Browse Documentaries

The Suicide Plan

A groundbreaking special from FRONTLINE where over the course of 90-minutes we are taken into the social grey area of assisted suicide. This underground world is probably one of the most polarising social issues of our time as on one side we have those who feel they are helping people end their suffering but on the other we have the lawmakers who believe maters of assisted suicide are criminal.I

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The AI Race

An hour long special from ABC's Lateline which examines the future of artificial intelligence and how new figures show that every job will begin to change in the coming years as AI starts to revolutionise not just the repetitive physical tasks but also those which require more cognitive thought.Throughout the documentary we hear from several professionals all of whom are fearing replacement by

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Dirty Gold War

Dirty Gold War is a tale about the truths which lie behind the thriving industry of gold. On one side of it you have the end product which is associated with love, celebration and displays of wealth but there is a darker side to this precious metal and that is the appalling conditions faced by those who are affected by dirty gold.The film explores the complete road in which gold takes to in

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Living on Bitcoin for a Week

From the producer of the documentary Super Size Me, Morgan Spurlock now sets out to take on the strange new world of bitcoin and attempt to survive on nothing but the digital currency for a week.With a lot of misinformation and misunderstanding surrounding bitcoin these days, this is Spurlocks attempt to understand all of the pros and cons of using the peer-to-peer currency and how it might so

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The Meth Epidemic

The drug which started out as a fad back in the 1970's amongst the motorcycle gang subculture has now spread right across the United States, it is known by many names, Speed, Meth, Glass, etc. Despite the governments best efforts to crack down on it, methamphetamine has become far more destructive now than at any other point in the last decade.This film is an investigation into

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Sport Life Stories: Chris Eubank

British boxing legend Chris Eubank sits down with and speaks to award-winning TV journalist Gabriel Clarke about his life in sport and the legacy in which he left behind once retiring. From his early life growing up on the streets of Peckham to defending his world title 18 times we learn about what it takes to be Mr. Eubank.This film also focuses on the iconic and in one case tragic fights aga

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Hidden Killers, The Post-War Home

The shadow of World War II loomed long, there was a desperate need to rebuild bomb damaged towns and cities because above all people wanted a safe place to live and to bring up their families.In the 1950's the government was under pressure to build new homes and as such started an ambitious building program, the time to look forward had come at last and the British wanted everything around the

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Avon Barksdale Story: The Legends Of The Unwired

Most people are or at least should be familiar with the HBO television series "The Wire", but not everyone will be fully aware of the fact that the television series and the people portrayed in it were mostly based on real gangsters from Baltimore.Legends Of The Unwired is the first film to shine a light on this fact and reveal the true people that the characters of The Wire were based on.

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Silk Road: Drugs, Death and the Dark Web

A BBC Storyville special which sets out to take a deep look into the now infamous black market website known as the Silk Road which came into existance back in 2011. Coined the 'Amazon of illegal drugs' the Silk Road was the brainchild of a mysterious, libertarian who went under the moniker of The Dread Pirate Roberts. With the promise of providing his users with complete anonymity and total freed

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