Posts By: Documentary Heaven

The Other Side of Jimmy Savile

Former detective Mark Williams-Thomas conducts an investigation into allegations that Sir Jimmy Savile sexually abused vulnerable teenage girls.That Jimmy Savile fancied young girls is beyond doubt. He never married, and colleagues say he simply wasn't interested in women over 20. As long ago as 2000, Louis Theroux was publicly raising the possibility that the shell-suited entertainer might be a

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America’s 2nd Revolutionary War

Traveling from tea parties in Texas to "Oath Keeper" rallies in Massachusetts, VICE investigates whether the country is actually on the verge of the 2nd Revolutionary War.The Department of Homeland Security classifies them as potential "domestic terrorists"; they prefer to be called patriots. As the economic crisis deepens, a growing movement of Americans is rejecting the two-party system and

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U-Boats In The Gulf

In 1942, with the U.S. military still gearing for battle, Hitler brought the war to America. In a little known mission, dozens of Nazi U-boats penetrated the Gulf of Mexico, attacking and sinking numerous merchant freighters and oil tankers. While experts thought they knew most of what went on there, their theories were challenged in 2001 when an underwater survey team discovered the wreck of U-16

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Hitler’s Warriors: Manstein the Strategist

They used to call it the art of warfare. War as a game of strategy. Certain moves can be considered brilliant, like the French campaign, his greatest triumph. Some moves required brute force, such as the conquest of Crimea and Sevastopol, the world’s strongest fortress.“My most able general”, said Hitler, “is the most dangerous opponent” said the allies. A Prussian field marshal obsessed with

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UFO: New Evidence

Are aliens really out there? You've heard tales of little green men from other planets, but these are normally consigned to urban legends and sci-fi fables. However, a dossier of files released by the Ministry of Defence last year proves just how seriously some of these close encounters are taken by the government. Discover the truth in UFO UK: New Evidence. Since August 2010, these previously cl

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Ground Zero: Syria

Ground Zero: Syria is a compiled photojournalist and videographer Robert King’s footage into a series of raw, largely unedited vignettes that present a snapshot of the ancient city as it crumbles and burns while its citizens are killed indiscriminately.Amid a fierce battle between Assad’s security forces and Free Syrian Army insurgents, fire swept through the old Souk of Aleppo, a historic cov

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Ran Out of Oil

Our contemporary world is so dependent on technology fueled by oil, and yet oil will not last forever. How will the world change and how will people adapt as food disappears, electrical power fails? Witness the devastation in major cities as winter sets in. What will be more important to our survival; the technology to develop new sources of energy, or a change to a more sustainable way of life?

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