Browse Documentaries

The Confession: Col. Russell Williams

In this special edition of The Fifth Estate, reporter Bob McKeown, with the help of professionals sets out to deconstruct the interrogation and shocking confession of Col. Russell Williams. Williams is an English born Canadian who was a well decorated Colonel in the Canadian Forces until his arrest in February of 2010.Williams was formally charged by the Ontario Provincial Police with two coun

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Walls of Shame: Northern Ireland’s Troubles

The Good Friday Agreement was signed back in 1998, it brokered a peace deal between republicans and unionists in Northern Ireland. Nearly a decade later news network Al Jazeera visited Belfast to explore ongoing divisions still found within the city.This documentary was first broadcast in 2007 and it is part of Al Jazeera's "Walls of Shame" series, the film explores the modern history of North

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The Secret History Of ISIS

ISIS are currently the worlds most feared terrorist group and in this Frontline special we get an inside look into the story of where the group originated from and how they have been waging a war for more than a decade.The film also examines the failures of two American presidents, George W. Bush and Barack Obama, how decisions made by them appeared to make sense at the time but instea

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This is a story set in the dar recesses of science and the star of this tale is a creature of the night, an animal with skills that have defied explanation and inspired tales of horror. Its reputation has been blackened by rumours of evil and villainous pursuits but for centuries brave scientists have sought to conquer this mysterious creature convinced that it holds secrets that could change our

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Produced and directed by the Australian based journalist John Pilger, Utopia is a feature documentary which explores the prejudice that those of Aboriginal heritage experience in modern Austrailia. The title itself Utopia, is gotten from the Aboriginal homeland community of Utopia, Northern Territory. This region is one of the poorest and most desolate areas found in Austrailia.Prior to the Eu

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Cash for Kim

In 2014 a welder working on a large shipyard located in Gdynia, Poland, died in an on-the-job accident. His death lead to an investigation which discovered that the victim was actually an immigrant from the hermit state of North Korea. He had been forced by his government to work at the shipyard and his death is what inspired VICE News to go to Poland in order to investigate a murky world of illeg

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Murder In The Alps

The Annecy shootings, also the French Alps shootings or the Chevaline killings, were the shootings that took place on the 5th of September 2012. They saw a family from Britain who were on holiday brutally murdered, a father, mother and grandmother all of whom were shot at point blank range whilst in their car. In addition to this a 7 year old girl was shot and a cyclist was killed but on

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Iraq: The Final Judgement

On the 6th of July, 2016, the long awaited Iraq Inquiry released its findings, it strongly criticised former prime minister Tony Blair and his government, stating that they led the country into war based on flawed intelligence that should have been challenged. At 2.6 million words the report also goes into detail on how Britain had joined the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003 without

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The Caliph

The Caliphate, a form of rule in Islam that lasted for almost 13 centuries from the death of the Prophet Muhammad in the year 632 A.D. to the overthrowing of the last Ottoman Caliph in 1924. Through the centuries the title of Caliph has been used and at times abused, it is a translation from the Arabic word 'Khalifa' which means successor or deputy.In June 2014 a militant group calling itself

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