Posts By: Documentary Heaven

Fleetwood Mac: Destiny Rules

Released back in 2004 this film sees FLEETWOOD MAC reunite for the first time in over fifteen years in order to record a new studio album. We follow them as they set about writing and recording the album "Say You Will". With cameras on them from the very first moment Stevie Nicks walks into the studio right up until the opening night of their showcase tour, we are given a great insight i

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The Creation of the Computer

The ability to think and reason is what makes us human, setting us apart from the rest of nature. People communicate in intricate ways about various complex subjects and at the centre of it all there is a thinking machine, the computer. With it our thoughts can be recorded and what once seemed possible now seems common place. Today computers are capable of amazing tasks that would boggle even the

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Rise Of The Houthis

A political crisis in Yemen is treating to tear it apart, Northern rebels called the Houthis have taken the capital and are imposing their revolutionary agenda, this being said they now face fierce opposition to their rule from groups such as Al Qaeda. Their audacious bid for power has ignited sectarian hatred, its part of what many believe to be a proxy war in Yemen, between Iran and Saudi Arabia

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How Safe Are Our Planes?

150 people lost their lives recently, in one of the worst airline disasters of recent years. Andreas Lubitz is the Co-Piolit being held responsible for deliberately crashing the Germanwings Airbus 320 plane into the Alps, killing everyone on board. This Channel 4 documentary examines the crash and tries to find out more in regards to Lubitz and his reasoning for committing such a heinous act. It a

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The Poisoner’s Handbook

In 1922, 101 New Yorkers hanged themselves, 444 died in car accidents, 20 were crushed in elevators, there were 237 fatal shootings and 34 stabbings and that year 997 New Yorkers died of poisoning. In this film PBS takes us back through these grim statistics, explaining how in the early 20th century, the average American medicine cabinet would have been filled with poison, all easily purchase

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Institutionalized: Mental Health Behind Bars

Vice News travels to Cook County Jail, located in Chicago, Illinois, which is the largest single site jail in America, it currently houses 9,000 inmates and it is estimated that 30% of these individuals have mental health illnesses, making it the largest mental health care provider in America today. This short documentary aims to examine the current state of such a mental health care system which

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A Nation Divided? The Charlie Hebdo Aftermath

It was the attack that shocked the world, leaving 12 shot dead at a newspaper in Paris. After this attack on Charlie Hebdo, France now feels under assault from violent Jihadists. To investigate, British journalist and comedian Shaista Aziz travels to France in an attempt to understand where this sense of division is coming from, she meets up with some young Muslims who feel rejected by their count

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The Secret World of Lewis Carroll

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is a timeless classic and one of the most quoted books in English only preceded by the Bible and Shakespeare. To mark the books 150th anniversary this film explores it's extraordinary appeal and the life of the man who wrote it, the Reverend Charles Dodgson or better known as Lewis Carroll. Martha Kearney a radio broadcaster and journalist examines b

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Forced Adoption In The UK

RT (Russia Today) recently released this film which shines a light on one of the more controversial issues faced by some parents in living in the United Kingdom today and thats forced adoption. The UK is one of only two European countries that allows for the state to force a child into adoption without the consent of a child's biological parents. Some families have had no other choice but to leave

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