Using secret cameras, an experienced policewoman spent four months undercover while serving as a police officer to conduct this revelatory investigation. Gaining unprecedented behind-the-scenes access to officers, her secretly-filmed footage unmasks a disturbing lack of respect and care for members of the public and incidences of dereliction of duty.

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First they disarmed them then they put cameras up to spy on them and then the cops pretty much ignored the serious crimes to focus on petty stuff and fines.
The people voted for this nonsense.
This is the most pathetic ‘reporting’ I’ve ever seen. Sensationalist puritan nonsense. People bitching about how the world isn’t perfect.
Deal with it. Shit happens. Good police officers have attitudes about things like civilians do. So what, they probably NEED these attitudes to be able to deal with their daily job.
I hope that his ‘reporter’s’ efforts go nowhere. She deserves it. Whiny SJW bitch. The equivalent would be making a scathing documentary about Democracy. Well it’s the best we FUCKING have. Is it perfect? NO. Now fuck off and deal with it, because whining and ‘exposing’ good police officers isn’t going to help.
Oh so many wankers commenting on this.
Let me begin: if I had a work college filming me for every aspect of my working career I would make sure that person spent a long time behind bars with the human scum that they are obviously a part of.
So what do you do for a job? Cook, nurse, cab driver, liar sorry I meant lawyer the list continues. What do you say about the people you deal with every day?
Fast food workers use to spit in meals, nurses hate almost every person they deal with (I don’t blame them at all for that) paramedics are sick of dealing with drugged up or drunk idiots.
Behind closed doors is just that. Behind closed doors everyone is entitled to an opinion even coppers would you believe it.
What I noticed was every interaction they had with the public they were quite professional and understanding and to my surprise not completely jilted as would be expected for someone who has spent they last 10 years dealing with human trash that most of you would rather ignore.
Unless you are the human filth then you probably think that the show was an outrage and blah blah blah look in your own backyard (probably find your dope plants growing).
Context is always the issue show the full context not the aftermath. For example if you show a video of a copper pounding someone into the dirt show the cause of this not just the effect you will be surprised that usually it was warranted.
Get off ya high horse and stop trying to make shit worse in a worse in a world that is full of crime and hippy wankers who want to let the crooks go with a cuddle, the next person they hurt may be you or someone you love and I’m sure your opinion will change then.
Coppers have a hard enough job as it is without some stupid bitch trying to make a name for herself and betraying her colleague’s trust. Would you trust a soldier who betrayed his mates? No they would fucking frag his ass.
I’m just glad the U.K police are not armed with guns, imagine these immature wannabee macho police officers being let loose with guns. Don’t want to end up like America, the british police can’t even use pepper spray correctly.
Another name for this film would be ‘Crouching Cop, Hidden Doughnut’
lazy idiots.
The same with therapist .
Top marks to Nina for having the guts to stand up and show the public what goes on, she wouldn’t have been a very popular cookie after this documentary came out, cops stick together like super-glue and doing this is virtually a cardinal sin.
A similar situation exists with Australian Police forces. I once heard a NSW Police Officer say ‘Corruption is no longer the problem, it is incompetence’. I was mugged once and rang up the local police station. The lady on the other end said ‘Are you sure you want to report it? They are probably already gone’.
cops are just idiots too
The retards begin to flock…
Good documentary. I’ve always wondered at the wisdom of the creation of the Police force. It’s a relatively low-payed job and the majority of the Police force are idiots. That means you have idiots in a high responisibility job. No wonder everyone hates the police.
Good documentary. I’ve always wondered at the wisdom of the creation of the Police force. It’s a relatively low-payed job and the majority of the Police force are idiots. That means you have idiots in a high responisibility job. No wonder everyone hates the police.
The same with Therapist!