Posts By: Documentary Heaven

Slacker Uprising

Slacker Uprising’ takes place in the wake of Fahrenheit 9/11, during the run-up to the 2004 election, as I traveled for 42 days across America, visiting 62 cities in a failed attempt to remove George W. Bush from office.My goal was to help turn out a record number of young voters and others who had never voted before. (That part was a success. Young adults voted in greater numbers than in any

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Lost Lightning: The Missing Secrets of Nikola Tesla

Alpha waves in the human brain are between 6 and 8 hertz. The wave frequency of the human cavity resonates between 6 and 8 hertz. All biological systems operate in the same frequency range. The human brain’s alpha waves function in this range and the electrical resonance of the earth is between 6 and 8 hertz. Thus, our entire biological system – the brain and the earth itself – work on the same fr

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Slavery: A Global Investigation

The global economy has created immense wealth in the West, but it has also spawned a sinister new market in slaves – in Africa, Asia and South America, and on our own doorsteps in the capitals of Britain and the U.S. True Vision of London produced this 80-minute documentary, inspired by Free the Slaves President Kevin Bales’ award-winning book Disposable People, exposes cases of slavery around the

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The Secret Life of Plants

It means even on the lower levels of life, there is a profound consciousness or awareness that bonds all things together. Published in 1973, The Secret Life of Plants was written by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird. It is described as “A fascinating account of the physical, emotional, and spiritual relations between plants and man.” Essentially, the subject of the book is the idea that plants m

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WACO: The Rules of Engagement

We realize that you have the ability, and it’s not below you people, to do something like to erase all evidences. Why do you have the press so far back? You can give me any kind of crap you want, I know, you know, the reason we’re not talking to the press is you people have gotta cover your butts from what you did and that’s what’s goin’ on here. Waco: The Rules of Engagement is the first full-len

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Enemy Image

When Baghdad exploded under bombs, television chose to bring us fireworks. But does this distant and spectacular image tell us what is really happening on the ground, how it feels or what it means? Television has the means to take us anywhere and show us anything. It can bring us the physical experience of war with all its’ horrors, like no other medium, and yet the image of American war on televi

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The Phoenix Lights

The Phoenix Lights (sometimes referred to as the “lights over Phoenix”) were a series of widely sighted optical phenomena (generally unidentified flying objects) that occurred in the skies over the U.S. states of Arizona and Nevada, and the Mexican state of Sonora on March 13, 1997. A repeat of the lights occurred February 6, 2007, and was filmed by the local Fox News TV station. A similar inciden

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Nutrition and Behavior Aspartame (Lecture)

In this lecture, Dr. Russell Blaylock explains one of the most important connections between nutrition and our health, how nutrition affects our behavior. Citing a series of important studies, he shows that good nutrition can powerfully enhance our memory, mood, and behavior in a socially desirable way. Like wise he shows us that poor nutrition can lead our youth into a world of violence, crime,

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The Bin Laden Conspiracy

Whatever happened to the hunt for Bin Laden? In the wake of 9/11, President Bush vowed not to “rest until we find him.” But five years into the most expensive manhunt the world has ever seen, “Public Enemy Number One” remains at large. How has he continually evaded capture? In this controversial and fascinating documentary, key personnel involved in the search speak out. Was Osama Bin Laden resp

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