Posts By: Documentary Heaven

ISIS: “Islamic” Extremism?

Radicalism in many forms has made significant inroads within several countries located around the world, in particular Iraq and Syria in the last few years. Such groups that pose a threat here are known as Muslim extremists, and they directly challenge the idea of Islam and are a threat to humanity in the areas which they dominate. In this journey Mojtaba Masood will be examining modern day extrem

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Killer On The Run: David Bieber

It's Boxing Day, 2003 and much of Britain was quite as millions of people celebrated the Christmas holidays, but not everyone of course has time off. In Leads two police officers said goodbye to their families and went to work at Killingbeck police station, they were PC Neil Roper and by his side, his friend and colleague PC Ian Broadhurst.The two officers were expecting a relatively easy shif

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Declassified: The Cuban Missile Crisis

One man wanted to win it all, the other had everything to loose, together their nuclear missiles brought the world to the edge of annihilation. In October of 1962 the island of Cuba became the centre of the world as Fidel Castro makes the case that the nuclear  missile bases and warheads are for defence, but for others such as the United States they are a deadly threat and for 15 days in 1962

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War on Whistleblowers

War on Whistleblowers is a 2013 documentary film made by Robert Greenwald and it highlights several recent cases where employees of the United States government and contractors such as Edward Snowden took steps to release or leak sensitive material in order to expose the fraud or abuse being carried out within the administration of government. Even with president Obama commuting to improving

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On Death Row

In 2012 Oscar winning documentary film maker Werner Herzog released a new four part series entitled On Death Row, he dedicates each episode to a different individual currently on Death Row in the United States, focusing on a specific murder case each time. The four cases profiled are as follows:Douglas Feldman Joseph Garcia and George Rivas, members of the Texas Seven. Pokies is the simplest

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Trouble at Tesco

The mighty Tesco, Britain's biggest retailer, a giant which has fallen from grace. It's sales are down and it's also facing a criminal investigation into how it overstated it's profits. In this film from panorama they take a peek into the inner workings of one of the UK's most important businesses a reveal why profits tumbled and how Tesco turned the screw on the people who supplied them with prod

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The Paedophile Next Door

Paedophile's it seems are everywhere in Britain today and almost every week a new child abuse or sex scandal breaks, predatory paedophiles operating at every level of society have abused our children with impunity, for over 50 years they have made a mockery of the elaborate policies put in place to protect our children and the well known cases, including the likes of Jimmy Saville are only th

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Barber Shop City

The barber shop culture that resides within the 32 boroughs of London is extensively unique unto itself. On the streets of South London there are over 500 operating barber shops, open to business to thousands of people that awash that city everyday. Having adopted a large Caribbean influence in many of the boroughs, London is home to a large number of Jamaican owned establishments.These black

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Lost Generation of Sudan

25 years ago the country of Sudan was on fire and due to the lack of media coverage almost no one knew what was happening, so the fire of genocide spread and burned for more than 15 years, claiming the lives of over 2 million people. Out of the ashes of war, came hope and after watching their parents die trying to protect them, many displaced children walked for years through dangers we cant imagi

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