Browse Documentaries

Blurred Lines: The New Battle of the Sexes

From campaigners looking to have more female hero's on bank notes to the sexually explicit portrayal of women in music videos and to rape jokes. Is there a new culture abroad evolving in which men see it acceptable to portray women in a derogatory and abusive way and is this culture now infecting and polluting the lives of school girls? Kirsty Wark sets about exploring this questions in hopes to f

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Dog Attacks

Something is on the prowl, its aggressive and vicious and the streets of American could be at risk from a menace close to our hearts. Vicious packs of dogs are roaming unchecked so the History Channels Monster Quest series investigates.

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Earth In The Future

An attempt to understand and predict what will happen in the future in regards to humanities survival, this relates to how we will harness sustainable and renewable energy, build eco friendly cities and the technology required to make these advancements happen.

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Thatcher and The IRA: Dealing With Terror

A BBC documentary which takes a look at Margaret Thatcher's strategy for dealing with the IRA. This film reveals a complex picture of a women who was both fiercely and combative in public but yet despite this behind the scenes she was secretly dealing with the very same people who tried to kill her.

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E is for Ecstasy

Back in 1992 the BBC aired this documentary that follows a small group of british youths who regularly take ecstasy and are involved in the rave scene of the time. This film asks these individuals to share there experiences and sets about determining what motivates users to consume the drug whilst discussing the possibility of long term effects with medical experts. 

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The Illusion of Time

Lying just beneath everyday reality is a breath taking world where much of what we perceive about the universe is wrong. Physicist and best selling author Brian Green in this film takes us on a journey that bends the rules of the human experience. This world of oddity really only comes to light as we probe the extreme realms of the cosmos from black holes to the big bang and in this Nova special w

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The Hungerford Massacre

On a summers day in 1987, a quite English town became the victim of a one man killing spree. Scenes shown in this film reconstruct events based on the eye witness accounts of those who were involved. Their testimony is real and the calls to the emergency services were actually made on the day.

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J. K. Rowling: A Year In The Life

This film by James Runcie follows J. K. Rowling throughout a year of her life as she finishes writing the last book in the Harry Potter series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Through a series of interesting and in depth interviews with Rowling we are giving a great insight into her personal and working life.

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The Winged Beatle

I haven't really posted many conspiracy documentaries as of late, primarily because most are simply just too outrageous and well this film I guess is no different but I decided to go ahead and post it because I'm sure some of you will find it interesting. The film itself asks the question did Paul McCartney from The Beatles really die in a car crash back in 1966? and was he replaced with a look-al

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