Posts By: Documentary Heaven

Order and Disorder

A two part documentary series released by the BBC back in 2012, we see Professor Jim Al-Khalili investigates the important concepts of energy and information.Episode 1: Energy How was it that Humans acquired the power to transform the planet as we did? Looking at the Earth at night from space reveals just how successful we have been in harnessing and manipulating energy and how important i

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Murder: No Apparent Motive

"4000 a year dead, killed by total strangers, it's an epidemic of murder in America, murder with no apparent motive" - Released by in 1984, this rare documentary explores the increase in recreational murder seen throughout the United States, primarily focusing on notorious killers such as Henry Lee Lucas, Ed Kemper and Ted Bundy. The film itself even features an exclusive interview with

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Putin’s Way

With Russia in economic crisis and tensions simmering over Ukraine, the world now has its eyes on president Vladimir Putin. In this Frontline special we get the inside story into Putin's rise to power, with correspondent Gillian Findlay, investigating the shady allegations that have haunted Putin over the years.

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The Truth About Sugar

Fiona Phillips, a journalist best known for her role in presenting the popular British morning show, GMTV, is embarking on a mission to seek out the truth behind our newly found enemy, sugar. She discovers why some of us happen to have more of a craving towards sugar than others and which types of sugar are better for us, considering the amount that goes into foods we would consider to be savoury.

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ISIS: The World’s Richest Terror Army

A small army of fanatical Jihadists sieged 15,000 sq. miles of territory and shocked the world with it's violence and brutality. The so called Islamic State is a terror organisation, the likes of which we have never seen before, having now amassed a huge army that rules over 8,000,000 people.Terror has been at the heart of the Islamic States's blueprint, mapped out in a most unlikely place, US

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Secrets of the Sun

It's an alien landscape where magnetic tornados, twist upward tens of thousands miles, mysterious dark spots large enough to engulf the earth and violent eruptions shoot tones of charged particles into space at speeds of up to 2 million miles per hour. This is not some strange world situated at the other side of the galaxy, this is our Sun and now new technologies are allowing us to see it like ne

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Japans Wild Secrets

Japan, both fast and furious but outside it's neon cities lies an untamed wilderness, forest filled islands, massive mountains and billowing active volcanos. A fantastic variety of animals inhabit these vast landscapes, a place where against the odds life can flourish. In this National Geographic documentary we look past the bustling car filled streets and discover the true beauty of Japans hidden

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The Killing Season

The last week in parliament, in politics they call it "the killing season". Australian Labour Leader, Kim Beazley is about to be overthrown and this three part documentary series by Sarah Ferguson, is a gripping tale of how the Labour Party managed to come to power after suffering 11 long years of oppression within government to only later self destruct, losing it all.In this series we see, Ke

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Saving Thailand’s Animals

In Thailand getting up close to jungle animals is one of the most popular attractions on the tourist trail,  wether it's riding an elephant, petting a tiger or feeding a monkey, you can do it all in Thailand. But in the rush to meet tourist demand and make profits, animals are often mistreated and neglected. In this episode of East 101 by Al Jazeera, Drew Ambrose heads to Thailand in order to find

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