Posts By: Documentary Heaven

Life and Death in the War Zone

Medical personnel more accustomed to treating patients than handling weapons prepare to head to Iraq. The 21st CSH ("cash"), or Combat Support Hospital, sets up a full-service mobile hospital at an airbase in Balad, northwest of Baghdad.  The first patients, both American and Iraqi soldiers, are treated for battle wounds. With their own health-care system in disarray, Iraqis turn to the

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Provos: Born Again

Where does one begin with the IRA? In the 17th century with the first Protestant settlers in the Northeast of Ireland? With Patrick Pearse's seizure of the GPO building in Dublin in 1916? With the Partition of Ireland in 1921? With the bombing campaign of the 1950s? In 1968 with the first civil rights marches? With the arrival of British troops on the streets of Belfast and Derry in 1969

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Provos: The IRA and Sinn Fein

Where does one begin with the IRA? In the 17th century with the first Protestant settlers in the Northeast of Ireland? With Patrick Pearse's seizure of the GPO building in Dublin in 1916? With the Partition of Ireland in 1921? With the bombing campaign of the 1950s? In 1968 with the first civil rights marches? With the arrival of British troops on the streets of Belfast and Derry in 1969?Any o

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Provos: The Secret War

Where does one begin with the IRA? In the 17th century with the first Protestant settlers in the Northeast of Ireland? With Patrick Pearse's seizure of the GPO building in Dublin in 1916? With the Partition of Ireland in 1921? With the bombing campaign of the 1950s? In 1968 with the first civil rights marches? With the arrival of British troops on the streets of Belfast and Derry in 1969?

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Web 3.0

A short story about the Semantic Web. Some Internet experts believe the next generation of the Web – Web 3.0 – will make tasks like your search for movies and food faster and easier. Instead of multiple searches, you might type a complex sentence or two in your Web 3.0 browser, and the Web will do the rest.For example, you could type "I want to see a funny movie and then eat at a good Mex

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The Real Eve

Mitochondrial DNA is passed from mother to children, both male and female, unchanged and it mutates at a predictable rate; i.e., the more the genetic mutations in the DNA, the more ancient the origin of the population.Using these facts, some scientists are studying mitochondrial DNA to try to trace back the origins of the human race.Using this method, the scientists have traced the human race

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The Trouble With Atheism

The Trouble with Atheism is an hour-long documentary on atheism, presented by Rod Liddle. It aired on Channel 4 in December 2006. The documentary focuses on criticizing atheism, as well as science, for its perceived similarities to religion, as well as arrogance and intolerance. The programme includes interviews with a number of prominent scientists, including atheists Richard Dawkins and Peter At

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Dirt! The Movie

A look at man's relationship with Dirt. Dirt and humans couldn't be closer. We started our journey together as stardust, swirled by cosmic forces into our galaxy, solar system, and planet. We are made of the same stuff. Four billion years of evolution created dirt as the living source of all life on Earth including humans. Dirt has given us food, shelter, fuel, medicine, ceramics, flowers, cosmeti

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Mystery Of The Wolf

One of Europe's last great predators, the wolf is an animal that remains cloaked in myth and mystery. But a new vision is emerging thanks to an ambitious research project in Italy's Pollino National Park. Paolo Ciucci leads a team of biologists from the University of Rome on a quest to learn more about this elusive species.Tracking two wolves, Rebecca and Francesco deep into the forest, the bi

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