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Billionaire’s Paradise: Inside Necker Island

People have long dreamt of living in paradise, but for most it's somewhere just out of reach. Billionaire Sir. Richard Branson has tried to do the impossible and create Utopia on his 74 acre private island called Necker, which is located in the middle of the Caribbean Sea. Enjoying this garden of Eden comes at a price, one weeks stay costs over £280,000. This is the story of the guests who come to

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Princes of the Yen

Princes of Yen is a film based off of a book by Professor Richard Werner who was a researcher that visited the Bank of Japan during the 90's crash which saw the market fall by about 80% and house prices rise 84%. The film sets about revealing the real cause behind this and how once beaten in World War II it's society was molded to suit the plans of those in power, to which the citizens themselves

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The Making of Ronaldo

On the 12th of August 2003, Manchester United signed a relatively unknown 18 year old Cristiano Ronaldo for just over 12 million pounds. Ronaldo would go on to become one of the worlds best footballers but his rise to success was far from easy. This film by Sky Sports asks who is Cristiano Ronaldo, what shaped him into the footballer he is today and who helped him get there?

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Broadmoor is a word that makes people shiver, most people think that Broadmoor is a prison but in fact it is a high secure psychiatric hospital and home to some of the UK's most dangerous and violent prisoners. After five years of negotiation and for the very first time the hospital has allowed cameras in to meet the men who live behind these walls. With unprecedented access and filmed over a year

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The Iraq War

A few days after 9/11 Iraq's intelligence service received a secret message from a trusted emissary stating that America wanted to commit to the war on terror against Al-Qaeda. The deputy prime minster Tariq Aziz gave the order to tell America that Iraq would help fight Al-Qaeda. Saddam's answer was quite different as he felt that America wasn't the only country to suffer from terro

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Diplo: F10RIDA

The artist known as Diplo who is at this stage very well known for his club hits and experimental sound, has released this documentary which coincided with the release of his latest album "F10RIDA". If you don't already know of Diplo one such example of his work is the track he produced for M.I.A, "Paper Planes" back in 2008 which got to number 4 on the US Billboard Hot 100 chart.F10RIDA itsel

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Darcey Bussell’s Looking for Audrey

We all think we know Audrey Hepburn, the ultimate style icon, the star of Breakfast at Tiffany's an oscar winner at just 24 and all this from a girl who never planned to become an actress. However beneath the success and glamour there is so much more to Audrey's story. In this BBC film Darcey Bussell sets off on a journey to find out more about the Audrey who has always inspired her.

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H.H. Holmes: Murder Hotel

Back in 1995 an old antique collector happened to stumble upon a batch of old wax cylinder recordings that dated back a hundred years, as it turned out these recordings weren't of old tunes but rather one recording was the confession of a man known as H.H. Holmes made by a doctor days before Holmes was hanged for murder.This recording turned out to be a new clue into one of the most extraor

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The Defectors

In this Sky News special reporter Mark Stone meets up with several North Korean defectors in order to give them a chance to be heard and tell their story of how life once was for them living in the North. The testimony you will hear in this film is shocking, heartbreaking and continues to happen right now, stories of murder, slavery, torture, imprisonment and rape all of which is unparalleled in t

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