Posts By: Documentary Heaven

Invading Iraq: How Britain & America Got It Wrong

It was a war fought to uncover weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) but it appeared to be known that Saddam Hussein did not have such weapons. The British and Americans had anticipated being welcomed as liberators along with the Iraqi army switching sides and help run the country but there was nobody to receive a surrender from.The conflict which started in 2003 was intended on being a war of peac

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The Prince and the Paedophile: Epstein’s Royal Scandal

Prince Andrew, Queen Elizabeth’s beloved second son and his links to convicted paedophile, Jeffery Epstein has brought on a shame that now haunts the royal family. With this relationship being brought to light the duke has been forced to step away from a few recent royal engagements.Prince Andrew's links to the disgraced financier were bad enough but it gets worse as he continued to visit Epst

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Fire in Paradise

With it fast approaching a year since California saw the deadliest wildfire in the states recorded history FRONTLINE have went ahead and released this special. Through high quality archived footage we witness first hand how the fire which started in the early morning hours of Nov. 8, 2018 raged on for more than two weeks, devastating the town which is ironically named Paradise before being extingu

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After Hitler

There are many documentary films which cover the ins and the outs of the Second World War conflict years i.e. between 1939 and 1945, quite a few of these even go as far as detailing the lead up to the war but there isn't much on what happened directly after the war, until now that is.After Hitler reveals how Europe was in ruins after the war, people had hoped for lasting peace but instead

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Who was Karl Marx?

2018 marked the 200th anniversary of the birth of Karl Marx, a German philosopher and Communist icon. After 200 years though is Marx still relevant? It would seem his name is back on everyone's lips with his writings inspiring portions Europe and China. But how should we approach this new interest in a man who's legacy not only changed the world but divided it too.Not everyone shares the same

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Jericho: The Oldest City on Earth?

Six thousand years before the present the colossal city of Uruk by far the largest in the worlds dominated the southern Mesopotamian plains of modern day Iraq. With a population of at least 50,000 people Uruk wouldn't be surpassed in size or in numbers for an astonishing 3,000 years to come. Until well into the Classical Age the legendary homeland of Gilgamesh was surrounded by a colossal mud bric

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Tears in the Bayou: The Streets of Houston

Tears in the Bayou: The Streets of Houston is a film which takes the viewer straight to the heart of some of the roughest parts of inner city Houston, Texas. It is a tale which explores the reasons that lie behind the darkness that haunts a city which is home to the second highest number fortune 500 companies, but yet it is also one of the murder capitals located in the United States.We hear f

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Lost Worlds: Persia’s Forgotten Empire

Lying in the middle of a plane in the middle of modern day Iran is a forgotten ancient city, Persepolis. Built two and a half thousand years ago it was known in its day as the richest city under the Sun. Persepolis was the capital of the largest empire the world had ever seen but for over two thousand years after its destruction, it was largely ignored.The life and achievements of the Persians

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Stanley Kubrick: The True Story Of The Genius Movie Director

In our modern world our average day may consist of Facetiming family and friends, playing games online or asking Alexa to complete a task for us. These tasks have only become apart of our lives in the last decade or so but they were envisioned and shown on screen way back in 1968, all thanks to the mind and visionary talents of the iconic Stanley Kubrick in his film 2001: A Space Odyssey.2001

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