Posts By: Documentary Heaven

The Year London Blew Up: 1974

With the rise of fanatical attacks in Britain over the last decade or so we have  seen bombs being aimed at the defenceless, fundamentalists determined to take the lives of strangers, defiance on the streets of the capital but the act of terror has a way of reviving the memory of terror and Britain has faced terror like this before.In just 12 months during the mid 1970's 40 terrorist attacks w

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Is Anybody Out There?

On August 15th 1977 a strange signal from the constellation Sagittarius was received by the Big Ear radio telescope. The signal known as the 'Wow!' signal reached an intensity up to 30 times higher than the usual signals detected and it had a duration of 72 seconds. Its name comes form the side note which was written at the moment it was discovered by astronomer Jerry R. Ehman.Ehman was a coll

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TT3D Closer to the Edge

The TT motorcycle race takes place on the Isle of Man every year and TT3D: Closer to the Edge is a film which follows some of the leading riders of the 2010 race, most notably Guy Martin and Ian Hutchinson.Shot in 3D this is a unique film which vividly recounts some of the most legendary rivalries seen on the roads of the Isle of Man and in road racing history. We discover why modern TT riders

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Fisher of Men

Thousands of migrants have drowned in the Mediterranean while sailing from Libya to Italy. Chamseddine Marzoug, a fisherman from Jarjis in neighbouring Tunisia, buries some of their bodies in a “cemetery of the unknown”. RTD finds out what motivates his kindness and why Tunisians and Sub-Saharan Africans are risking their lives to reach Europe.

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Hidden Killers of the Tudor Home

Nowadays we think of the Tudor home as an icon of Britishness, timber-framed and possibly thatched, a cottage even, it sounds wonderful but these quaint pretty relics of the past belie the revolution in technology that changed them and us.It is considered to be the great age of change and it is one of the reasons we love the Tudor period so much, because it is the age of discovery and there's

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The Real Chernobyl

Following the success of the HBO & Sky Atlantic hit mini drama series Chernobyl, Sky have released a documentary special which heads straight for Ukraine in order to meet some of the real people who were involved in dealing with the nuclear disaster which occurred back in 1986.The series writer Craig Mazin said that he wanted to bring "the untold true story" of Chernobyl to the world, this

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The Bomber

Every day, millions of packages are delivered through the mail in the United States but for 19 days, a bomber held the city of Austin, Texas, hostage. He had residents terrified due to the unpredictable nature of his attacks.By the time police had managed to catch up with the 23 year old suspect Mark Anthony Conditt, 6 bombs had been detonated, killing two people and injuring 5 more. These att

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America’s Lost H-Bomb

Georgia's sandy costal shallows hide a deadly secret, a hydrogen bomb dumped by an American bomber over half a century ago in 1958 at Tybee Island. The bomb itself was very much nuclear capable and the military were never able to find it although Pentagon officials insist that the missing h-bomb posses no threat.A spokesperson for the Pentagon has stated that they still believe the best course

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Canada’s Dark Secret

It wasn't until 1996 that the last residential school in Canada was shut down, resulting in some truly horrifying tales being shared publicly with regards to the various methods which were being used in order to sever indigenous children from the influence of their families and to assimilate them into the dominant "Canadian" culture.This dark side to Canada history dates back well over a centu

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