Real footage is shown to prove that the film Black Hawk Down (2001) was very true to the real events that occurred in Mogadishu in 1993. Actual militia and US rangers are interviewed to tell us the different sides of the conflict when Somalia was under the power of Aidid.

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Balls – I fancied watching this but alas link is broken – just says video does no exist!
Big words from an anonymous account. Man up Ranger and prove you were there.
Well this is what Americans do then try to justify it like Iraq, Afganistan, Vietnam, Iran, Panama, Bosnia, Somalia, Congo and so many places that we don’t even know. I bet all the Americans here hate me for saying this. But come on guys you are nothing but bully backed up with the UN and arm forces. The best way for you to get out of it is :PUT YOUR STUPIDITY AND IGNORANCE ASIDE GET SOME EDUCATIONS MOST IMPORTANTLY DON’T BELIEVE IN WHAT YOU SEE IN YOUR MEDIA.
You mum should have swallowed…
fuck american army, many malaysian army died juz bcoz wanna save ur fucking american ass bastard…
Many = one. Get your facts straight. Just saying. And we do appreciate their help.
Most of these soldiers come off as douche bags…
Your mom didn’t mind…choo choo!
Fuck this mother fucker. Fuck his lying faking ass. I WAS there and everything this jackass just fuking said was a lie. FUCK THIS FAKER. The fucking raid failed because the asshole commanding the unit was never removed after fucking up the previous two missions. This asshat fails to realize that the ENTIRE FUCKING OPERATION WAS A SHOW THAT FAILED HORRIBLY. Fuck Clinton and his handlers. Fuck all of the goddamn Generals and dickhead Democrats and Republican douchebags that perpetrated this fucking fraud. I WILL NEVER BE FREE TO FORGET WHAT FUCKING HAPPENED IN THAT FUCKING PLACE AND ALL THE SOMALIS THAT WERE MURDERED AND THE AMERICANS THAT WILL NEVER COME HOME BECAUSE OF OUR CRIMINAL GOVERNMENT. AND TO TOP THAT SHIT OFF, THE ARMY ,WHEN I CAME HOME AND ASKED FOR MENTAL HELP, TOLD ME I WAS NEVER THERE AND THREATENED TO THROW ME IN LEAVENWORTH IF I DIDNT TAKE A DISCHARGE. IT TOOK 17 FUCKING YEARS AND AN ACT OF CONGRESS JUST TO GET THE VA TO LISTEN AND FINALLY TREAT ME. TOO FUCKING LATE. AND DON’T BOTHER BELIEVING THE GODDAMN PROPAGANDA IN THIS COMPLETELY BULLSHIT DOCUMENTARY. Niggers with bullshit weapons didn’t beat our forces. They were sent in to a slaughter on purpose by a commander and his superiors who should all have been put to death for the treasonous act they caused to happen. The UN is a fucking joke and a scourge on the world.
Dayum…take a pill or something!
“Absolutely the BEST shooters and operators in the world, bar NONE??” I think we all know who owns – and will always own – that title.
As a 28 year veteran, and yes I was there in 1989 and again in 1992. Unless you have been there and “felt” the hatred you don’t have a clue. But let me tell you kids…” It’s Coming” . I just hope you are all up to the task because I am tired.
As a 28 year veteran, and yes I was there in 1989 and again in 1992. Unless you have been there and “felt” the hatred you don’t have a clue. But let me tell you kids…” It’s Coming” . I just hope you are all up to the task because I am tired.
haha america just needs another way to get into the resources of Africa and spread the empire. this was obviously a attempt
Intelligence was well prepared for this mission…….Go figure. An African leader used religion and drugs to gain a militia following and belief from the people.
Great comment referring to the comparison with Vietnam deaths.
money, POWER!power MONEY! GOVERNMENT! cORRUPT! money, POWER! The world is fucked.
Fucking niggers… We should just have nuked them… Or even better let the hunger kill them by just fucking leaving.
accept it, you got owned.
the USA gets its ass handed to them by spear chuckers
US Ranger and Delta didn’t get killed will spears dickhead.
The truth being that the US government selected dark skinned victims to distract US voters from the pussy-flavoured cigar eating of theri president
Wrong, dummy. The Battle of Mogadishu took place in the fall of 1993; the Lewinsky scandal didn’t break until 1998. Nice try though.
Clinton’s popularity was still very low when he commenced these actions.
The death of the rangers was revenge for the hellfire missiles fired
into a meeting of Somali elders . . who were actually debating
capitulation to U.S./Israel demands . . dummy. This was in the midst of
his second election and he wanted to appear “Tough”. Why did he grant
China “most favored nation status”? Why did he not interfere in Rwanda,
where military action might of actually saved lives? The U.S. has always
supported its despots. It wasn’t because of monica lewinsky, ok, but
you tell me, why were we in Somalia? A: Oil. At Least strigiformes has intuition!
Um this was in the fall of 1993, he took office On January 20th 1993……Pretty sure that puts this early in his first election. His second term was not even a twinkle in his eye yet when Gothic Serpent took place. This brings me to your claim on being in the Mog for oil. The average price for gasoline in the United States never dropped more than eleven cents post Operations. If we wanted to get oil, don’t you think we would have more than 400 members of Task Force Ranger to take over the countries Infrastructure? Also let’s take a look at oil production just in that region of the world alone, shall we? Somalia ranked 119th in the world for oil production, producing 110 bbl/day(barrels per day). That wouldn’t even be enough, after refinement, to supply a gas station with four pumps for one day. Now, let’s look at neighboring Yemen. Right across the pond from Somalia. The previous year while waiting to go into Somalia al-Qaeda bombed two different hotels in attempts to kill American soldiers. That would give more than enough reason to go into Yemen, would it not? Yemen produces over a quarter million barrels of oil a day. This would have been the more logical place to send and keep troops if oil was our goal. I am sure you are the type of person that believes that we are in Iraq for oil too. Last I checked, gas was a heck of a lot cheaper pre-2002. Get your facts straight. RLTW
Wrong, dummy. The Battle of Mogadishu took place in the fall of 1993; the Lewinsky scandal didn’t break until 1998. Nice try though.
Amazing documentary. Goes to show that bravery on both sides is always commanded by the cowards in the background. Shame that bravery isn’t used to stop the fighting rather than starting it.
Another sad example showing the US troops had NO idea what they where doing.
Really? Where? The word is were and fuck you coward. The Commanders and the fucking criminal UN knew exactly what they were doing when they sent those troops to there death. And again i reiterate, YOU ARE A COWARD AND A DOUCHENOZZLE. (I apologize to actual douchenozzles for lumping this piece of filth in with you.)
Funny how you correct him and go on to use the word “there” instead of “their”
Umm, I’m a non-American and let me tell you that you are absolutely wrong. “The Marine Corps has no idea what it’s doing”? Laughable.