
Are My Fake Breasts Safe?

Former Miss Great Britain, Gemma Garrett, investigates how she and some other 50,000 British women ended up with toxic breast implants made by the French company PIP.

After her own implants ruptured and the silicone pieces had to be tweezered out, Gemma wants to know not just what the long-term effects will be on her body, but also why such high numbers of women remain so desperate to make their breasts larger, and what risks they face as a result.

Can they be confident about the other products on the market, or even breast surgery itself?

As Gemma explores the implant industry as a whole, she meets the first woman to ever have them and some of the women with PIPs now terrified they have been left with ‘ticking timebombs’ in their chest. And with her own experience still painfully raw, Gemma challenges a friend who is still dead set on having implants, but is a boob job really the best way to boost her assets?

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  1. Save the tatas … It’s a choice, it’s elective, but one must be educated and prepared to face any adverse consequences. And yes, it’s the media’s fault demanding unrealistic expectations of real women.

  2. “She’s very, very tiny. Almost like a boy. I mean, she has to have implants put back in.”

    Miss Great Britain = Part of the problem. So shallow. How can she still condone the use of implants after what she’s been through. How about setting an example for all the women and young girls who think that in order to feel validated, they need to undergo this desperate operation. Women who probably look up to her. She’s an awful role model.

    She as a journalist should be aware of how the media distort our image of ourselves as women, our bodies, our sense of importance. Women need to respect themselves instead of poisoning and mutilating themselves in order to conform to an ideal image of how a woman should look through a mans eyes.

    It’s sad the BBC couldn’t find someone with a bit of self respect who has learned from her experience, instead of this sob story.

    Don’t get me wrong, It’s horrible that the medical industry would endanger the health of women to turn a profit and if someone had been forced to undergo a mastectomy for health reasons, I could understand the motivation to put the whole ordeal behind them and feel normal again.

    But to take that risk for vanity? Get over yourselves. If you have small boobs, you have small boobs. I’m sure you have a ton of other amazing qualities that other women don’t have. But nobodies going to notice, uncluding yourselves, if you don’t stop fixating on your boobs… or your bum, your nose or whatever.