The events of 9/11 left a nation in shock. The devastation that occurred on that day lives in the heart of each American. The country, paralyzed with questions, tried to heal and rationalize the complexity of such an atrocity. One man followed his personal questioning and took actions that led him on a trip he will not soon forget.Journalist Lawrence Wright explored the moral dilemmas he exper
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In life he was sentenced to a horrible fate; in death his identity and the reason for his punishment remains a mystery.For 34 years, he was shut away in the French prison of Pignerol, doubly locked behind the prison walls and a heavy iron mask that kept his face hidden. Some 300 years after his death, the identity of this tragic figure remains a mystery, even as the world’s leading historians
This Swedish madman, the mysterious unidentified Ghost Rider, is supposed to be in his fifties, owns a Mitsubishi dealership, has a professional black racing bike that can top 280km (before tuning) and sets off around Stockholm at unbelievable, dangerous, suicidal, breakneck speeds, weaving traffic with millimetres to spare, while being filmed via POV cameras on his bike and additional crew member
'End of Liberty' was made possible by thousands of NIA members who submitted their warning signs that a societal collapse is near. Each of these warning signs on their own may not have a lot of meaning, but together they paint a complete picture of America's dismal future. NIA believes 'End of Liberty' is a must see for all Americans who want to survive the upcoming currency crisis and col
n 1974, the BTK serial killer terrorised the people of Kansas. Known for binding, torturing and killing men, women and children, he taunted police with his letters for 5 years before mysteriously disappearing in 1979. 10 murders and 25 years later, he still wasn’t found. This is the story of the longest running serial killer case in history. What this documentary doesn’t say is that B.T.K. was cau
The controversy about a person’s right to die at a time and place of their own choosing has become focused on the Swiss organization Dignitas, and its founder Ludwig Minelli. Dignitas, in Zurich Switzerland, is the only place in the world where a person seeking an assisted suicide can be helped to die, no matter where they are from – and no matter what their state of health. For the past year, Osc
Montana Meth paints a broad, harrowing picture of the meth problem in Montana, which ranks second in the nation for teenage and adult abuse of the drug.The filmmaker speaks with several addicts and recovering addicts including 16-year-old Graham, a former straight-A student and athlete reduced to a shifty-eyed dropout after one year of using meth; 22-year-old Crystal, whose life has fallen
Terence McKenna and his idea of extropy is explained through the window of opportunity we can call novelty. One of Terence McKenna’s most widely promulgated ideas is known as Novelty theory. It predicts the ebb and flow of novelty in the universe as an inherent quality of time. McKenna developed the theory in the mid 1970s after his experiences in the Amazon at La Chorrera led him to closely
f you liked Cocaine Cowboys, you’ll like this one too. True story of the cocaine queen who makes Tony Montana look like Mother Teresa. Set on the inner-city streets of Oakland, California, cocaine dealer Charles Cosby has his life is changed forever when he writes a fan letter to the “Cocaine Godmother” Griselda Blanco, who is serving time at a nearby federal prison. Six months later, Cosby is a m