A video retrospective on the life of the famous patent clerk-turned-physicist. Rare photos and news footage, together with excerpts from his personal diaries, bring to life not only the man, but the world in which he lived as well. Narrated by William Hurt.

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what a great man,i have always admired him. Just think of what the world would be like if the nazis got the bomb first…………………………
The forces that put the nazis in power influnced both axis and allies. Bank of New York(Prscott Bush) funding steel manufactring within a concentration camp, U.S oil, and all the major world power central banks are owned by the same globalist families. Also after the war,nazi scentist and pwerful elite were brought into the US goverment infrustucture creating NASA(Verner Von Bran) and the CIA. So I believe things would not have changed very much if any were all still sheeple do what your told go along to get along
Where to start with a comment like that? Let me think, first the surviving Jewish population would have been happy that the Nazi’s did not get the bomb first. I do not really need to go on about how else would have been happy about the Nazi’s not possessing nuclear weapons first as it is so clear. Oh wait, I suppose you believe that the holocaust did not happen. Oh yeah by the way I will say it before you have the chance I am a sheep, part of the globalist conspiracy, I just follow what governments tell me. But at least I can identify the underlined red words when I am typing, which means that the word is misspelled and have the cognitive ability to change them.
I will give you an example, I believe you are a paranoid consciracy theoriest. They have come up misspelled and underlined read, therefore I will type it again. right clicking on the underlined words being conspiracy theorist, and changing them to the correct spelling.
what a great man,i have always admired him. Just think of what the world would be like if the nazis got the bomb first…………………………
Great minds like Newton and Einstein became great not just for their genius but also for recognizing a higher realm or order that governed all things. There was no conflict in their minds between science and “God”, science was just unlocking the mysteries of Creation.
I like this short n sweet, Albert Einstein was indeed a brilliant human being.
the interviews are interesting but I’m not too impressed with the commentary.
Excuse the spelling mistakes (if any), google and word checkers have messed up my ability to spell.
some great scientist left his wife and two kids, married his cousin! Helped create the atomic bomb which the Americans used to kill hundreds of thousands in japan. For a brilliant man Eisenstein sure as hell had no common sense.
you are a nut case , just looking u your name tell all ,
He did spend time in physics , determined that mass has energy ,
just like dynamite use for mining but sure can be use for killing ,
the nuclear power station have produce billions of KW of electricity , that was his hoops ,
not killing people , that killing was done by Mr Truman He could just had say NO do not use it .
He could have drop the Atom Bomb in the ocean like a warning near enough but fare enough of Tokyo to let them know ., it would have done the job
no need to kill innocent people ,
But they wanted to test it on humans ,
did you ever thought about it ?
probably not .
a warning would have work just as good ,
regards Mr.
Getting a divorce from wife #1 is nothing out of the ordinary. People do that sort of thing all the time today, and they got divorces back then, too. He didn’t abandon his sons. One son, the one with schizophrenia, disowned him. Marrying his cousin was nothing out of the ordinary. People to this day still marry their cousins. Einstein never, ever, worked on the atomic bomb. He wasn’t hired into the Manhattan Project. The only thing he did was to endorse a letter written by someone else advising Roosevelt as to the risk that the Nazis were in a position to build their own bomb.
Getting a divorce from wife #1 is nothing out of the ordinary. People do that sort of thing all the time today, and they got divorces back then, too. He didn’t abandon his sons. One son, the one with schizophrenia, disowned him. Marrying his cousin was nothing out of the ordinary. People to this day still marry their cousins. Einstein never, ever, worked on the atomic bomb. He wasn’t hired into the Manhattan Project. The only thing he did was to endorse a letter written by someone else advising Roosevelt as to the risk that the Nazis were in a position to build their own bomb.
You really are a knob-end. Ignorance reigns…
You really are a knob-end. Ignorance reigns…
You really are ignorant about Einstein’s life, try not to flaunt it… He was against the atomic bomb, he was just a scientist. All discoveries are, at some point, also used in destructive ways, does that mean we should stop all technological advancement? Crawl back into caves and eat raw food? In speaking that way about a man like Einstein you only hurt your own image.
Don’t fight ignorance with ignorance. I think you’ve taken your idioms too literally.
Well, you certainly have away with words! Tiny penis ok but even smaller brain to express yourself in such a crude manner. Have fun with the mirror Mr. Buffoon!
body builders have small penises. it’s a proven fact
Im not fat you stupid dumb shit im a fucking bodybuilder you fucking McDonald eating piece of shit. And all the motherfuckers that gave my comment – feedback can suck my dick