Browse Documentaries

Born to Kill: Charles Albright

Charles Albright is a convicted American serial killer, he is a diagnosed psychopath who was found guilty of killing a woman in 1991 by means of shooting her in the head and removing her eyeballs. There was only enough evidence to convict Albright of this one particular crime but it is suspected that he is responsible for having killed a total of three women in the 1990's due to his signature

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Apocalypse: World War I

World War I brought about the sacrifice of an entire generation but could it have been avoided? How was it that such a cruel and far-reaching conflict occurred? This five part documentary series sets about answering such questions using some incredible archival footage, much of which is unseen but has all been brought to life by colour.Apocalypse WWI takes a strategic and global approach to te

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The Truth About Alcohol

Last January the British government released its new guidelines for alcohol consumption and for the UK's 40 million drinkers it was all pretty sobering. For men the recommended weekly limit was slashed by a third which equates to roughly 7 pints of beer, bringing it in line with the amount recommended for women.In this film we see A&E doctor Javid Abdelmoneim embark on mission to discov

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One Man, Six Wives, and Twenty-Nine Children

There are nearly 50,000 polygamists living illegally in the southwestern state of Utah, and in this film we see how one such family lives from day to day, as the producers were given permission to film Tom Green and his family which includes six wives and twenty nine children.Originally released in 1999, Tom was 51 years old at the time, through a number of interviews with himself and family m

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Children of Chernobyl

The Chernobyl disaster of 1986 resulted in a radioactive fallout which was 100 times greater than a nuclear bomb. To this day nobody really knows the true extent of how many people were truly affected by this but one of the few things that scientists can agree on is that children born in the surrounding areas will continue to be the primary victims.Many children have become ill over th

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Carl Cox: Space Is The Place

Carl Cox is one of the all time greats when it comes to the history of house and techno, for about 40 years now he has been one of the most recognisable figures on the scene. Well known throughout the world for his toothy grin and volumes of energy, but nowhere more so than the Spanish island of Ibiza.It was in Ibiza that Cox held his record-breaking residency for the nightclub known a

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Stabbed: The Truth About Knife Crime

A first hand examination of the knife crime epidemic which is currently plaguing the United Kingdom. We hear from the police, local councils and relatives of teenagers who have been stabbed to death. The filmmakers also get talking to a mother who is now releasing the CCTV footage of the stabbing which fatally wounded her son in the hope that it raises awareness for knife crime and how anyone

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Reggie Yates: Teen Gangs

In this film we see British television personality, Reggie Yates, embark on a journey into the murky world teen gang violence. As a child, Yates himself grew up on a council estate with his family receiving benefits from the government, he is well aware of the negative distractions which can present themselves to young people growing up in similar environments but he personally has always bel

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My Son The Jihadi

Sally Evans, mother of two, is on a journey to discover what it was that drove her eldest son Thomas to join leave home and join the deadly Islamic terror group known as Al Shabaab. Thomas was only 21 when he decided to leave his home in a Buckinghamshire village and travel to Somalia.The group Al Shabaab is a jihadi Al Qaeda affiliate which is responsible for many atrocities commited in Kenya

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