Posts By: Documentary Heaven

Her Majesty’s Prison: Aylesbury

The authorities at Aylesbury prison in the United Kingdom, have to try and manage some of the most dangerous and disruptive 18 to 21 year olds in the country with one in five prisoners serving life sentences. ITV have been granted extensive access to the inside of HMP Aylesbury, as a result we get a vivid picture of what daily life consists of for those working and serving time in the prison.

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Zero Days

While we all quietly surf around on the internet an elite of the smartest hackers scan it day and night looking for undetected safety leaks. They convert these secret leaks as if by magic into building blocks for cyber weapons which they can then sell for astronomical amounts of money to criminal organisations, security services and even the government. These exploits enable those in the know to i

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Shell Shocked

This is a story about being young and surrounded by violence and what it's like to grow up in a murder capital of America, but it is also a story about finding solutions. In 1960, New Orleans had it's largest population and it's lowest murder rate, but in the course of 50 years over ten thousand people have been murdered and since the year 2005 more people have been killed than those who lost

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The Great Car Insurance Swindle

With the cost of car insurance in the United Kingdom up nearly 40% this year, BBC's Panorama decide to go undercover, delving straight into the murky world of insurance fraud and speaking directly with the gangs who are ripping off insurance companies to the tune of tens of thousands of pounds. These criminals are faking road accidents at an alarming rate, all in an attempt to cash in on 

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One Day in Auschwitz

Kitty Hart-Moxon is a Polish-English Auschwitz concentration camp surviver, in this film the now 90-year old decides to revisit the very Nazi death camp that she was sent to as a child over 70 years ago, back in 1943. Hart-Moxon was only 16 when herself and her mother were forced into the camp and now she wants to re-make the journey along with two teenage girls who are both of a similar

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The Trouble with Space Junk

220 miles above the Earth on the 12th of March 2009, was a day like any other on the International Space Station, but that was until they received an unusual message stating that they were having a "Red Conjunction". A Red Conjunction is a warning code that the space station could be hit by some orbital debris. The space station itself was traveling at nearly 8 kilometres per second, the space jun

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Delius: Composer, Lover, Enigma

Burials in Britain are not normally held after dark, but nothing in the life and music of the composer Frederick Delius was normal. He was buries in May 1935, yet he'd actually died almost a year earlier. The short ceremony took place at midnight in a Surrey churchyard, yet Delius himself had nothing but contempt for the Church of England and all religion. Not to mention that t

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Somerset: After the Floods

Moorland, Somerset, an English village like any other. But last year this quite ordinary place had an extraordinary experience. It was the wettest winter in 250 years. Storms brought misery to large parts of the country, but nowhere was hit worse hit than the Somerset Levels. In the space of 24 hours a lot of people from the area lost everything, their homes and lives were washed away.The area

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Britain’s Private War

BBC Scotland investigates the UK's armed sector of the private security industry which is estimated to be worth, globally, as much as £400 billion. Where there's conflict, there are contracts. This is a programme about the outsourcing of war, the deaths of former soldiers the public aren't being told about and an unregulated industry which is getting rich in all our names.In this film reporter&n

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