Browse Documentaries

On The Streets

Filmmaker Penny Woolcock spent eight months in a parallel world, the world of the homeless, befriending people and finding out where they eat, sleep and socialise. While making her film, Woolcock realised that the very real problems of homeless people have very little to do with the lack of a roof over their heads or a bed to sleep in. Their problems come from their past lives - and are less easy

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Erin Davies was attending an event in support of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans-gender rights when she walked back to her car and discovered her Volkswagen Beetle had been vandalized – someone had spray painted FAG across one side and U R GAY on the other. Davies was shocked and angered, but rather than simply have her car repainted, she chose to use the event to raise public awareness of hate

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What caused America to go from being a leading exporter of oil to the world’s largest importer? What are the economic and sociological forces that have contributed to that change and impede its solution? Gashole is an eye-opening documentary about the history of oil prices and sheds light on a secret that the big oil companies don’t want you to know – that there are viable and affordable alternati

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Who Will Save the Euro?

It is not just the banks that are in danger of going under. It is entire economies. They are the ones in need of emergency cash to stay afloat. For some time we have been saying that Europe's financial 'white knight' may end up wearing Chinese armour or even a South American uniform?Now it looks like all that is starting to come true. It started with a big splash in the Financial Times, saying

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Freedom Fuels

Freedom Fuels, takes an in-depth look at renewable fuel sources, such as bio-diesel, ethanol and vegetable oil. It explores the interaction of the petroleum industry and alternative fuels over the last 150 years, and examines the global impact that bio-fuels can have on our future.

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Meet The Climate Sceptics

Filmmaker Rupert Murray takes us on a journey into the heart of climate scepticism to examine the key arguments against man-made global warming and to try to understand the people who are making them.Do they have the evidence that we are heating up the atmosphere or are they taking a grave risk with our future by dabbling in highly complicated science they don’t fully understand? Where does th

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Third Reich: The Rise and Fall

For the second half of the twentieth century, the Third Reich has been deliberated and dissected. Now, as the Greatest Generation fades into history, the image of 40,000 uniformed Nazis goose-stepping in perfect synchronization represents all most Americans know about history’s most dangerously successful totalitarian government. Dig deep beneath the surface of our collective understanding of th

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We Love Cigarettes

A love of nicotine unites all peoples across the globe, regardless of colour, wealth or creed. Where religion and politics have failed tobacco has succeeded, but at what cost? For over 50 years people have been knowingly paying for the pleasure of tobacco with their lives, making man’s fatal tryst with the cigarette one of the strangest love affairs ever. But as smoking bans in the US and Europe a

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World War Two: 1941 and the Man of Steel

Marking the 70th anniversary of the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941, historian Professor David Reynolds re-assesses Stalin’s role in the life and death struggle between Germany and Russia in World War Two, which, he argues, was ultimately more critical for British survival than ‘Our Finest Hour’ in the Battle of Britain itself.The name Stalin means ‘man of steel’, but Reynolds’s pene

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