Posts By: Documentary Heaven

Body Farms

Since 1980, there have been over 250,000 recorded unsolved homicides in the United States, the number of missing persons and unidentified remains has been described as "the nations's silent mass disaster". There appears to be a lack of funding and support for any forensic research and law enforcement training, without these it seems that the number of unsolved homicides will only continue to grow.

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The Nuclear Option

In Japan the bright lights never stop burning, the nation has an insatiable for energy but with virtually no natural resources to generate it. In order to meet demand for their electrical needs here they bet big on nuclear power having figured it was a low risk means to produce the energy they required.However the meltdown witnessed at Fukushima back in March 2011 changed everything. To avo

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The Warwick Uni Rape Chat Scandal

Last year (2018), a group of male students made rape threats against their female peers at Warwick University which lies on the outskirts of Coventry between the West-Midlands and Warwickshire, England. These threats were made via a private Facebook group chat, this resulted in several of these men receiving significant bans from the university but later these 10-year bans were reduced to 12 month

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Living With Nomads: Siberia

Television presenter Kate Humble sets out on a journey to north Siberia in order to discover what life is like for the Nenets, a group of nomads who spend their lives migrating with the seasons as they herd reindeer up and down the Yamal Peninsula.With temperatures that can drop to -54C it is without a doubt an extremely tough environment to survive in and we see these extremes take there t

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Britain’s Bloodiest Dynasty

Out of the chaos, darkness and violence of the Middle Ages one family rose to seize control of England. Generation after generation they ruled the country for more than 300 years, ruthlessly crushing all competition to become the greatest English dynasty of all time.They were the Plantagenets and their story is more shocking, more brutal than anything you'll find in fiction and in this four pa

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Who Bombed Omagh?

On a Saturday afternoon in August 1998 a red Vauxhall parked in the centre Omagh, a town located in Country Tyrone, Ireland. Inside this car were two men and up to 500 pounds of explosives, after arming the bomb the two men walked away and melted into the crowd. Waiting nearby was a getaway car, these men and the many more who helped them were responsible for the single worst atrocity of the Irish

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Trump’s Trade War

With President Trump upping the pressure for a trade deal with China by stating he will introduce higher tariffs on Chinese goods, this FRONTLINE and NPR special sees correspondent Laura Sullivan investigate the forces which are at work behind the tensions both in the United States and abroad.It is a great power struggle which seems to have many people concerned with regards to the economic fu

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Mystery of The Sun

It's an alien landscape where magnetic tornados twist upward tens of thousands of miles, home to mysterious dark spots each large enough to engulf the Earth ebb and flow. It is a place of violent eruptions that shoot tones of charged particles into space at speeds of over two million mile per hour.This is not some strange world on the other side of the galaxy, this is our Sun a yellow dwarf st

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Meet the Night Runners

There seems to be a mysterious trend gripping rural Kenya, it is something which has been spoken about through the generations, a form of witchcraft for want of a better description. The people carrying out this voodoo have been given the name 'Night Runners'. They are said to be villagers who are possessed by a demonic spirit which encourages them to wreak havoc for their neighbours at night.

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