Reporter Ramita Navai and producer Wael Dabbous spend two weeks living undercover in Syria with opposition movement members, who are determined to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad. They meet protestors and victims of the military crackdowns, visiting makeshift hospitals set up in private homes by doctors risking their lives treating the injured.

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sorry by that i mean this “documentary” bashar al assad is clearly a very corrupt and poor leader….but is the alternative on offer any better?? this uprising seems to be very much driven by the wrong forces, and what is really going on is becoming more and more obvious to the world.
utter bullshit
Fucking dictators u all going to hell fuckers
In the beginning it said:
“We’d rather die than live like this…”
When they actually said:
“There is no God but Allah”
In the Protest they weren’t shouting: “Freedom…Freedom”
Syria is Secular in Society and Government. There is no reason for her to wear the Hijab at all. That obviously boosts the image of oppression in the country.
It is well aware now that the Syrian Rebellion is armed…Spiegel even interviewed an Executioner of the Rebels from Homs that confessed to executing 100-150 Army soldiers, he stated that is 1/3 of the prisoners they had. But sadly also confessed to executing over 200 Syrians that were considered “spies” or “traitors” to the Syrian Rebels.
Center of International Research and Study of Terrorism and Aid of Victims of Terrorism (CIRET-AVT) has a 30+ page report of the current situation in Syria after investigation that states that many different sects that oppose the regime are being funded by U.S. through Lebanon, Iraq, Saudi and Jordan. Maybe that’s karma for opening their borders for the ’02 iraq war to insurgents. But Middle-Eastern political outlooks is different than western. So even if you push for this liberal action you get negative results (e.g. Iraq, even Egypt possibly turning to a muslim state) There is no guidelines to how to run a society.
The media is creating a difficult situation for the Syrians as they tragically portray this to a simple Black/White, Good/Evil image to the west.
I am sorry this is not Journalism…this is to enforce reaction instead of deliver unbiased facts.
it was so sad vedio…………………..
well done as documentary maker .. but i hope next time you meet the the right people not a bunch of terrorist who are destroying our lovely safe syria ..go back and search the truth and trust me u dont have to hide .. if somebody was killed from those gangs ! the killer will be from the same gangs just to show people like you that bashar al assad is killing his own people …bashar al assad is one the best president on earth …don”t be fooled by wrong people ..go find out the truth then work on another documentary ….GOOD LUCK
well done as documentary maker .. but i hope next time you meet the the right people not a bunch of terrorist who are destroying our lovely safe syria ..go back and search the truth and trust me u dont have to hide .. if somebody was killed from those gangs ! the killer will be from the same gangs just to show people like you that bashar al assad is killing his own people …bashar al assad is one the best president on earth …don”t be fooled by wrong people ..go find out the truth then work on another documentary ….GOOD LUCK
Something has to be done…. Assad is only a man, not a deity. The international community has condemned Syria’s regime, so how is it that the international community is not taking action against it? Politics are politics, but politics has no precedence over human life. Something has to be done.
Horrifying… Many brave souls featured here…
A courageous reporter at ground level risking her life, showing the world the freedom fighters of Syria.
An incredible doco unveiling the captive society and the acts of strength as the communities fight a vicious war against the baath party
There are many reporters in Bahrain, Saudi, Jordan and Yemen, have 100’s similar reports