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Nuclear Meltdown Disaster

It was Japans most powerful earthquake ever recorded, and it triggered a monster tsunami, fear washed over the nation as the waves crashed ashore and brought further destruction with them. This however was just the beginning of the damage caused. Ten nuclear reactors at two power plants were crippled, threatening the unimaginable, a possible evacuation of Tokyo which would bring unparalleled chaos

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The Ruins of Raqqa

Back in 2014, Raqqa became the informal capital of the Islamic State’s self-proclaimed caliphate. Many hundreds of civilians died in the battle to liberate the city and it now lies in ruins.Upon entering the city, there is an eerie calm and breathtaking destruction as far as the eye can see. A-once thriving city of 260,000 people reduced to rubble by US led airstrikes, it's hard to imagine it co

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Gordon Ramsay on Cocaine

Cocaine is everywhere and celebrity chief Gordon Ramsey is no stranger to the illegal substance, he has had many encounters with it throughout his life and career, stating that he has been served it, had his hand shaken and left with little wraps of foil containing it, he has even been asked to dust soufflé's with it and its use now seems to be more prevalent than ever before, especially in t

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Organic food: Hype or Hope?

In society today there is a growing demand for organic food, but with this demand comes risk, do we as consumers always get what it says on the label? Of course anyone who opts for organic food clearly wants to lead a healthier life, but is organic food actually better for you when conventional farming is taking place all around it? How can this quality be verified?One analogy is put forward b

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The Fall of Milosevic

Slobodan Milošević, former president of Yugoslavia and Serbia was the first head of state to be tried by an international court for war crimes and genocide. Milosevic had driven whole communities from their homelands to make way for their fellow Serbs, his forces had murdered thousands of civilians and the wars he provoked launched the term 'Ethnic Cleansing' and they tore Yugoslavia apart.Fir

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The Colony: Chile’s Dark Past Uncovered

Deep in the foothills of a marvellous mountain range set in a beautiful landscape of low forested hills and fast flowing rivers is a small community of Germans who have lived there for the last 50 years. But this place is not Germany or even Europe and those mountains are not the Alps but instead the Andes in central Chile, today this place is known as Villa Baviera but most people still call it b

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Strange Egypt

Ancient Egypt were a conspiracy might use a wax doll and magic words to kill the King. In the empire along the Nile what seems bizarre now was the norm back then. Like the Pharaohs favoured people who were dwarfs, the peoples recreational habits which involved getting high a lot of the time and their sex life which in some cases would include those who have passed away. When Jennifer used some of

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Bill Cosby: Fall of an American Icon

This film sets its sights on the fascinating tale of how one of Hollywood's most successful stars managed to find himself facing criminal charges for sexual assault a decade after the accusations were made against him. On June 5th, 2017, Bill Cosby faced trial for these charges but after deliberation it was declared a "True Deadlock".After the fist trial was declared a mistrial Cosby was tried

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Gangs, Drill & Prayer

Going to church in South London may not be quite what you expect, young Christian are mobilising across the United Kingdom with the mission to lure gang members away from the street life and towards god through the power of music.In this film we hear from a 21 year old Pastor Enrique, as he shares his story with us, revealing the horrific events which made him give up being South London gangst

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