Posts By: Documentary Heaven

DNA: The Molecule of Life

DNA: The Molecule of Life, is a 5 part documentary series released by the American public broadcaster and television program distributor, PBS. It examines the heart of life, the one thing that links all living things together, the very key passed through the generations giving you and me our personalities, health, looks and ethnicity and yet It wasn't until 1958 that this blueprint for all li

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Evolution of Bodybuilding

Bodybuilding is routed in the tradition of self improvement, both in terms of body image and self worth, with a subculture rich in history, these men have given rise to a world of intense competition, driving competitors to bring their bodies to the absolute physical peak.Explore the lives of these individuals and what it takes to be selected to be the best in the world, Mr. Olympia and how that

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The Unexplored

In the winter of 2012, after 7 months on the sailing ship ATI, an unusual group of friends came to the shores of the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico. The Yucatan Peninsula is home to the largest and longest flooded caves in the world, tourists regularly visit to enjoy the water holes scattered around the area, but few of them realise that only a few meters underground lies an immense maze of submerged

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Deep Web

The Deep Web is vast, thousands of times larger than the "Surface Web" i.e. the searchable web that we all know and love. The Deep Web itself is not a place it just simply accounts for all of the unindexed content stored online, this includes banking data, administrative code for governments, corporations and universities. Over time people began using the Deep Web via special browsers, one su

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Hannibal: Rome’s Greatest Enemy

The 3rd Century B.C. Hannibal the Carthaginian attempts the impossible, crossing the Alps with his mercenary army, elephants and all. His target and nemesis is the Romain Republic. Driven by honour and glory, obsessed by his duty to his homeland and his father, Hannibal's deeply personal struggle will transform the Western world. An inspirational leader and genius on the battlefield, Hannibal inte

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On August 9th 1974, Richard Milhous Nixon became the first president in the history of the United States to resign from office. His staff gathered in the Whitehouse to bid him farewell, as millions of Americans watched on television, some in sorrow and disbelief, others are glad to see him go. As president, Richard Nixon had accomplished great things, and had been reelected overwhelmingly, but he

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42 Ways To Kill Hitler

He's one of histories most hated men, millions want him eliminated, but only a few will step up and take action to end his rein of terror. From his early grab for power, to the final days of the Third Reich, new research reviles that there were at least 42 plots to kill Adolf Hitler. Who were these would be assassins, what were their methods and why was it that they all ultimately failed?In this

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The Secret of Drawing

Once upon a time the ability to draw was seen as the first and most essential skill of any artist, but in the age of the unmade bed and the pickled shark, drawing is widely perceived as an old fashioned activity. Many modern art schools don't even teach it, preferring to arm their students with digital or video cameras. In this four part documentary series Andrew Graham-Dixon, challenges the tedio

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The Road to Mosul

Last August the Peshmerga forces garrisoning Iraq's Sinjar range, crumbled under a sudden Islamic State offensive, leaving only a small force of PKK and YPG fighters as well as local Yazidi militias to fend the mountain. But now the Peshmerga are back in force and have set their sights on the reconquest of Sinjar City, which straddles the Islamic States main supply route between Mosul and Raqqa. I

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