Posts By: Documentary Heaven

The Lost Legions of Varus

For 2,000 years Europe has been divided by war, each passing century marked with the blood of endless conflict, sometimes religious, always political and never resolved, finally this never ending conflict exploded engulfing the world. It seems absurd that nearly all this bloodshed can be traced back to a single battle, but it can. A battle that few Europeans remember but no Roman was allowed to fo

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Operation Ghost Stories: The Spies Next Door

In this episode of Declassified we see how ten Russian sleeper agents managed to infiltrate the United States by living normal lives, their whole goal was to disappear into a community and not be recognised for who they really were. It sparked one of the largest counterintelligence efforts in history as the FBI scrambled to neutralize the threat.Spying is something that has been with us throughout

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Superhuman: World’s Tallest Children

Imagine you're a child but trapped in the body of a giant, these are the children who simply tower above everyone and they live in a world that is just to small for them. In this film we meet Brendan, the 13 year old who is currently 7ft and 3 inches tall and can't stop growing, the Van Nes', a family of super tall children who get their height from genetics alone and Marley, a 17 year old Thai gi

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We Heard The Bells: The Influenza of 1918

With the Coronavirus death toll now surpassing 1,000 in mainland China it seems only appropriate that we take a look back in time to the year 1918. It was a year that saw the First World War come to an end, millions had died in the European trenches and the world was exhausted by war. However it wasn't long until a new horror gripped the world, it was a terrifying virus that would eventually claim

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Shed Your Tears and Walk Away

Shed Your Tears and Walk Away is a harrowing real-life drama set in the beautiful but rural town of Hebden Bridge, in the United Kingdom. We follow filmmaker Jez Lewis as he travels back to his hometown for yet another childhood friends funeral, having already lost five friends to suicide.The film itself is very much a personal quest for understanding as to how so many of his friends have foun

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Australia: Ravaged by Drought and Fire

Bushfires are nothing new in Australia, but this season’s blazes have taken on a new dimension. Their vast scale is largely down to extreme weather conditions. Last year was the hottest and driest since recordings began in 1910.More than 12 million hectares of land have been ravaged since the outbreak of the Australian bushfires in October 2019, that's an area almost one and a half times the s

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50 Years of Exploration: The Golden Anniversary of NASA

In less than a century America has progressed from the sandy hills of Kitty Hawk along the Atlantic coast into the vast new ocean of space. They journey has been difficult and dangerous but it has also been extremely rewarding, giving us a better understanding of our home planet, solar system and the universe as a whole.Although humans have dreamed of sailing outward from the planet Earth for

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We Shall Not Die Now

We Shall Not Die Now is a new feature length documentary film which chronicles the horrors of the Holocaust which saw over six million Jews and millions of others systematically murdered by the Nazi regime between 1939 and 1945.It is now 75 years since World War II came to a conclusion and in this film we not only explore the horrific human tragedy that occurred but what we can potentially lea

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Deadliest Roads: Nepal

Jumla, located in Western Nepal is a small town perched at an altitude of 2000 metres above sea level. It's one of the worlds poorest regions. 10,000 people live here, virtually forgotten by the rest of civilization, the only connection to the outside world is the road to Surkhet which is 300 kilometres away at the bottom of the Kalikot valley, it's and awful nightmarish road.In this film we f

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