Documentary on The Maze Prison Escape in the Early 1980s. 36 IRA Men in Block 7 escaped from Europes most secure prison based inside a British Military Facility just outside Lisburn.
This escape took place shortly after the Hunger Strikes Protest came to an end at christmas 1981. This was also one of Margaret Thatchers biggest embarrasements while in office.
I appreciate the inclusion of diverse perspectives, as it enriches the article and demonstrates a commitment to presenting a well-rounded view of the topic.
Got already, I sure did. Read the comments, added one, then clicked play to no avail! Disappointed it ain’t available.
great doc all the same, hope there all doin well
I know its bollix, I wish it had been mandatory for us to speak Irish from birth
This would be much better if it wasn’t for that ANNOYING IRISH ACCENT
if it wasn’t for annoying dumb comments…. acting the maggot, this one fellas
If the English had stayed on their own turf, perhaps we Irish would all speak in our native tongue and not have to listen/read that ANNOYING ENGLISH COMMENT. Seriously Nick, a little respect and manners. Good boy 🙂
Said with class Cat, class indeed.
up the ra` 38 out for stew ………………………………………TAL
i recon the ira was fully compromised by british intelligence at the time and the people being interviewed know the escape was a sham
i recon the ira was fully compromised by british intelligence at the time and the people being interviewed know the escape was a sham
To what end? How do MI5 benefit from that scheme? Nobody is ever ‘fully’ compromsed, as long as human beings have free-will, random unpredictable secret acts will always occur, so…
Tiocfaidh ár lá
Great Doc.Anybody with an interest in the I.R.A. would really enjoy
Who was the one who escaped and was never caught and seen again?
Interesting doc.
youtube documentaries suck balls. quit embedding stuff that is taken down in a day or two
up the ra!