American Meth is a cross-country journey that focuses on several facets of the methamphetamine epidemic. From the oil fields of Wyoming and New Mexico to the homeless in Portland and the teens of Montana, filmmaker Justin Hunt spins a blue-collar tale of tragedy and triumph.Actor Val Kilmer lends his voicing talents as your narrator while exploring both the damage being done and community efforts to take back America.

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When people tell you drugs should be legalized, easily available and all that because people are free to choose remember chemical dependency doesn’t care who you are or what choices you think you make.
that was the Montana Meth documentary not American Meth..false advertising !
charrrrrrrr it balcatta styles
Benzedrine is plain old amphetamine not n-methylamphetamine. Doco’s shuld get their facts straight.
The meth problem is certainly depressing and might be directly related to the general malaise that seems to be settling over a disillusioned portion of what once was referred to as “working class America”. Unemployment, limited education, and smothering debt, coupled with a drug addiction spells disaster for families. It will be extrmely difficult for children in that environment to break out of the cycle of poverty.
The meth problem is certainly depressing and might be directly related to the general malaise that seems to be settling over a disillusioned portion of what once was referred to as “working class America”. Unemployment, limited education, and smothering debt, coupled with a drug addiction spells disaster for families. It will be extrmely difficult for children in that environment to break out of the cycle of poverty.
The meth problem is certainly depressing and might be directly related to the general malaise that seems to be settling over a disillusioned portion of what once was referred to as “working class America”. Unemployment, limited education, and smothering debt, coupled with a drug addiction spells disaster for families. It will be extrmely difficult for children in that environment to break out of the cycle of poverty.
The meth problem is certainly depressing and might be directly related to the general malaise that seems to be settling over a disillusioned portion of what once was referred to as “working class America”. Unemployment, limited education, and smothering debt, coupled with a drug addiction spells disaster for families. It will be extrmely difficult for children in that environment to break out of the cycle of poverty.
I thing this shit is more powerful and destructive, than crack cocaine. All drugs that are sintetizes from plants, are better for the human body. And synthetic drugs, just the opossite
WTF! This documentary had some promise, but totally derailed half way through. It’s like the film maker ran out of ideas, and so just filmed a family for an hour. Good premise, bad execution.
An uncool thing to do…..we have beer,wine,and all kinds of spirits to drink,why throw your life away with such a horrid drug.I suppose if you are already a loser then you don’t care about having the worst life has to offer.
Meth is a drug epidemic that has taken over peoples, lives, careers and ruined families.
Meth is a drug epidemic that has taken over peoples, lives, careers and ruined families.
Why would you want to see people do meth?
Why would you want to see people do meth?
i wanna see people do meth, this was abit tame
i wanna see people do meth, this was abit tame