Posts By: Documentary Heaven

The Future Is Unwritten

When the Clash was labeled “The Only Band That Matters,” it may have been record company hype, but when I was a teenager, there was probably no band that mattered more to me. The idealism, the earnest anger, the democratic, sometimes clumsy way of mixing styles and sounds — I am almost as susceptible to it now as I was at 15. This is all by way of disclosure: It’s likely that I would have been sti

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Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed

Ben Stein shows us a world where Academia’s freedom of inquiry might not be so free. This should be a concern for anyone and everyone. This undermines the concept that we will be teaching facts and truth in our universities. However, if you watch how this documentary is formatted you will find that this documentary is overly biased, delving into spectrums of propaganda! Let me explain. Stein sets

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Mechanized Death: Legendary Driving Safety Film

Legendary “shock” driving safety film featuring numerous scenes of mutilated cars and injured/dead people and a voice over lacking in compassion.Produced in cooperation with the Ohio State Highway Patrol and shown to millions of young drivers for over 40 years.Signal 30 is just one of several Driver’s Education films produced by Highway Safety Films, filmed at actual auto accident scenes a

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We: Arundhati Roy

Nationalism of one kind or another was the cause of most of the genocide of the twentieth century. Flags are bits of colored cloth that governments use first to shrink-wrap people’s brains and then as ceremonial shrouds to bury the dead. When independent- thinking people (and here I do not include the corporate media) begin to rally under flags, when writers, painters, musicians, film makers suspe

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Fallujah: The Hidden Massacre

This war can not have witnesses. It can not have witnesses because it is based on lies. The Americans have permitted only embedded journalists to go to Fallujah. Despite that, for example the image of the marine that shoots the wounded and unarmed warrior inside the Fallujah Mosque has gone out. And exactly because this image has gone out, we do not know how, and because it has circulated all over

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I Know I’m Not Alone

This film came out of the director’s frustration with watching the nightly news and hearing generals, politicians and pundits, explaining the political and economic cost of the war in the Middle East, without ever mentioning the human cost. He wanted to hear about the war by the people affected by it most: doctors, nurses, poets, artists, soldiers, and his personal favorite, musicians. Michael Fra

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Ghosts of Rwanda

A decade after the genocide in which Hutu extremists killed some 800,000 Rwandans, PBS's Frontline takes a hard look at how such an atrocity occurred. The program examines the social, political and diplomatic conditions at the time of the genocide, provides firsthand accounts of the situation through interviews with officials, relief workers, U.N. peacekeepers, diplomats and survivors, and explore

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Invisible Children

Without having seen the suffering in Northern Uganda, I’m appalled frankly, it’s a moral outrage to see thousands of children that have been abducted, that are maltreated, that go through the most horrendous torture by the rebel movement and also the same groups now being neglected, to some extent, by the whole international community. I can not find any other part of the world having an emergency

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I, Psychopath

Psychopaths… we usually only know them from Hollywood movies. We never expect them to enter our real life. But, the psychopath is closer than you think. Experts believe their number to be as high as one in a hundred. Most of them function incognito in high-powered professions…all the way to the very top.But… it takes one to truly know one. In this intriguing documentary, Sam Vaknin, a self-procl

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