Posts By: Documentary Heaven

When Cousins Marry

Statistics show that in the United Kingdom more than half of British Pakistanis marry their first cousins. When Cousins Marry is a 2010 Channel 4 Dispatches special that examines the tragic consequences of a cultural practice that is devastating children's lives.Every year the UK sees first cousin marriages cause many hundreds of children being born with awful disabilities. One third of thes

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Jack the Ripper: The Case Reopened

In 1888, the most infamous serial killer of all time began his reign of terror in Londons East End. The identity of this man who has become known as Jack The Ripper remains a mystery to this day.Now with the help of some of the countries top criminal investigators, actor Emilia Fox alongside Britain’s top criminologist Professor David Wilson are going to reopen the ripper files. At the age of

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Jordan Belfort: The Wolf of Wall Street

Martin Scorsese's, The Wolf of Wall Street starring Leonardo DiCaprio, premiered on the 9th of December 2013. It's a film about the extraordinary story of a trader who was worth millions at the age of only 27. Although many people didn't realise it was the story of a real man, Jordan Belfort. He's the real hero of the film having inspired this incredible success story that you just couldn't inven

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At the age of 16, filmmaker Anna Wexler decided to break away from her Orthodox Jewish community located in New Jersey, as she rejected the religious doctrine and social restrictions that were being pushed upon her. This rejection however resulted in the severing of ties to her family.Anna decided to run away from her home, sleeping on the streets, and experimenting with sex and drugs with f

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Pedigree Dogs Exposed: Three Years On

In August 2008, the BBC One investigative documentary Pedigree Dogs Exposed explored the true extent of the health and welfare problems witnessed in pedigree dogs and called it "the greatest animal welfare scandal of our time".As such the film generated much criticism of the Kennel Club, the governing body of pedigree dogs in the United Kingdom which runs the prestigious dog breed show Cruft

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The Life Exotic

With the March 2020 release of the Netflix documentary miniseries, Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness the world seems to have gone Joe Exotic crazy. Those of you who have seen the series will know that it is a bizarre true crime tale that dives straight into the little-known but deeply interconnected society of big cat conservationists and collectors in America. It takes us inside the pr

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How Coronavirus Spread Across The Globe

This is the story of how a virus we didn't even know existed three months ago has managed to change the way we live so drastically. Coronavirus (Covid-19) has impacted life all across the globe for billions of people, whether that be complete lockdown, adhering to social distancing, job loss, etc. but it all started in the city of Wuhan, China.Wuhan became the first city in the world to be se

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Secrets of the Stone Age

The human race has been building huge stone structures for ages but what are the origins of these structures? What were these circular constructions used for?Many of these structures were sealed up thousands of years ago by the people who had built them, but in some cases it was the wind and waves that wore down their protective covering over time. These structures are known as megaliths but

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Contagion! The BBC Four Pandemic

This 75 minute BBC special Contagion! The BBC Four Pandemic was released in order to mark the 100 year anniversary of the 1918 influenza pandemic that swept the world infecting around one third of the total human population and is estimated to have killed 50 million people.In this film we see broadcaster Hannah Fry conduct a nationwide citizen science experiment, those who wanted to get invo

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