Connections is a ten-episode documentary television series created, written and presented by science historian James Burke. The series was produced and directed by Mick Jackson of the BBC Science & Features Department and first aired in 1978 (UK) and 1979 (USA). It took an interdisciplinary approach to the history of science and invention and demonstrated how various discoveries, scientific ac
Browse Documentaries
A British man, known as Dave Kent has experienced the dangers of hash first-hand. An ex-smuggler imprisoned in a tough North African prison for three years, Dave provides you with an insight into the hash trade. British professor Robin Murray reveals psychological risks associated with the drug and you will also explore the medical use of this non-life-threatening substance.
Photographed from a single perspective on September 5th, 6th, 8th, 11th, 12th, and October 1st in the year 2001, The Tower Age is the true story of a kid, his camera, his Brooklyn fire escape, and the resulting array of images that document the twilight and death of the Twin Towers--an archive so unique that it amounts to a kind of time-lapse of the unfolding of history.Beginning on September
Rule Britannia scours the UK to partake of all the sordid offerings of this green, pleasant and messed-up land. Under the surface of Swansea, things are a little different than it initially looks.Here they befriend a gang of young addicts caught up in South Wales’ largely ignored heroin epidemic. We find topless fire-breathing dance troupes, old sailors, and two little kids in one of the city’
Chronos is an abstract film made in 1985 and directed by Ron Fricke, created with custom-built time-lapse cameras. Chronos has no actors or dialog. The soundtrack consists of a single continuous piece by composer Michael Stearns. Filmed in dozens of locations on five continents, the film relates to the concept of time passing on different scales — the bulk of the film covers the history of civiliz
Powaqqatsi, or Powaqqatsi: Life in Transformation, is the 1988 sequel to the experimental 1982 documentary film Koyaanisqatsi, by Godfrey Reggio. It is the second film in the Qatsi trilogy.Powaqqatsi is a Hopi word meaning “parasitic way of life” or “life in transition” . While Koyaanisqatsi focused on modern life in industrial countries, Powaqqatsi, which similarly has no dialogue, focuses more
Great documentary on the revolutionary British punk group Joy Division, and about lead singer Ian Curtis, whom committed suicide before the peak of their popularity. Joy Division later went on to become the popular new wave group New Order.
Professor Brian Cox and Dara O Briain host three days of live stargazing featuring epic images from observatories around the globe.Episode 1: Jonathan Ross is shown how to use a telescope. Brian explains why planets are spheres. Hawaii becomes home to Liz, who tells us about Mars and Mark gives tips on how to take brilliant night photographs.Episode 2: Liz shows us images of the sun, Bri
Murder, Inc. (or Murder Incorporated or the Brownsville Boys; known in syndicate circles as The Combination) was the name given by the press to organized crime groups in the 1920s through the 1940s that resulted in hundreds of murders on behalf of the American Mafia and Jewish Mafia groups who together formed the early organized crime groups in New York and elsewhere. The name was a journalistic i