Posts By: Documentary Heaven

The French Revolution

Nearing the end of the 18th Century, the most remarkable kingdom in Europe would face a mighty adversary, the unforeseen power of its own people. Out of this turbulence, one man would rise to inspire and empower the nation, to cast aside a reluctant King and a hated Queen, a new republic would be born in blood, the blood of the French Revolution.

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The Mind’s Big Bang

In this National Geographic documentary, narrated by Liam Nelson, we see archaeologist, Randy White crawl deep into the caves beneath the hills of France, in search for a special moment in human evolution. An era cloaked in mystery, when with hardly a change in appearance humans began behaving in a way they had never behaved before. White wants to find out how it was that our ancestors became

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Car Crash: The DeLorean Story

This is the tale of the biggest car crash in all of the automotive history, the story of how a modern day Machiavelli spend 85 million pounds of tax payers money in pursuit of his dream to build a stainless steel sports car.  Over a quarter of a century ago, the only sports car ever built in Ireland ceased production, the car itself was as controversial as it was nonconventional, gull wing doors,

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Kim Philby: The Spy Who Went Into The Cold

Harold Adrian Russell Philby, better known to the world as Kim, was an Englishman who spied for the Soviet Union. Philby was a high-ranking member of British intelligence but who decided to operate as a double agent, that was until he defected to the Soviet Union in 1963. It was around this time that it was revealed that Philby was in fact a member of the spy ring now known as the Cambridge Five.

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Catch Me If You Can

Investigative journalist Mark Daly, is a keen athlete but for more than a year he had embedded himself into the murky world of doping in athletics. It's an investigation like none he has done before, having to push himself to his physical limit in order to truly understand the world he's entering, he even goes as far as becoming a doper himself.The story includes tales of coverup

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Klansville U.S.A.

In this episode of American Experience we are shown first hand how the once most liberal southern state of America (North Carolina), became home to the largest Klan organisation in the country, the Ku Klux Klan. They seemed to have lay dormant for decades but in 1954 after the Supreme Court: Brown v. Board of Education decision, i.e. states running separate schools based on race were dee

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Australia’s Deadliest: Shark Coast

Western Austrailia's stunning coastline has recently been ravaged by a deadly predator, the community it appears in under siege, with beaches being closed left, right and centre, tourism as well has taken a hit. Austrailia's largest state, Perth, has become the deadliest shark attack zone on the planet. The Great White Shark is a fierce predator and was responsible for 5 fatalities withi

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Inside the Court of Henry VIII

This is the story of a royal court that changed the world, above it all Henry VIII, the tyrant king. Paranoid and obsessed with treason, a religious fanatic who rebels against his church. To prosper in his shadow takes guile and audacity, but no one every really seemed safe.In 1509 Henry VIII came to the throne, a vigorous young man, with new ideas, he inspired the nation with a n

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Downloading the Devil

In this 40 minute documentary we see the bizarre events surrounding the murder of Jennifer Blagg and her daughter Abby by Michael, Jennifer's husband. Michael, it turns out had an unusual craving for pornography which was initially satisfied by imagery of women being dominated. This in itself isn't very out of the ordinary in 21st Century America, but for God-fearing Christians

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