Posts By: Documentary Heaven

The Syphilis Enigma

When Christopher Columbus crossed the Atlantic in 1492, he carried with him diseases which all but wiped out the Native Indian population. Their revenge according to history was to send back to Europe the scourge of syphilis, because in 1495 this new disease hit Europe with devastating affect, attacking those who were promiscuous in nature.What is Syphilis and where did it come from? As mentio

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Silicon Valley’s Online Slave Market

Technologies such as the internet have no doubt had a overwhelmingly positive impact on mankind, allowing us to communicate and share information far quick than we ever could have imagined which in turn has drastically accelerated our advancement in many fields such as science, healthcare, industry, etc.There is however a darker side to the internet, one which see's tech giants such as Google,

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Gravity and Me: The Force that Shapes our Lives

Would you like to loose a little bit of weight without doing any exercise or dieting? Or perhaps age just a little slower than your friends? Well you might be surprised to hear that the laws of physics can help. The key to unlocking these everyday questions is gravity, it sculpts the universe, it warps space and time, it is a fundamental force of nature. Gravities strange powers discovered by Albe

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The Story of Tetris

The year is 1984, and the cold war was in full affect between two superpowers: the United States and the Soviet Union. Major economic and political differences created a constant state of tension between the former allies. The capitalist United States experienced unprecedented economic growth, the nation grew and prospered socially and economically.The Communist Soviet Union was however a star

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The Watts Family Murders

The Watts Family Murders occurred on the early morning of August 13th, 2018, in Frederick, Colorado, United States. Chris Watts murdered his pregnant wife Shanann, and their two young daughters. For the first time members of the investigation team who secured Watts confession share their personal accounts of the case as it unfolded.This particular crime shook America as it seemed as though the

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Guilty: The Conviction of Cardinal Pell

Austrailia's highest ranking Catholic, the man who rose to be the Vaticans third most powerful cleric had been convicted of sexual crimes against two thirteen year old boys. It was a jury of twelve who had found Cardinal George Pell guilty of five shocking offences which all took place inside St. Patrick's Cathedral when Pell was Archbishop of Melbourne.A suppression order banning publicati

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Steve Irwin: Sidewinders of Arizona

The harsh hot deserts of Arizona are home to a couple of heat seeking species of snake known as sidewinders, they are both fast and deadly accurate. Sidewinders of Arizona sees legend Steve Irwin and The Crocodile Hunters crew invited on to a military range by the United States Airforce to help fill in the gap in their quest to bring us the worlds greatest reptiles.With 2.7 million acres in th

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Steve Irwin: Crocs Down Under

In the northeastern corner of Austrailia where the top end meets the sea, lurks a relic from the days of the dinosaurs, the saltwater crocodile which is one of the most fearsome predators on the face of the Earth. However these predators have a sweeter side to them, like most wild animals they just want to be left alone t0 feed, breed and rear their young.Crocs are complex creatures, finely tu

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The Devil You Know

The Devil You Know a five part documentary series produced by Viceland that examines the life of a man called John Lawson who was infamously known as Pazuzu Algarad.Pazuzu was a self-proclaimed satanist who lived a life of pure excess, some of which included heavy drug abuse, arranging orgies, animal sacrifices and much more, all whilst acting as a leader to a group of punks and outsiders,

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