
Architects & Engineers: Solving the Mystery of WTC 7

AE911Truth’s new 9/11 documentary Solving the Mystery, the destruction of World Trade Center Building #7, WTC 7 on 9/11/01. Join actor, Ed Asner and Architect Richard Gage, AIA and Architects and Engineers as they narrate an unfolding story that decimates the official account (“collapse due to normal office fires”) of this 47 story high-rise which was destroyed on the afternoon of 9/11 in record time: top to bottom in under 7 seconds – and at free-fall acceleration for a third of its fall. Solving the Mystery of the Free-Fall Collapse of WTC 7.

This is AE911Truth’s best shot at a professionally produced 15 minute informative and engaging 9/11 documentary on WTC 7 – designed for newcomers. It is free. Please spread Far and Wide, including Architects and Engineers.

The documentary includes several of the dozens of technical and building experts that were interviewed and that appear in our forthcoming full length documentary – 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out. Altogether of course there are more than 1,500 Architects & Engineers that have signed the AE911Truth petition calling for a new investigation of the destruction of all 3 high-rises at the World Trade Center on 9/11.

Special thanks to the AE911Truth volunteer video crew!

We are proud to partner with the 9/11 family members and first responders of in the 10th Anniversary Campaign to raise awareness about WTC 7 in cities across America.

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  1. Office furniture and insulating materials were the only things left to burn after the trellis christchurch nz gasoline swiftly burned off. The heat needed to melt steel could not be maintained with this.

  2. not surprising our government is just as if not more crooked then the catholic church

  3. Just look at what your eye’s can’t deny,Then use your Intellect to ask this one Question,how many people it would take to set such a demolition together,ask yourself ,How come not one person has come forward to Whistleblow on this massive operation.Yes ,it does look strange World trade building 7 collapsing,but there must be something in the engineering that went wrong,No body could hide such an operation with some weak link, considering most of the people if involved must have families too,There would have to be a herd of robots doing it not to have a least one whistle blower,so God bless everyone that has being affected by that horrible day in 2001,But I can’t believe this is an inside job,not for one minute

    • “Must be something wrong with building’s engineering”. This is known as cognitive dissonance. Experienced, award winning Architects, engineers and demolition experts state that only controlled demolition could bring the buildings down in this way. Yet some people cannot deal with this truth so they accept the government version of events to remain in their comfort zone.

  4. Prior to 9/11 no skyscraper has ever collapsed after burning – after 9/11 no skyscraper has ever collapsed after burning. The jet fuel did not burn long enough to melt the steel. The fuel burnt off quickly – after that all there was left to burn was office furniture and insulation materials. This was not enough to sustain the heat required to melt steel. When the twin towers fell they went into freefall, which is only possibly by making sure the structure collapsed uniformly, this can only be done with explosive devices. It was an inside job.

  5. What complete and utter nonsense. It’s just sad that there are so many gullible idiots in the US that suck up this ridiculous garbage.

    • Lmaooooooo #sheep

    • It’s complete and utter nonsense you wouldn’t think otherwise. Fifty people including fire fighters reported explosions but the 911 Commission said there were no explosives involved which is a lie. I saw a steel beam turn to dust and fall in mid air. It’s disturbing to think orur government would be involved in such a evil attack but documents show they are the evil individuals that designed this idea back in the sixties Are u living the American dream?

  6. So, uh, when did they plant the explosives?
    Before the plane impact, and the explosives were not damaged by the impact or fire?
    Seems unlikely.
    Or were the explosives set after the impact, while there was a huge blaze from the jet fuel?
    Wouldn’t that be a bit tricky?

    • they could have planted them well in advance (blast cord isn’t time sensitive) during routine maintenance of the steel beams which are coated with a fire proof spray on material. This fire proof coating is like paper mache and must be touched up every few years. The central columns were accessible for that reason/ One of the Bush family members had the security contract for the towers–total access. If the columns were wired then resprayed you would not see any wires or devices. This coating prevents steel from twisting at high temperatures- all mondern buildings have this done. Many high rise building have burned out to the steel and the steel is left intact and not twisted. Such buildings have never collapsed, ever.

      • You’ve obviously never worked with explosives.
        Blasting cord or Primacord is made of explosive filled plastic tubing.

        As for the building collapse, how many of the ones gutted by fire were hit by airliners?
        What do you think that impact did to the thermal protection on those columns?
        I’ve worked with explosives and I’ve build high rises.

        The explosives theory doesn’t work: the explosives could not survive the airliner impact and fire, and they could not have been set after the impact and fire.
        To suggest otherwise is just stupid.

        Your next theory will be that the explosives were set just below the impact sites.
        So how did the airliners hit just the right place?
        The buildings collapsed from the point of the impacts.

        • I realise this is a late reply, but UMMMMM building 7 wasn’t hit by a plane…

          • Excellent point about bldg 7 which only had some collateral damage and small fires and no plane strike. In the history of the world no high rise building has ever collapsed due to fire and there have been some massive high rise fires. Even in WW2 for example Stalingrad had 100,000 tons of bombs dropped on the buildings and yet most of the building still stood. Reinforced concrete of that era which had just been developed and is inferior to modern day reinforced concrete used for WTC not to mention the increase in engineering technology that went into WTC specifically to prevent destruction by plane strikes

        • well then you should know that such demos are wired top to bottom, IE all the critical columns on every floor. The top floor may have lost connection but what about all the floors below? What about radio controlled groups? If the fire retardants were knocked off why didn’t the building twist and fall sideways? Straight down is hard to do even if you wire it right. Shape charges are set off in a timed succession, not all at once, but you know that right?

          • You’re stupid enough to think you can fly a fully loaded airliner into a pre-wired building at 500 miles an hour, have the building and jet fuel burn for 45 minutes, and the wires for explosives and the explosives themselves won’t be damaged?

            Occam’s Razor, fool.

            Oh, and nobody noticed any wiring or explosives beforehand?

            You’re an idiot.

          • Jet fuel at it’s most extreme hottest temperature in perfect and ideal environment still doesn’t burn hot enough to melt steel into molten steel- Science is clear, non negotiable & simple but you can’t use logic and science to change the minds of people whose beliefs are not based in logic and science

          • It doesn’t have to melt the steel into a puddle.
            Steel begins weakening at pretty low temperatures.

            The acetylene torches and plasma cutters and air arc gougers and slicing lances all do make puddles of molten steel.
            Try working in a welding shop some time.

            Steel loses 50% of it’s strength by 1200F.
            Jet fuel can burn hotter than 1500F.

          • Occsam’s razo==r you think I guy that never flew before much less a jet liner, could hit anything with it and take down a building that is designed for such an impact. and you think jet fuel melted steel for the first time ever when it doesn’t burn hot enough, and you think a jet hitting the 85th floor ruined the wires on every floor below it ( why didn’t the lights go out too? why were the first explosions recorded in the basement?), and you think a guy that never flew before flew into the most protected airspace in the word, made flying acrobatics the Blue Angels con’t do and hit the Pentagon’s accounting department in exactly the right place so the billions they were trying to find could never be found–and with leaving any jet parts behind. “There are none so blind as those who will not see.”

          • A jet fuel fire won’t weaken steel?
            You’re even dumber than Rosie O’Donnel.
            Ever seen a high rise being built?
            Do you know what a plasma torch is, or an Air Arc, or a simple arc welder?

            You’ve descended into gibberish.
            What flying acrobatics are you talking about?
            Get some new tinfoil, dummy , your hat is pulling in some static from the mother ship.

          • I’m a construction manager. ( land development, commercial, institutional and hi rise) I also worked in the towers doing retro fits, I’ve been all over it and the basements too. I don’t do welding, I tell people what to weld and when.

          • Obviously you don’t understand that fire weakens steel.
            And you work at a Starbucks pouring coffee.

          • Weakened steel doesn’t melt. Not sure how much steel you have actually worked with….weakened steel bends, cracks, breaks, snaps but never, ever in the history of the universe has it melted all the steel infrastructure of 110 floors of a building. until. almost no floors were left standing on top of each other.
            We are talking about the largest and most advanced building of it’s era and then free fall and drop like a rock in 7 seconds. It’s absurd, to claim weakened steel would cause this. Simply watch documentaries of WW2 of Berlin and Russia bombings of these cities high rise buildings to educate yourself, exactly how much damage reinforced concrete and steel buildings can take. Utterly impossible that two planes took out the Twin towers causing both buildings to collapse “IDENTICALLY” within minutes of each other and a 3rd building not even struck by a plane to collapse as well

          • I am a Civil Engineer. The 85 floors of steel columns below the fires didn’t have any heat to weaken the steel. Yet we are to believe these massive steel columns somehow ended up in nicely cut pieces small enough to fit on semi trucks and hauled away to be shipped to China for scrap.
            You don’t actually believe concrete floors dropping straight down would break all 24 steel columns? Why would that happen? Even millions of tons of concrete falling out of the sky wouldn’t bust em. Ever step on a nail? Goes right though the boot.. Try as you may, you can’t bust a nail with a hammer. Good luck with that..

          • Do you understand the concept that the floors above had a great deal of momentum once the damaged floors collapsed and the upper part of the building fell the one story???
            You’re not an engineer.
            You’re a liar.
            No engineer is that stupid.

            You aren’t aware that the steel wreckage was cut up on the ground during the clean up?
            How stunned are you?

  7. Wonderful website. Plenty of useful information here. I’m sending it to several pals ans additionally sharing in delicious. And naturally, thank you to your effort!

  8. Remember people 1930 american goverment try a medicine on black people even black peoples drink water…………….and much more question is why

  9. lol every one in the comments are fighting…. lets just agree that there should be further investigation into the matter.

  10. What I’d like to know is why in this day and age of Wikileaks, Assange, Anonymous etc that we don’t have whistle blowers that claim they were a part of, or privy to the great conspiracy? Surely there would be thousands needed to cover all bases of this gigantic conspiracy right?

    I also worked around explosives crews and the lack of any det cords, primers etc seems a little far fetched.

    Also check the video of where the actual collapse begins and it starts at the actual point of impact. Are people trying to convince us that in a building rigged with explosives connected with cord, without knowing the exact eventual point of impact of both planes that you could choose to detonate explosives right at those points of impact? To me that seems even more far fetched.

  11. Kind of sick that it was our own government. Yes it was.

  12. No Brasil a engenharia e quem tem nível técnico e superior é e contra essa doença de conspiração que contaminou o mundo. Os 7 milhões de meus colegas engenheiros e todas as universidades, firmas de engenharia dos EUA são contra o A&Etruth. Eles só fazem muitos vídeos. A engenharia do mundo sabe que as torres foram danificadas pelos Boeings e o combustível gerou incêndios de +1000ºC. Menos os 516 do tal A&Etruth. Enfraqueceu as vigas, pelo calor, restantes que seguravam os andares acima de 2400T cada. Sou engenheiro. O WTC1 desabou em cima do WTC7.Arrancando todo lado sul,causando danos estruturais,destruindo o sistema anti-incêndio e gerou incêndios que chegaram 1000ºC.Não havia água e nem carros-pipa,soterrados pelas torres.Nas ruas em volta havia toneladas de escombros em chamas das torres O prédio teve suas vigas dilatadas e enfraquecidas pelo incêndio.Até às 15h os bombeiros nada podiam fazer.Os engenheiros que lá estavam viram que o prédio dava sinais de ruir. o chefe-bombeiro deu ordem de retirada às 15h e às 17h o prédio ruiu.Não houve demolição a jato com explosivos invisíveis e a tal thermite,que não derrete lataria de carros.Nem os bombeiros forma cúmplices.O A&Etruth acusa os bombeiros de cumplicidade.São mentirosos,dementes e canalhas. Essa porra de conspiração é repudiada pelas universidades e os 7 milhões de meus colegas engenheiro no s EUA pelas associações destes. Aqui a engenharia e a as universidades do Brasil é o mesmo.

  13. “Condemnation without investigation is the highest form of ignorance.” ~Albert Einstein

  14. Time to go see the doctor for a change of medication. crackpots.

  15. 7:02 0f the video….Tom Sullivan “Explosives Technician.”…The important phrase here is, “What I saw,…”  He saw what I did.  The penthouse section falls first.

    NOW, look at the NIST “computer model.”  The Penthouse is the last section to fall, just before the global failure of EVERY support column.

    This is PROOF…by computer model, so who needs to follow the “laws of physics”?

    Apparently not, NIST.

  16. Look at the facts…buildings just dont implode… End of discussion.

  17. You need some serious mental blinders on to keep believing the official theory, that or chronic gullibility….

  18. the first thing i said as i watching this unfold on tv … i started freaking out jumping up and down saying thats bull shit!!  buildings dont fall straight down!!!!!!!

  19. I love the ”controlled demolition” nonsense.

    Since I like the idea of super stealthy ninjas with experience with bulding explosives being able to wire up the entire building without ANYONE SEEIN THEM.


    Every single stupid 9/11 conspiracy DEBUNKED.



    Every single stupid 9/11 conspiracy DEBUNKED.


    • Posts like this are why a dislike button needs to exist. That site is garbage and I feel bad for you gullible proles that actually believe the official story.

    • Posts like this are why a dislike button needs to exist. That site is garbage and I feel bad for you gullible proles that actually believe the official story.

    • Posts like this are why a dislike button needs to exist. That site is garbage and I feel bad for you gullible proles that actually believe the official story.

      • Spare me you truther cunt.

        Notice you just said ”that site is garbage” without ANYTHING specific. Just like all truthers. DENY EVERYTHING THAT CONTRADICTS YOUR POSITION.

      • Spare me you truther cunt.

        Notice you just said ”that site is garbage” without ANYTHING specific. Just like all truthers. DENY EVERYTHING THAT CONTRADICTS YOUR POSITION.

  22.  Fuck sake. GTFO truther scum.

    You’re worse than the birthers.

  23.  Fuck sake. GTFO truther scum.

    You’re worse than the birthers.

  24. What I would like to see is the other footage from one of hose cameras on the Pentagon showing the plane hitting the building. All those cameras and only one from across the way recorded it. Spare me please.

  25. What I would like to see is the other footage from one of hose cameras on the Pentagon showing the plane hitting the building. All those cameras and only one from across the way recorded it. Spare me please.

  26. It seems pretty easy to me. Open up the investigation again, with people from both sides of the fence. Obviously some people are not satisfied with the explanation that has been put forward, and since the number of people asking for the investigation is pretty large and seem to have pretty good qualifications in the area then perhaps they have a legitimate reason to ask these questions. The truth might hurt, but it will set you free. Mike, you really are a sad individual. You obviously don’t care for people or have any compassion. Precisely, what’s wrong with the world today. I’m not a religious person, but lord help the people who live around you.

  27. It seems pretty easy to me. Open up the investigation again, with people from both sides of the fence. Obviously some people are not satisfied with the explanation that has been put forward, and since the number of people asking for the investigation is pretty large and seem to have pretty good qualifications in the area then perhaps they have a legitimate reason to ask these questions. The truth might hurt, but it will set you free. Mike, you really are a sad individual. You obviously don’t care for people or have any compassion. Precisely, what’s wrong with the world today. I’m not a religious person, but lord help the people who live around you.

  28. The Zionist planed this event

  29. The Zionist planed this event

    • Is it me or is there a massive influx of nazi’s on the internet lately? Check any conversation on any topic and yo usually get at least one of these 1945 throwbacks trolling the forums.

  30. The Zionist  brought planed this event

  31. The Zionist  brought planed this event

  32. The big banks decided it was time for a good war in the middle east and to do that they had to engineer a muslim attack on America that would appeal to the people and give them reason to go to war.

    They thought about toilet papering the Statue of Liberty but, figured that would just outrage the feminists so, they destroyed Manhattan instead.

  33. The big banks decided it was time for a good war in the middle east and to do that they had to engineer a muslim attack on America that would appeal to the people and give them reason to go to war.

    They thought about toilet papering the Statue of Liberty but, figured that would just outrage the feminists so, they destroyed Manhattan instead.

  34. You both are idiots! There were only two world trade centers!

  35. You both are idiots! There were only two world trade centers!

    architects and engineers are KNOWN ILLUMINATI!!! DO NOT BELIEVE THIS AGENDA MOVIE!!!

    If you notice the “A&E 911” logo has the Masenry Corner and Angle Diamond right in it.  Its so blatant you dont even see it.

    Did you know that a fungus  has so much exothermic energy from O2 production..???? and that WTC7 was infected by molds?? It is important before you dismiss me (“yeah right FUNGUS blew 
    up a  building”) that you research the fax. Keep and opened MIND.

    And don’t let these FARCEitechts and EngiLIARS deceive us……….. please wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it was just a building!

  37. no comeback mike no??

  38. no comeback mike no??

  39. no comeback mike no??

  40. no comeback mike no??

  41. The
    main reason is Power .

    No rich country
    questioned the IRAK war , the chips are on table ,

    deeply sorry
    for the casualties in middle east , US and the families

    if some one
    hears something about a big parking lot in south america . 
    please send me a line 😉

  42. i really wanna say FUCK america, but really its, fuck the world!! why has no country said out loud that all this shit and war is ILLEGAL 

    • How are they supposed to say that in over American airwaves/media when we can’t even say it.  Read foreign news sites, the Germans, Japanese, and Italians have all called bullshit at one time or another.  The Italians even produced one of the better 9/11 truth videos which is also available here.

  43. bush/obama, same shit different face.
    i was allways a little sceptic about new world order, but for the last 10 year i have really notest some funny shit on the news..
    if u know how propaganda/public reletions works u will notic it to.
    CHANGE we all fell for that shit, but nothing has changed.
    i thought it was a bit funny obama won the nobel peace price for doing nothing but replaceing bush.
    right then i knew somting was funny about obama, dont u?

  44. bush/obama, same shit different face.
    i was allways a little sceptic about new world order, but for the last 10 year i have really notest some funny shit on the news..
    if u know how propaganda/public reletions works u will notic it to.
    CHANGE we all fell for that shit, but nothing has changed.
    i thought it was a bit funny obama won the nobel peace price for doing nothing but replaceing bush.
    right then i knew somting was funny about obama, dont u?

  45. The BBC did a documentary about WTC7 earlier this year and it brought up a lot of facts and new images of WTC7 that really shows how badly damaged the building was. Maybe someone should post that to Documentary Heaven as an alternative to this one so people can judge for themselves.

    • They’re a heavily invested ally.  BP needs these wars as much as Chevron.

    • They’re a heavily invested ally.  BP needs these wars as much as Chevron.

      • I agree with you. The BBC never really challenges the government line.

        But for the record, I believe that BP is majority US owned

        And Alrightythen, no-one cares that you don’t care about the BBC – we do!  The news is biased, but some stuff they do (nature documentaries, Doctor Who, etc) is world class.

      • I agree with you. The BBC never really challenges the government line.

        But for the record, I believe that BP is majority US owned

        And Alrightythen, no-one cares that you don’t care about the BBC – we do!  The news is biased, but some stuff they do (nature documentaries, Doctor Who, etc) is world class.

    • Sssssshhhhh…. Now you should know no one cares about BBC in the US.

    • Sssssshhhhh…. Now you should know no one cares about BBC in the US.

    • Sssssshhhhh…. Now you should know no one cares about BBC in the US.

  46. The building was on fire, if it wasn’t brought down the way it was more building would have been damaged much worse.  Sometimes things really are as simple as they appear.

    All you fucking conspiracy/social rejects should join forces and be the first people to fly to the moon, because ..  


    • yeah! I’ll go to the moon! (except……….!)

    • it fell at fucking FREEFALL SPEED into its own footprint. yeah im sure that was just a coincidence

    • it fell at fucking FREEFALL SPEED into its own footprint. yeah im sure that was just a coincidence

      • Just like the twin towers fell at free fall speeds? Remember those claims that I’m sure many people still believe? They ignore the fact that the buildings collapsed in different times, and that each building collapsed slower than the debris coming off of them.

        The claim was similar for WTC7. Except this was much less obvious, since the building is so much shorter, and thus didn’t have much time to fall. But note in the description: “at free-fall acceleration for a third of its fall”. Even AE911 have backed off from the hard claim. Now it’s only a third of the fall, and only at “free-fall ACCELERATION”.

      • Just like the twin towers fell at free fall speeds? Remember those claims that I’m sure many people still believe? They ignore the fact that the buildings collapsed in different times, and that each building collapsed slower than the debris coming off of them.

        The claim was similar for WTC7. Except this was much less obvious, since the building is so much shorter, and thus didn’t have much time to fall. But note in the description: “at free-fall acceleration for a third of its fall”. Even AE911 have backed off from the hard claim. Now it’s only a third of the fall, and only at “free-fall ACCELERATION”.

    • it fell at fucking FREEFALL SPEED into its own footprint. yeah im sure that was just a coincidence

    • Dead right Mike….If the nice men hadnt put those explosives in the building 7 it  would have fallen over and probably hurt someone. I guess it was upset and was going to just fall down…eh Mikey!!!  I see by this comment you’re Glue sniffing is as fun as ever.

    • rofl you are the idiot – the official account makes no mention of “bringing it down”. They claim “it just fell”. If it was as simple as your simple brain says it is, there would be no issue.

      Now stfu, or stick to saying things that are relevant.

    • rofl you are the idiot – the official account makes no mention of “bringing it down”. They claim “it just fell”. If it was as simple as your simple brain says it is, there would be no issue.

      Now stfu, or stick to saying things that are relevant.

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