Posts By: Documentary Heaven

The Minds of Men

On April 13th 1953, newly appointed CIA director Allen Dulles signed off on MKUltra, the CIA's top secret mind control project. Three days before that Dulles gave a speech on the battle for mens minds to justify it. For Dulles it was a missive into a newly declared battle for the minds of men and would come just weeks after he became CIA director as a countermeasure to Soviet "brainwashing".Du

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War Feels Like War

Originally released in 2004, War Feels Like War is a British film which for three months follows five reporters and photographers who managed to circumvent the military media control in order to gain access to a different perspective of the Iraq War.As the world witnessed the Coalition of the willing sweep through Iraq, some journalists in Kuwait took it upon themselves to travel in their wake

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Area 51: The CIA’s Secret Files

A short flight from Las Vegas, deep in the Nevada desert lies Area 51 the CIA's secret. It is a giant clandestine base that remained unacknowledged and disavowed by the United States government for almost 60 years but in August 2013 the CIA finally admitted that this place is real.In this National Geographic special we see Richard Co, a former United States Air Force pilot head straight for it,

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Seattle is Dying

KOMO's Eric Johnson asks the question what if Seattle is dying and the citizens of the United States don't even know it? This is a story about a seething, simmering anger that is now boiling over into outrage, it is about people who have felt compassion but who know longer feel safe, no longer feel they are heard or even protected.This is a story about a beautiful jewel that has been violated

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Inside Rolls Royce

As one of the oldest and most famous brands in the world Rolls Royce have been providing luxury motor cars to the super rich for over a century. The cars themselves are a true symbol of status and just scream success.In order to keep the wealthy happy with their wheels it takes a special kind of dedication and in a year where Rolls Royce are building their most expensive car ever, the British

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91%: A Film About Guns in America

In a country with a population of around 327 million people, the people of the United States own around 347 million firearms, meaning guns now outnumber people in America. Because of this it should come as no surprise that gun violence is now one of the most urgent public health issues facing the United States today.In this film we hear from a number of those people who have been directly affe

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Putin’s Revenge

It was election day 2016 and as Americans headed to the polls United States intelligent agencies were on high alert. Intelligent agencies had been tracking a multi-pronged effort to influence voters, leaks of hacked emails, adverts on Facebook and Google, on social media trolls and bots were spreading as much fake news as possible all of which they believed was connected to Russian president Vladi

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The Cola Wars

The soft drink industry is a 100 million dollar juggernaut, the Coca Cola Company and Pepsi Co. control vast empires which reach into practically every corner of the globe. Through huge networks of bottlers, distributors and retailers there's hardly a spot on Earth where you cant quench your thirst with either a Coke or a Pepsi.So heavily promoted their presence is practically inescapable, Coke

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Shot At Dawn

Over a million British and Commonwealth soldiers lost their lives in World War I, they left behind families and friends who though devastated by their loss could mourn them with pride as they were after all good men who died honourably fighting for their country, their sacrifice would never be forgotten.But the sacrifice of others has been forgotten though they died as soldiers on the killing

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