m never doing that shit ever again so fuckign stupid

      • It appears you took Salvia with out any research on your part. Salvia is a serious entheogen used properly for shamanic healing and spiritual practice. It is NOT a party drug at all.   Do your research people and the best place to do it is at

      • Salvia is fucked I agree.  Its activated by being smoked through water and if you didnt have a mind-blowing and generally fucking freaky trip then you either didn’t do it properly or what your smoking isn’t actually Salvia (also known as Mexican Tripping Weed)

      • Salvia is fucked I agree.  Its activated by being smoked through water and if you didnt have a mind-blowing and generally fucking freaky trip then you either didn’t do it properly or what your smoking isn’t actually Salvia (also known as Mexican Tripping Weed)

      • Salvia is fucked I agree.  Its activated by being smoked through water and if you didnt have a mind-blowing and generally fucking freaky trip then you either didn’t do it properly or what your smoking isn’t actually Salvia (also known as Mexican Tripping Weed)

      • Salvia is fucked I agree.  Its activated by being smoked through water and if you didnt have a mind-blowing and generally fucking freaky trip then you either didn’t do it properly or what your smoking isn’t actually Salvia (also known as Mexican Tripping Weed)

      • Salvia is fucked I agree.  Its activated by being smoked through water and if you didnt have a mind-blowing and generally fucking freaky trip then you either didn’t do it properly or what your smoking isn’t actually Salvia (also known as Mexican Tripping Weed)

      • Weird. Saliva doesn’t do anything to me at all. Except help me digest my food.

    • Saliva is the most fucked up high i’ve ever done, pretty much fucking blacked out and later friends told me i tried to climb a jungle gym and drive into the sand. I’m never doing that shit ever again so fuckign stupid

  15. No, “legal” in the title doesn’t mean safe. Neither necessarily does a certification from your government’s inspection agency. It doesn’t even have to be a drug to be full of synthetic compounds. There are countless chemical and cellular reactions in the many parts of your body every time you mix Pepsi with cheese. Or cigarettes with perfume. Even corn and milk, with all the fancy modern farm “nutrition”. And when millions of chance reactions happen in billions of cells repeatedly, one of those cells is going to mutate. Every day down in the modern world is a day closer to cancer. We only have sheer luck going for us now.

    Still, I’d rather smoke regular weed than “spice” any day, I think.

  16. Any one know what the song is from 1min:10secs?

  17. he is dumb to classify salvia with the rest of those manmade legal crack pills
    it’s been used for hundreds of years and falls into it’s own category with it’s effect on the mind and body
    i think all drugs should be made legal and regulated so if your going to tweak at least you can get pure laboratory grade meth rather than getting meth from some high school dropout doing complex chemistry and making impure product thats much worse

  18. the song at 2:00 is by mgmt

  19. I thought it was informative but i believe he could have gone more in depth….why not talk about drugs that are safer such as ecstacy…whereas alcohol which is illegalhas been proven to be very dangerous.

  20. anyone know what the song from 2:00 is?

  21. can anyone tell me what the song from 2:09 is called?

  22. None of these chemicals aren’t than cigerettes so stop saying it could cause cancer when you dont know shit! Yes weed is better but the shit is ILLEGAL so do you want everyone to lose their damn jobs and shit! They should legalize the shit! People take RCs cause its legal not because its safe so thats something yall should but in your fuckin brain! Yall on here preaching about what people already know! They more about what they’re taking than yall do and if they dont research it first whos fault is that? Would you ever taking somethin without researching it whether its a type of drug or new type of food!

  23. The documentary approaches drugs from a perspective that if a drug is legal then it is therefore good or better for you. Drugs aren’t outlawed because of their affects on the health of the people, if this was the case then tobacco would be illegal right now.

    The host says at the end we have to treat legal highs with the ‘respect and caution, and fear that we do illicit drugs’. Illicit means not sanctioned by law. How in biology do sanctions affect a substances impact on the body? What so, illicit drugs are bad therefore cannabis since it is an illicit substance is bad for you, but then what if you go to Amsterdam where cannabis is not an illicit drug, is it suddenly good for us now because it’s not illegal?

    Don’t worry about the drugs legality, it has no reflection on its affect on your health.

  24. The documentary approaches drugs from a perspective that if a drug is legal then it is therefore good or better for you. Drugs aren’t outlawed because of their affects on the health of the people, if this was the case then tobacco would be illegal right now.

    The host says at the end we have to treat legal highs with the ‘respect and caution, and fear that we do illicit drugs’. Illicit means not sanctioned by law. How in biology do sanctions affect a substances impact on the body? What so, illicit drugs are bad therefore cannabis since it is an illicit substance is bad for you, but then what if you go to Amsterdam where cannabis is not an illicit drug, is it suddenly good for us now because it’s not illegal?

    Don’t worry about the drugs legality, it has no reflection on its affect on your health.

  25. the only side effect i seen was them dudes woke up looking like dirty hippies

    • dirty hippies. we need more pigs to clean them up. then those conservative white fat ones will be hauling the illegal money to their secret bank accounts. hey i bet u could be a pig. help us out and get rid of the dirty hippies and any other race but white. just put ur email phone number and address up so we can find u to help.

      • unless i’m wrong, it sounds like your a fascist bigoted ignorant person of import wannabe. There is room for you in hippies there..

  26. Interesting show, makes me want to become a legal high drug dealer.

    Are the host’s highwater pants a normal thing in the UK? I thought he looked kind of silly.