Posts By: Documentary Heaven

Oliver The Chimp

In January 1976 news broke of a phenomenon. Pictures showed an upright bald ape called Oliver, who appeared to be a cross between a human and a chimpanzee; What scientists refer to as a humanzee.Oliver’s photographs shocked the world, and in the media frenzy that followed he became an international celebrity. In Japan his human-like behavior earned him cult status. In New York some journalists

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A Brief History of Disbelief

Shadows of DoubtJonathan Miller visits the absent Twin Towers to consider the religious implications of 9/11 and meets Arthur Miller and the philosopher Colin McGinn. He searches for evidence of the first ‘unbelievers’ in Ancient Greece and examines some of the modern theories around why people have always tended to believe in mythology and magic.So few representatives of atheism provide a

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Human Cloning

Panayiotis Zavos is a controversial fertility doctor. He said to “The Independent” that he had already cloned human embryos and transferred 11 of them into the wombs of four women who had been prepared to give birth to cloned babies.Since cloning embryos into the human womb is a criminal offense in most countries, Dr. Panayiotis Zavos is said to have worked at a secret laboratory in the Middle

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Generation Jihad

In Generation Jihad, Peter Taylor investigates the terrorist threat from young Muslim extremists radicalised on the Internet.Following the attempt to bomb an airliner over Detroit on Christmas Day, this landmark series looks at the angry young men of Generation Jihad who have turned their backs on the country where they were born.In the first episode, Peter hears from those convicted under

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PT 5/6 Evidence of Revision: The RFK Assassination Continued, MK ULTRA and the Jonestown Massacre

Evidence of Revision is a 6-DVD, 8 hour long documentary series whose purpose is to present the publicly unavailable and even suppressed historical audio, video, and film recordings largely unseen by the American public relating to the assassination of the Kennedy brothers, the little known classified “Black Ops” actually used to intentionally create the massive war in Viet Nam, the CIA “mind cont

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Evidence of Revision

Evidence of Revision is a 9 hour long documentary series whose purpose is to present the publicly unavailable and even suppressed historical audio, video, and film recordings largely unseen by the American public relating to the assassination of the Kennedy brothers, the little known classified Black Ops actually used to intentionally create the massive war in Viet Nam, the CIA “min

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Whether your intellect is completely engaged or passively detached, any viewing of Naqoyqatsi is likely to provoke a fascinating response. You can view it as a magnificent, visually stimulating music video (as critic Roger Ebert suggested you should), or in context as the third and most unsettling film in director Godfrey Reggio’s “qatsi” trilogy, each titled from the Hopi language, and preceded b

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The Kings: From Babylon To Baghdad

The region now known as Iraq has always been, in many ways, world history’s ground zero. From this rich territory sprang the earliest cities and empires, earliest armies, and earliest tyrants.The Kings: From Babylon To Baghdad tells the story of Iraq through the history of its rulers, from Sargon the Great to Saddam Hussein. This feature-length documentary explores the connections and relevance

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